Rietje Willms

Photo of Rietje Willms, an elder woman. She has short white hair and fair skin, and is wearing a black turtleneck and white jacket. Her expression is solemn, and she is squinting slightly into the sun.Name: Rietje Willms.
Died: June 12, 2016.
Age at death: 80.
Cause of death: Morphine overdose.
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Disability: Dementia.

Rietje was the widow of a successful plumber and real estate dealer. She had inherited his money, and one of her four sons wanted it. When he saw that Rietje was getting dementia, he manipulated her into making him her sole heir. Then he locked her away in his house and neglected her; another of her sons said that sometimes, when he walked by the house, he could hear her in the house, crying to be let out. Rietje was eventually found dead with dangerous levels of morphine in her body and a morphine tablet under her tongue. When police questioned her son, he confessed to having poisoned her.

Case status:
Hans W. (Son), convicted of murder, sentenced to 15 years 9 months in prison.

Zoon definitief de cel in voor moord op Rietje Willms
Son held in senile mother’s death; Fight over inheritance alleged
Demente Rietje Willms (80) overleden door verwaarlozing eigen zoon
Man verdacht van bizarre moord op zijn eigen moeder om de erfenis
Vermoorde moeder over verdachte zoon: ‘We kunnen goed opschieten hoor’
‘Bejaarde vrouw vermoord om de erfenis’ – AT5: de nieuwszender van Amsterdam en omgeving
Bizarre moord om erfenis
Moord om de erfenis
‘Zoon vast wegens betrokkenheid bij dood moeder’

Lucas Mascini

Bulletin board covered with children's drawings with Dutch text, memorializing Lucas and Rosa.
Classmates’ memorial drawings for Lucas and Rosa V.

Name: Lucas Mascini (also called Lucas V).
Died: October 2, 2013.
Age at death: 8.
Cause of death: Stabbed.
Location: Apeldoorn, Netherlands.
Disability: “Severely disabled”.

Lucas and his six-year-old sister Rosa were murdered by their mother. Police say she told them she had been delusional and had been having trouble caring for her children, “especially her disabled son”.

Case status:
Aurélie V. (Mother); convicted of murder, sentenced to 12 years in prison.

Aurèlie V., de moeder die haar twee kinderen vermoorde stond vandaag voor de rechter
Moeder bracht haar kinderen om tijdens ‘nachtmerrie’
Hof veroordeelt Apeldoornse moeder tot 12 jaar cel voor doden van haar twee kinderen
Mother claims she was delusional when she killed her kids
Moeder doodde haar twee kinderen ‘in een waan’

Dominique J.

Blurry photo of a woman with Down syndrome. She is wearing a pink shirt, and her eyes are scrunched up in laughter, her tongue poking slightly from her mouth. She has pale skin and short brown hair with blonde streaks.Name: Dominique J.
Died: February 10, 2010.
Age at death: 47.
Cause of death: Wrists and throat cut.
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Disability: Down syndrome.

Dominique’s mother was afraid that her daughter would need institutional care; so she cut her daughter’s throat and wrists, killing her.

Dominique’s mother reported that her daughter had been assaulted and molested in an institution when she was younger. Dominique was supposed to go live with a sibling when her mother was no longer able to care for her.

Case Status:
Ronnie J. (Mother), convicted of murder, but not given a custodial sentence.

Ronnie J. toch veroordeeld
Dode vrouw in woning Korte Marnixkade
‘Moeder moet leven’ met de moord op dochter
Vrouw (84) doodde haar gehandicapte dochter: ‘Mijn Dootje is nu veilig’
Dominique Blank – Moordzaken.com

Betsy H.

No PhotoName: Betsy H.
Died: January 2, 2005.
Age at death: 51.
Cause of death: Suffocation.
Location: Hardenberg, Netherlands.
Disability: Intellectual disability, epilepsy.

For Betsy’s birthday, family and friends came to visit, but she cried through the afternoon. After the party guests had left, she had an epileptic seizure, during which her mother suffocated her with a pillow. Betsy’s mother confessed to the police afterward, but later claimed that she could not remember what she had done.

Case Status:
Margje H. (Mother), pleaded guilty to manslaughter, sentenced to 21 months in prison less time served.

Vrouw (80) verdacht van moord op gehandicapte dochter
Tachtigjarige doodde gehandicapte dochter – Blik op de Wereld
ECLI:NL:RBZLY:2005:AT4833, voorheen LJN AT4833, Rechtbank Zwolle-Lelystad, 07/400001-05