Mr. Chan

No PhotoName: Chan (given name or surname; other names unknown).
Died: May 12, 2024.
Age at death: 32.
Cause of death: Carbon monoxide poisoning.
Location: Kwai Chung, Hong Kong, China.
Disability: Intellectual disability.

Mr. Chan’s aunt was worried about him and his mother because she had found out that he was absent from work. Using a spare key to enter his apartment, she found him and his mother dead, with a burned-out charcoal cooker and suicide note. She was reportedly depressed because she had been diagnosed with heart disease and thought she could not take care of her son.

Mr. Chan worked in a sheltered workshop.

Case Status:
Ms. Wong (Mother), deceased.

Depressed mother kills intellectually challenged son in murder-suicide
Murder and suicide in Kwai Chung
Parental stress linked to Kwai Fong murder-suicide

Edward Cheng

No PhotoName: Edward Cheng Kin-wong.
Died: March 27, 2024.
Age at death: 84.
Cause of death: Suffocation.
Location: Kowloon, Hong Kong, China.
Disability: Dementia, muscular dystrophy.

Mr. Cheng’s domestic help entered his bedroom to find him dead on his bed, and his wife hurt, apparently having tried to take her own life. Mr. Cheng had his nose and mouth covered with tape. Police suspect that his wife, worried about her ability to care for him, had smothered him.

Case Status:
Cheng Ying-lee (Wife), charged with murder.

Hong Kong woman, 71, charged with murder after husband, 84, found dead in bed
Hong Kong woman, 71, charged with murder after dementia-suffering husband, 84, found dead in bed
Elderly woman charged with husband’s murder in Kowloon City tragedy to appear in court on 30th March
Elderly couple in grim murder-suicide case
April court date for woman charged with murder of husband, 84, in Hong Kong

Fat-lun Wong

No PhotoName: Fat-lun Wong.
Died: September 5, 2020.
Age at death: 21.
Cause of death: Suffocation.
Location: Hong Kong, China.
Disability: Intellectual disability.

Investigators believe that Fat-lun’s mother strangled him with a plastic tablecloth.

Fat-lun was a student at Tsui Tsin Tong School, a residential care home for children with intellectual disabilities. At age 21, he had just grown too old to stay there.

Case status:
Xueping Chen (Mother), pleaded guilty to manslaughter; sentenced to 1 year, to be served in a psychiatric hospital to treat her depression.

Hong Kong mother sent to psychiatric ward for killing mentally disabled son
Hong Kong police arrest mother after son dies in suspected murder-suicide bid
Mom held at hospital over death of handicapped son
Mother charged over handicapped son’s death

Chun Li

No PhotoName: Chun Li.
Died: February 4, 2019.
Age at death: 35.
Cause of death: Burns.
Location: Yulin, Shaanxi Province, China.
Disability: Polio; intellectual disability, mobility impaired.

Chun Li lived with her father until a woman approached them, saying her 65-year-old father wanted to marry Ms. Li, because of burial customs in Shaanxi Province, where they lived.

Tradition says that a person cannot rest in peace unless they are buried with a spouse. People who die single may be buried with paper dolls; the wealthy can afford to buy the body of an unidentified person in order to bury their relatives with a posthumously-married “spouse.”

The man’s daughter decided against purchasing someone’s bones because that was a crime and decided to approach Chun Li’s father instead.  When Chun Li’s father agreed to marry her to a 65-year-old man, the agreement was that her husband would care for her, and after he died, her daughter-in-law and grandson would care for her. When she died a natural death, she would be buried next to him as his spouse, to allow him to rest in peace. They agreed to pay a bride price, and Chun Li was forced to marry him.

Four years later, Chun Li’s husband had grown worried that if he died first, she might not be buried with him because she was disabled. Allegedly, he decided that Chun Li should die first and set his house on fire, killing Ms. Li.

Case status:
Liantang Zhu (Husband), arrested; confessed to murder.

Man who wed disabled woman for ritual admits burning her to death
Chinese man, 69, married disabled woman, 35, for burial ritual. Then he burned her to death
Chinese Man Who Wed Disabled Woman Half His Age for Folk Burial Ritual Burns Her Alive

“Miss He”

Photo of two Chinese toddlers, a boy in a black and red coat, and a girl in a purple coat. The boy has his arms around the girl. Their eyes are pixelated to keep them anonymous.Name: “Miss He” (Pseudonym).
Died: October 11, 2018.
Age at death: 3.
Cause of death: Drowning.
Location: Evening Village, Hunan Province, China.
Disability: Epilepsy.

Miss He’s father was worried about having taken out loans to pay for her medical care, so he decided to buy life insurance and fake his own death. Not telling his wife what he was doing, he drove his car into a river. Three weeks later, thinking him dead, Miss He’s mother took her and her four-year-old brother to the river and drowned herself and both children.

