Demond Hudson Jr.

Photo of a fair-skinned, bald baby with a slightly enlarged head; he looks upset.Name: Demond Hudson Jr.
Died: February 16, 2016.
Age at death: 6 months.
Cause of death: Head injury, trauma, pneumonia.
Location: Des Moines, Washington, USA.
Disability: Hydrocephalus.

Desmond’s hydrocephalus went untreated even though his head was obviously bigger than it should have been. When he died, he had broken bones and head injuries and was malnourished.

Case status:
Demond Hudson (Father), charged with second-degree murder; incarcerated as of 2/17/2023.
BJ Silipa (Mother), charged with second-degree murder.

Charge: Couple neglected baby to death, then blamed lack of insurance
Police: Dad blamed ‘ego,’ lack of insurance for baby’s death
Parents of Des Moines baby who suffered devastating injuries charged with murder