Melony Granados

No PhotoName: Melony Granados.
Died: January 23, 2025.
Age at death: 13.
Cause of death: Head injury.
Location: Tempe, Arizona, USA.
Disability: Myoclonic atonic epilepsy, intellectual disability.

Medics responded to Melony’s house to find her unresponsive, covered in bruises and sores. Her grandmother told the doctors that Melony had fallen down the stairs. Melony was taken to the hospital but died the next morning.

Further investigation revealed a makeshift cage made from a bunk bed. Police say her family admitted to keeping Melony in the cage, which was extremely dirty.

Case Status:
Virginia Lujan (Grandmother), charged with felony child abuse.
Jami Hodges (Mother), charged with felony child abuse.

Grandmother Charged In Disabled Teen’s Death After 13-Year-Old Was Kept In A Cage
Mother, grandmother arrested in connection to death of 13-year-old girl
Teen with mental age of toddler dies after being forced to live in cage
Grandmother Charged In Disabled Teen’s Death After 13-Year-Old Was Kept In A Cage
Tempe 13-year-old dead after being found in cage; grandmother suspected in death
Police probe caged Tempe teen’s death

Anupriya Kumar

No PhotoName: Anupriya Kumar.
Died: January 6, 2025.
Age at death: 5.
Cause of death: Poisoned.
Location: Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
Disability: Autism.

Anupriya’s parents fatally poisoned her and her two-year-old brother, Priyansh; then they died by suicide. Authorities believe that the killings had to do with their father’s recent failed business venture and Anupriya’s autism.

Case Status:
Anup Kumar (Father) and Rakhi Kumar (Mother) are deceased.

Family found dead in Bengaluru: police suspect land dispute and daughter’s disability as reasons
Techie, wife and minor children found dead at home in Bengaluru
Bengaluru Techie, Wife Kill Their Children, Then Die By Suicide
Did daughter’s health, non-starter venture in UP led Bengaluru couple to murder-suicide pact
Bengaluru techie and wife poison two kids before committing suicide

Jayden Dixon

No PhotoName: Jayden Dixon.
Died: January 5, 2025.
Age at death: 11.
Cause of death: Smothered.
Location: Meridian, California, USA.
Disability: Autism.

When Jayden wasn’t seen outside for several days and his trailer was eerily quiet, his neighbors grew worried. One of them approached Jayden’s mother, who argued with the neighbor. The trailer park manager saw them and called the police because Jayden’s mother appeared intoxicated. Police responding to the disturbance found Jayden’s body in the trailer; he had been suffocated, and their three dogs were also dead.

Jayden was good friends with a neighbor’s child; both were autistic, so they understood each other very well. Jayden was known for giving hugs to his friends.

Case Status:
Meagan Dixon (Mother), charged with murder, child abuse resulting in great bodily injury, and three counts related to cruelty toward animals.

Homicide investigation at Lovey’s Landing in Sutter County: New details emerge
Meridian mother accused of killing 11-year-old son
Police Say Calif. Mom Was Causing Disturbance. Then They Found Boy, 11, and 3 Dogs Dead
No plea is entered in death of child, 11


No PhotoName: Khushi.
Died: November 29, 2024.
Age at death: 16.
Cause of death: Poisoned.
Location: Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Disability: Mobility impaired.

Khushi’s uncle found her dead on her bed; her father, who had lost his job eight months previously, had hanged himself in the kitchen, where investigators also found a packet of poison which they believe he gave to Khushi. Despite the lack of a suicide note, the authorities concluded that he must have been motivated by “the financial strain and the responsibility of taking care of his daughter”.

Case Status:
Chandraprakesh (Father), deceased.

Agra Shocker: Struggling With Depression After Losing His Job, Shoe Craftsman Poisons Disabled Daughter to Death; Hangs Self
Agra: Jobless Father Poisons Differently-abled Daughter To Death, Later Hangs Self


No PhotoName: Gael (Surname unknown).
Died: November 17, 2024.
Age at death: 4.
Cause of death: Unspecified abuse and neglect.
Location: Sete Lagoas, Brazil.
Disability: Cerebral palsy.

When Gael died, his mother called a funeral director to remove the body; but when the funeral home sent an employee, they saw the condition of Gael’s body and called police. He was lying in a damp room, on a dirty mattress; he had injuries on his body, was very malnourished and dirty, and had rotten teeth.

Case Status:
Gael’s mother and stepfather were arrested on suspicion of murder.

