Ursula Cabalzar

Photo of Ursula Cabalzar, a heavyset woman wearing a red sweater. Her graying blonde hair is cut short; she has sunglasses propped up on her head. Her skin is pink.Name: Ursula Cabalzar.
Died: August 8, 2017.
Age at death: 68.
Cause of death: Gunshot.
Location: Santa Clara, California, USA.
Disability: Killer believed she had dementia.

Ursula’s husband believed she was in the early stages of dementia, so instead of going to a doctor, he shot her dead and then killed himself.

Case status:
Michael Reyer (Husband), deceased.

Ursula Cabalzar, age 68
Police Investigate 2 Deaths in Santa Clara as Murder-Suicide
PRESS RELEASE – Murder / Suicidea
Santa Clara murder-suicide: Mental decline cited as motive for killing