Qyzra Walji

Photo of Qyzra Walji, a young woman with straight brown hair and tan skin, smiling broadly. A wheelchair head rest is visible behind her head.Name: Qyzra Walji.
Died: October 31, 2013.
Age at death: 21.
Cause of death: Gunshot.
Location: London, Ontario, Canada.
Disability: Cerebral palsy.

When she was about six years old, Qyzra’s parents immigrated to Canada from Tanzania, so that she could get good education and health care.

She was a bright student whose friends remember her smile fondly; she was always smiling. She liked fashion, pop culture, and boys.

She wrote an article in Girls’ Life about her experiences. You can read it here:
The Story Of A Girl With Cerebral Palsy

When their temporary visas expired and the government of Canada planned to deport them, Qyzra’s father shot her and her mother Shyroz in a murder-suicide.

Case status:
Mohamed Walji (Father), deceased.

Mohamed Walji killed his wife and severely disabled daughter, then himself, but questions remain
Listening to Qyzra
The Story Of A Girl With Cerebral Palsy
Waljis? relative says Immigration at root of family’s desperation
A building super, his wife and disabled daughter were found dead
London police confirm family of murder-suicide died from gunshot wounds
Police search for motive in tragic murder-suicide death of London, Ontario family | National Post
Triple death was murder-suicide