Gary Henderson

No PhotoName: Gary Henderson.
Died: August 28, 1996.
Age at death: 35.
Cause of death: Traumatic injury, asphyxia, possibly drowning.
Location: Lansvale, New South Wales, Australia.
Disability: Mobility impaired, intellectual disability.

Gary lived in a caravan with a couple who held his bank card and handled his finances; they were also intellectually disabled, but not as vulnerable as Gary. They were known to dislike him, and had been harassing him over his lack of hygiene and accusing him, sans evidence, of being a pedophile. When a friend of the family visited and beat Gary severely, no one called for help. Gary died either from the beating, from his injuries due to neglect, or from drowning when he was dumped at a boat dock.

Case Status:
Susan Hall (Household member), pleaded guilty to manslaughter, given suspended sentence.
Colin Simpson (Acquaintance), pleaded guilty to maliciously inflicting grievous bodily harm, sentenced to time served.
Colin Hanslow (Household member), pleaded guilty to accessory after the fact to the infliction of grievous bodily harm, released on good behavior bond.

The Uncounted
Regina v Hall [1999] NSWSC 738 (23 July 1999)

Joan Vollmer

Photo of Joan Vollmer, standing outside her house. She has short curly red hair and fair skin and is wearing a red turtleneck.Name: Joan Vollmer.
Died: January 30, 1993.
Age at death: 49.
Cause of death: Asphyxia, heart attack.
Location: Antwerp, Victoria, Australia.
Disability: Schizophrenia, depression/anxiety.

When Joan had an episode of psychosis, her husband decided that she was possessed. He and three others tied Joan to her bed and then to a chair, refusing her food and water and beating her to try to exorcise the demons. Joan died after four days of torture.

Case status:
Ralph Vollmer (Husband), suspended sentence.
Leanne Reichenbach, sentenced to 4 months in prison.
David Klinger, sentenced to 3 months in prison.
Matthew Nuske, suspended sentence.

The people who own it don’t want to live there House abandoned after bizarre exorcism
The Exorcism of Joan Vollmer
A Terrible Exorcism
Exorcism Goes Wrong in Victoria