Name: Cesina Bambina Damiani. Died: February 12, 2023. Age at death: 88. Cause of death: Strangled. Location: Casoli, Chieti, Italy. Disability: Visually impaired; required caregiver.
Cesina’s son allegedly strangled her, leaving a note apologizing for the crime. Police found him injured after a suicide attempt.
Case Status:
Francesco Rotunno (Son), hospitalized and suspected of murder.
Name: Yoshiko Gano. Died: February 6, 2023. Age at death: 78. Cause of death: Gunshot. Location: Kapolei (Makakilo), Hawaii, USA. Disability: Alzheimer’s disease.
Yoshiko was shot by her husband in a murder-suicide.
She liked spending time with her grandchildren and posting photos of food, both home-cooked and from restaurants, on social media.
Name: Antonio Tatasciore. Died: January 29, 2023. Age at death: 74. Cause of death: Strangled. Location: Ortona, Chieti, Italy. Disability: Unspecified; mental or neurological.
Antonio’s brother strangled him before taking his own life, leaving a letter that stated he was frustrated that he could not find a care home for Antonio.
Case Status:
Roberto Tatasciore (Brother), deceased.
Name: Mary Fischer. Died: January 13, 2023. Age at death: 72. Cause of death: Unspecified homicide. Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Disability: Chronic illness.
Mary’s husband called emergency services, saying he had killed her and was going to kill himself. Responders who entered Mary’s home found her and her husband both dead.
Name: Sandra Brown. Died: December 8, 2022. Age at death: 69. Cause of death: Unspecified homicide. Location: Huddersfield, England, UK. Disability: Chronic illness, wheelchair user.
Sandra was found dead at home; her husband was charged with murder.
Sandra loved gardening. As a member of the Neighborhood Watch, she used to keep her street clean by picking up litter.
Case Status:
Michael Brown (Husband), charged with murder.
Name Unknown. Died: December 4, 2022. Age at death: 67. Cause of death: Dehydration. Location: Puente de Vallecas, Madrid, Spain. Disability: Multiple sclerosis, COPD, Alzheimer’s.
When she fell and could not get up, this woman’s husband allegedly left her on the floor, without caring for her or calling for help, for five days. When she died, he called emergency services, who found her in filthy conditions. Her husband had been reported for domestic abuse twice before.
Case Status:
Her husband, arrested; charged with murder and sexist hate-crime/domestic violence.
Name: Vincent Roebuck. Died: November 16, 2022. Age at death: 72. Cause of death: Stabbing. Location: Mt. Washington, Pennsylvania, USA. Disability: Wheelchair user.
Vincent’s son allegedly broke into his house and stabbed him to death. Vincent’s other son was also stabbed, but survived.
Case Status:
Javon Taylor (Son), charged with criminal homicide, aggravated assault, reckless endangerment, and burglary.
Name: Alice Matheny. Died: November 15, 2022. Age at death: 93. Cause of death: Drowning. Location: Eaton, Ohio, USA. Disability: Disabled elder.
Alice’s granddaughter, who had just found out that Alice needed a nursing home and her insurance wouldn’t cover it, allegedly drowned her grandmother in the kitchen sink.
Case Status:
Heidi Matheny (Granddaughter), pleaded guilty to murder.
Flowers left for Teruko Fujiwara at the scene of her death.
Name: Teruko Fujiwara. Died: November 2, 2022. Age at death: 79. Cause of death: Drowning. Location: Oiso, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. Disability: Unspecified; wheelchair user.
Ms. Fujiwara’s husband had been her caregiver for 40 years since she was injured and started using a wheelchair. The two were planning to enter an assisted-living facility, and Ms. Fujiwara was looking forward to it. But her husband did not want to accept help; he took her to the pier and pushed her out of her wheelchair and into the ocean, where she drowned. Police say he admitted to the murder, saying he was “worn out” from looking after her.
Ms. Fujiwara leaves behind two grown sons.
Case Status:
Hiroshi Fujiwara (Husband), convicted of murder, sentenced to 3 years.