A’niyah Perry

Photo of a toddler girl wearing a pink print long-sleeved shirt. Her skin is light tan and her hair, pulled into a huge white satin bow, is curly and brown; she is half-smiling for the camera, and one of her small hands is tucked in close to her body.Name: A’niyah Perry.
Died: May 1, 2023.
Age at death: 6.
Cause of death: Malnutrition.
Location: Hinesville, Georgia, USA.
Disability: Cerebral palsy.

Emergency responders were called to A’niyah’s home for a report of an unresponsive child. They found A’niyah’s body, emaciated and weighing only 28 pounds; investigators determined she had died from malnutrition, and examination of the home showed a dirty environment with almost no food available. Child services had been alerted to A’niyah’s case when she was treated for a broken leg, which medical professionals said was non-accidental but her mother said had come from falling off the bed; A’niyah had also been missing medical appointments. Her non-custodial father had also been attempting to get help for A’niya for two years, but, he says, “No one ever listened to me.”

Case Status:
Shelly Perry (Mother), charged with child cruelty through starvation, tampering with evidence, false statements, and concealment of a death.
Brandon Robinson (Mother’s boyfriend), charged with child cruelty through starvation, tampering with evidence, false statements, and concealment of a death.

What happened to A’niyah? Report sheds new light on what Hinesville police found after child’s death
Records detail abuse investigation years before Hinesville 6-year-old died
Obituary for A’Niyah Sandrea Perry at SMALLS FUNERAL HOME, INC.
Father of 6-year-old found dead in Hinesville home says he had been worried for his daughter for years

Ray Crammond

No PhotoName: Ray Crammond.
Died: April 29, 2023.
Age at death: 73.
Cause of death: Pneumonia; bedsores.
Location: Ankeny, Iowa, USA.
Disability: Unspecified; bedridden.

Medics were called to Ray’s house and found him in a terrible condition, with severe bedsores. Eight days later, he died in the hospital from pneumonia. Court documents say that Ray had been left without food water, baths, or medication.

Ray was a retired agricultural engineer.

Case Status:
Diana Lynn Becker-Abeyta (Unlicensed live-in caretaker), charged with second-degree murder.

Live-in caretaker murders bedridden elderly man in Iowa: Police
Ankeny woman charged with murder in death of 73-year-old, bedridden man
Ankeny caretaker charged in death of 73-year-old bedridden man
Ray Crammond Obituary

Eliana Gonzalez

Photo of a young girl sitting at a table, wearing a fluffy pink robe. She has light skin and long black hair with a pink bow in it and a mouse-ears headband.Name: Eliana “Nichie” Paloma Gonzalez.
Died: April 7, 2023.
Age at death: 7.
Cause of death: Hit by car.
Location: Prunedale, California, USA.
Disability: Autism.

Eliana left her home and was killed when she tried to cross a highway and was hit by a car. Police believe her father, fully aware of the danger to Eliana, deliberately took no precautions to prevent the accident.

Eliana’s name has been variously reported as Eliana Paloma, Eliana Gonzalez, and Nichie Paloma.

Case Status:
Jermain Gonzalez (Father), charged with second-degree murder and child abuse; pleaded no contest to voluntary manslaughter and child abuse, sentenced to 10 years.

Prunedale dad convicted for daughter’s death on Highway 101
7-year-old girl killed while trying to cross Highway 101
Prunedale dad convicted for daughter’s death on Highway 101
7-year-old girl killed while trying to cross Highway 101
Autism Memorial: Eliana Gonzalez
Monterey County Father Charged with Murder After 7-Year-Old Daughter Tragically Killed on Highway 101
Prunedale father charged with murder in death of autistic daughter
Father arrested after daughter, 7, killed on Highway 101 in Monterey County
DA: Arraignment postponed for father of girl killed while trying to cross Highway 101

Rosa Hargrave

Photo of a heavyset girl with pale skin and dark-brown hair in a ponytail. She is wearing a red SpongeBob Christmas shirt and pink print pajama bottoms. Name: Rosa “May May” Hargrave.
Died: March 2, 2023.
Age at death: 12.
Cause of death: Sepsis; untended wounds.
Location: Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
Disability: Autism, ADHD, asthma.

Rosa lived in unsanitary conditions, was poorly cared for, and often had to be treated for skin infections. She died of sepsis after one such infection went untreated until it spread to her bloodstream.

Rosa was a “girly girl” who loved all things pink; she enjoyed watching YouTube videos.

Case Status:
Rosa Hargrave (Mother), pleaded guilty to neglect of a dependent resulting in bodily injury, sentenced to 3 years house arrest and 4 years probation.
Charles Turner (Mother’s boyfriend), pleaded guilty to neglect of a dependent resulting in bodily injury, sentenced to probation.
Felicia Hargrave (Aunt), pleaded guilty to neglect of a dependent resulting in bodily injury, sentenced to probation.

Indy mom avoids jail time after daughter dies from infected wound
Obituary for Rosa May Hargrave | Fountain Square Mortuary
3 charged with neglect in death of Indy 12-year-old, mice and feces found inside home
Autism Memorial: Rosa Hargrave

Caleb Gonzales

Photo of a teenage boy sitting in a wheelchair. He has pale skin; he is smiling. He is wearing a red and black baseball cap, a black T-shirt, red shorts, and gray fingerless gloves. He is smiling, head tilted forward and to one side.Name: Caleb Elazar Gonzales.
Died: February 25, 2023.
Age at death: 16.
Cause of death: Died after neglect.
Location: Lago Vista, Texas, USA.
Disability: Physical and mental disabilities.