Case status:
“Dai Guihua” (Mother–pseudonym), deceased.

A Murder-Suicide by His Wife Foiled a Man’s Fake Death
Woman kills herself after husband’s ‘death’
Devastated wife kills herself and her two kids after husband FAKES his own death for insurance payout without revealing his plan
A Chinese woman kills herself and her children after her husband faked his own death
Woman kills herself after husband’s ‘death’
湖南一男子假死骗保 反致妻子带着一双儿女自杀_

Xuan Xuan

No PhotoName: Xuan Xuan
Died: June 25, 2018.
Age at death: 9.
Cause of death: Drowning.
Location: Jiangning, Nanjing, China.
Disability: Cerebral palsy.

Xuan’s grandfather was annoyed that he had spent so much trying to treat her cerebral palsy. He and her father allegedly put bricks in her backpack, put the backpack on her, and threw her in the river to drown.

Case status:
Her father, surnamed Yang; arrested, confessed to murder.
Yang Mousong (Grandfather); arrested, confessed to murder.

Father, grandpa admit killing 9-year-old girl with cerebral palsy, China police say
Girl with Learning Difficulties Murdered by Father & Grandfather
Children with cerebral palsy are drowned by their fathers and grandchildren drowning in the media: poverty is not a reason.
Father and grandfather confess to drowning nine-year-old girl with cerebral palsy
Girls with cerebral palsy are being drowned by their dearest relatives.

Mae-Kim Lem

No PhotoName: Mae-Kim Lem.
Died: June 5, 2018.
Age at death: 76.
Cause of death: Choking.
Location: Shau Kei Wan, Hong Kong, China.
Disability: Stroke (Mobility impaired, visually impaired), thyroid disorder, arthritis.

Lem’s husband killed her by choking her to death. He claimed he had been worried who would care for her if he died.

Case status:
Wong Kok-man (Husband), pleaded guilty to manslaughter, sentenced to 2 years in jail; due to be released after about 1 month with credit for time served.

‘A tragic case’: Judge frees elderly man who killed disabled wife due to fear no one would care for her if he died
殺癱妻 官輕判八旬翁卑微希望:幫吓我哋就少好多悲劇
【法外開恩】黃國萬悲情殺妻 求情信揭欲輕生 留命為控雙老哀歌

Cheng Ting-hin

Blurry photo of a boy with dark hair being carried by an adult.Name: Cheng Ting-hin.
Died: March 18, 2018.
Age at death: 6.
Cause of death: Strangled.
Location: Hong Kong, China.
Disability: ADHD.

Soon after being diagnosed with ADHD, Cheng was murdered by his grandmother, who strangled him with the straps of a backpack. She left a note that said she “didn’t want the boy to live a difficult life”.

The little boy was a Primary One student whom neighbors remember as “kind and polite”.

Case status:
Kan Kwai-fong (Grandmother), pleaded guilty to manslaughter by reason of diminished responsibility, sentenced to 5 years.

Woman jailed five years over strangling her grandson, six
Grandmother arrested for murder of boy, 6, found with strangulation marks in Hong Kong love hotel
Police arrest woman for murder of 6-year-old grandson in Hong Kong hotel
Grandma accused of killing ADHD boy, 6
Gran charged with killing boy
Gran on murder rap in hospital
‘Taken for granted’: elderly carers looking after special needs children

Yuk-Kwai Liu

No PhotoName: Yuk-Kwai Liu.
Died: October 8, 2017.
Age at death: 77.
Cause of death: Knife wounds.
Location: Kwai Chung, Hong Kong.
Disability: Chronic illness (heart and kidney disease; arthritis), wheelchair user.

Ms. Liu’s son decided it was “too tough” to take care of her, so he allegedly stabbed her to death.

Case status:
Mr. Lee (Son), charged with murder.

Woman, 77, found dead at home after son jumps from window
Suicide bid of son fails as mom found hacked dead
Man, 34, arrested in killing of ill mother

Lam Mei-kam

No PhotoName: Lam Mei-kam.
Died: June 6, 2017.
Age at death: 76.
Cause of death: Asphyxia.
Location: Hong Kong.
Disability: Stroke, wheelchair user, chronic illness.

Lam was strangled to death by her husband, who said that he had been worried no one would look after her if he died.

Case status:
Wong Kwok-man (Husband), pleaded guilty to manslaughter, sentenced to 2 years, released on time served, reduced for good behavior.

‘A tragic case’: Judge frees elderly man who killed disabled wife due to fear no one would care for her if he died
Hong Kong man who ‘strangled disabled wife feared no one would take care of her if he fell sick’
Man ‘strangled his disabled wife to end her suffering’