Tragic Death of Child with Cerebral Palsy Reveals Shocking Signs of Violence
​Criança com paralisia cerebral é encontrada morta e mãe e padrasto são presos em Sete Lagoas
Criança com paralisia cerebral é morta em MG; casal é preso por suspeita de maus-tratos
Casal é preso após criança com paralisia cerebral morrer com sinais de maus-tratos e desnutrição
Criança com paralisia morta em casa vivia em situação ‘lamentável’, diz tia

Florence Albert

No PhotoName: Florence Albert.
Died: November 17, 2024.
Age at death: 94.
Cause of death: Gunshot.
Location: Rochester, New York, USA.
Disability: Unspecified; nursing home resident.

Florence’s son walked into her nursing home and shot her in a murder-suicide.

Case Status:
Robert Albert (Son), deceased.

Rochester police identify man, woman dead after murder-suicide at nursing home
Two people are dead after apparent murder-suicide at a nursing home in Rochester
RPD: Son shoots and kills mother at nursing home, then kills himself
RPD: Man kills mother in murder-suicide at nursing home
City, county emergency teams carefully help residents during nursing home murder-suicide
Assemblymember, nurses’ union weigh in on nursing home safety after murder-suicide

Esther Nakakande

No PhotoName: Esther Nakakande.
Died: November 9, 2024.
Age at death: 20.
Cause of death: Starvation, torture.
Location: Mairye Village, Wakiso District, Central Region, Uganda.
Disability: Unspecified.

When one of Esther’s relatives came to visit her, he was horrified to find her dead. Esther’s relatives found that her body was covered in wounds, and she was emaciated. They believe her father and stepmother, who have been arrested, tortured Esther and did not feed her enough in the four months she stayed with them before she died.

Case Status:
Elemiya Kibirige (Father), arrested on suspicion of murder.
Justine Zalwango (Stepmother), arrested on suspicion of murder.

Wakiso Couple Netted for Starving Disabled Daughter to Death
Couple Held Over Death of Disabled Girl

89-year-old woman

No PhotoName Unknown.
Died: October 24, 2024.
Age at death: 89.
Cause of death: Gunshot.
Location: Pottstown, Pennsylvania, USA.
Disability: Unspecified; nursing home resident.

This woman’s husband came to visit her at her nursing home, shot her dead, and shot himself.

Case Status:
Ruled murder-suicide. Her husband died that night at the hospital.

Husband, wife die in murder-suicide in nursing home
DA: Shooter in murder-suicide at East Coventry senior living facility dies overnight
Shooting at Chester County nursing and care facility was ‘murder-attempted suicide,’ DA says [Updated]
Murder-attempted suicide at Chester County nursing home
89-year-old woman killed in murder and attempted suicide at Chester County nursing home, DA says

Lalita Dubey

No PhotoName: Lalita Dubey.
Died: October 19, 2024.
Age at death: 80.
Cause of death: Malnutrition/dehydration.
Location: Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Disability: Disabled elder; bedridden.

Lalita lived with her son, who cared for her; but when her son left for vacation, he allegedly left her behind. Her other son, who went to her house to check on her when he learned what had happened, found her dead of hunger and thirst. She had been unable to get out of her bed to get water, food, or medication.

Case Status:
Arun (Son) was charged with unintentional murder and violation of the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act.

Bhopal Shocker: Son Goes Out of City, Leaving Bedridden Mother Locked Inside House, She Dies Due to Hunger and Thirst
Elderly woman dies in Bhopal after son locks her inside home, goes out of city
MP: Man Locks Elderly Mother Inside Room Of House In Nishatpura To Head Outstation, Woman Dies

7-day-old girl

No PhotoName Unknown.
Died: October 10, 2024.
Age at death: 7 days.
Cause of death: Asphyxiation.
Location: Cheongju-si, South Korea.
Disability: Congenital disorder of the arms.

In the hospital where she was born, and only a week after her birth, this baby girl was found dead from suffocation with her face down. Her parents said they had put her to bed face-up, but woken to discover her face-down. Since she was too young to have rolled over by herself, investigators were suspicious.

The baby’s parents were initially charged with manslaughter, but police say that evidence found on the parents’ phones proves that they had deliberately planned to kill the child, upgrading the charge to murder. They also say that the couple complained to their gynecologist that they should have had a prenatal diagnosis by ultrasound, and that the gynecologist responded by telling them where the care home had no CCTV cameras and offered to issue the infant’s death certificate.

Case Status:
Her parents and their gynecologist are all charged with murder.

In connection with the mysterious death of a one-week-old disabled infant at a postpartum care center
Infants in postpartum care center died. Mother in her 30s arrested
Cheongju disabled child murder case
A biological mother in her 30s accused of killing a baby born with an arm disability has been arrested