Caleb’s body was found buried in a vacant lot, where his mother had allegedly hidden it after he died following months of medical neglect.

Caleb liked being outside, taking walks and looking at the trees at a lake. He enjoyed SpongeBob cartoons and Adam Sandler movies.

Case Status:
Veronica Marie Soriano (Mother), charged with tampering with evidence.

Former Lago Vista city employee buried her disabled teen, did not report his death: warrant
Woman accused of hiding handicapped son’s death from police after body discovered
Woman accused of burying her disabled child in empty lot after not reporting his death
Former City of Lago Vista employee charged with corpse tampering after police find body
Caleb Gonzales Obituary – Pflugerville, TX

George Singleton

Photo of an African American man sitting in a chair, his head down, looking at his hands, which are folded in his lap. His skin is medium-brown and he has short, very curly dark hair. His lower lip is stuck out, and his forehead is wrinkled.Name: George Singleton.
Died: February 18, 2023.
Age at death: 32.
Cause of death: Blood loss.
Location: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
Disability: Autism, physical and mental disability, seizure disorder.

George had been living with his brother’s girlfriend for four months when someone called emergency services to report his death. Responders found George curled up on the floor dead from blood loss through a stab wound that had reached his femoral artery. His caregivers reported that he had accidentally stabbed himself trying to open a can of food.

On further investigation, police say, they realized that George’s caregivers had been starving him–his body showed signs of malnutrition and abuse. They also say that George’s caregivers waited more than six hours to call for help after he was injured, and that, if they had called sooner, George would have survived.

Case Status:
Kyana Traylor (Brother’s girlfriend), charged with manslaughter.

New Orleans woman charged with manslaughter in disabled man’s death
New Orleans woman accused of starving, beating disabled man before he died of blood loss
New Orleans Woman Arrested, Accused of Abuse of Disabled Man
Autism Memorial: George Singleton

James Parham

Photo of a man sitting in a wheelchair. He is wearing a white T-shirt printed with a logao and a worn beige baseball cap. He has light skin, fuzzy gray hair, and a sparse mustache and beard. One of his eyes is pointed off to the side, and his hands are thin and bent with contractures.Name: James “Little Jimmie” Parham.
Died: February 13, 2023.
Age at death: 40.
Cause of death: Unspecified neglect.
Location: Clarksville, Tennessee, USA.
Disability: Unspecified.

James, called Little Jimmie, died from alleged neglect while in the care of his father and nephew.

Jimmie was a car enthusiast who enjoyed going to car shows.

Case Status:
James Parham Sr. (Father), charged with first-degree murder and aggravated neglect of a vulnerable adult resulting in serious physical harm.
Austin Parham (Nephew), charged with first-degree murder and aggravated neglect of a vulnerable adult resulting in serious physical harm.

Father, nephew charged with killing disabled man last February in Montgomery County – ClarksvilleNow.com
James Parham – ClarksvilleNow.com

16-year-old boy

No PhotoName Unknown.
Died: January 31, 2023.
Age at death: 16.
Cause of death: Complications of ulcerative colitis.
Location: Salem Township, Michigan, USA.
Disability: Chronic illness.

This 16-year-old boy was found dead from untreated medical problems after a long history of medical neglect by his family.

Case Status:
Cheryl D’Angola (Mother), charged with involuntary manslaughter and child abuse; died while awaiting trial.

Woman charged with homicide in son’s death dies at Washtenaw County Jail

Cora Laszkiewicz

No PhotoName: Cora Laszkiewicz.
Died: January 4, 2023.
Age at death: 23.
Cause of death: Malnutrition.
Location: Pewaukee, Wisconsin, USA.
Disability: Autism.

Cora died of malnutrition under the care of her mother.

Case Status:
Amy Laszkiewicz (Mother), pleaded no contest to recklessly subjecting an at-risk individual to abuse causing death.

Mother enters plea in malnutrition death of autistic daughter
Mom pleads guilty for allowing adult daughter with ‘severe autism’ to starve to death
Pewaukee mother accused of killing autistic daughter enters plea, avoids trial
Mother charged in malnutrition death of autistic daughter
Mother allegedly allowed her daughter with “severe autism” to starve herself to death
Pewaukee woman charged in death of malnourished autistic adult daughter
Autism Memorial: Cora Laszkiewicz

Jessie Pickle

Photo of a smiling boy with fair skin and short brown hair, dressed in a brown coat over a red flannel shirt, pointing toward the camera. He is smiling, mouth open.Name: Jessie Pickle.
Died: December 26, 2022.
Age at death: 10.
Cause of death: Untreated infection.
Location: Athens, Texas, USA.
Disability: Autism, fetal alcohol syndrome.

Jessie died from an untreated infection while in the care of his stepmother. Videos provided to the police by his father, who spent long periods away at work and monitored his children with video cameras, show Jessie’s stepmother responding to his obvious illness by locking him in his room for the night; in the morning, she found Jessie dead.

Case Status:
Shonna Pickle (Stepmother), charged with injury to a child.

Autism Memorial: Jessie Pickle
Athens woman arrested in death of 10-year-old autistic non-verbal stepson
Affidavit: Athens woman’s abuse, neglect led to death of child