Debra Mae Shelton

Name: Debra Mae Shelton.
Died: June 14, 2015.
Age at death: 61.
Cause of death: Complications of untreated abscess.
Location: Carleton, Michigan, USA.
Disability: Diabetes, chronic illness.

Debra Mae had been badly neglected when she was brought in to the hospital. She died from complications of high blood sugar and an untreated abscess that had caused infection to spread throughout her body.

Case status:
Robert G. Shelton (Husband), pleaded no contest to second-degree vulnerable adult abuse, sentenced to 5 years probation.

Offender Tracking Information System (OTIS) – Offender Profile
Carleton man pleads in wife’s death
Debra Shelton’s Obituary
Debra Shelton
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