Daryne Gailey

Photo of an adult man with pale skin, large nose, and slanted eyebrows, black hair and beard, wearing a baseball cap and blue sweatshirt, holding a newborn infant with a scrunched face and pink skin.Name: Daryne Gailey.
Age at death: 29.
Disability: Epilepsy, intellectual disability.

Name: Charley Hendrick.
Age at death: 7 months.
Disability: None; she was the child of a disabled parent.

Died: November 23, 2014.
Cause of death: Homicidal violence.
Location: Oxford, Michigan, USA.

Daryne and his seven month old daughter, Charley, were killed by his mother. She slashed Daryne’s throat and then beat Charley to death. She believed Daryne and Charley would be “better off dead”.

Case status:
Sylvia Majewska; convicted of second-degree murder, sentenced to 25-50 years.

Records show darker side to grandma accused of murder
Offender Tracking Information System (OTIS) – Offender Profile