Rekha Baloliya

No PhotoName: Rekha Baloliya.
Died: April 28, 2017.
Age at death: Adult.
Cause of death: Burns.
Location: Rajkot, Gujarat, India.
Disability: Mobility impaired after accident.

Rekha, bedridden after an accident, was allegedly set on fire by her brother-in-law and father-in-law, who were angry that her sister was spending time helping her. She was able to tell authorities who had set the fire before she died.

Case status:
Lalji Baloliya (Brother-in-law) and Narshi Baloliya (Father-in-law), both arrested and charged with murder.

Bedridden woman set ablaze, 2 held

Laxmi Naidu

No PhotoName: Laxmi Naidu.
Died: April 25, 2017.
Age at death: 76.
Cause of death: Blunt trauma, asphyxia.
Location: Delhi, India.
Disability: Disabled elderly.

Laxmi’s son allegedly hit her on the head with a brick, then strangled her. Police say he confessed to them and said he had killed his mother because he couldn’t pay to take care of her and she wouldn’t go to an old-age home or move in with her other son.

Case status:
Laxman Kumar Naidu (Son), arrested.

Delhi man batters 76-year-old mother to death for refusing to go to old-age home
‘I Have Killed My Mother’: Delhi Man Calls Police After Beating And Strangulating Septuagenarian To Death
Failing to provide healthcare, son strangles elderly woman to death in Delhi

Manubhai Bujad

No Photo
Name: Manubhai Bujad.
Died: April 25, 2017.
Age at death: 55.
Cause of death: Homicide.
Location: Mithapur, India.
Disability: Physically challenged.

Manubhai’s death was originally reported as a suicide, but his brother came forward and told authorities that he had been killed by his live-in girlfriend, who wanted his money. Police arrested the girlfriend, who allegedly confessed to the crime.

Case status:
Rukshana (Live-in girlfriend), arrested.

Live-in partner held for killing disabled man
Disabled man found murdered in Dwarka village


No PhotoName: Radhamani.
Died: April 9, 2017.
Age at death: 47.
Cause of death: Head injury.
Location: Kozhikode, Kerala, India.
Disability: Mental illness.

Radhamani’s son killed her by hitting her in the head.

Case Status:
Peringanath Prajith Kumar (Son), convicted of culpable homicide not amounting to murder, sentenced to 10 years and a fine of 1 lakh Rupees (about $13,500 or €11,500).

Kerala: Son gets 10-year rigorous imprisonment for mother’s …

Moti Sahu

No PhotoName: Moti Sahu.
Died: February 23, 2017.
Age at death: 43.
Cause of death: Head injury.
Location: Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.
Disability: Unspecified.

Moti’s brother beat him with a wooden log, then smashed his head into a wall, killing him in front of a “huge mob” of witnesses. Afterward, he calmly smoked a cigarette with his foot on his brother’s body.

Case status:
Ram Prasad Sahu (Brother), convicted of murder, sentenced to death; this was his second murder, as he had already served 14 years for killing a sadhu (holy man).

Jaipur Man Awarded Death Sentence for Killing Disabled Younger Brother
Man gets death for killing disabled bro
Rajasthan court rules death sentence to the man for brutally killing brother

Devendra Prasad Misra

No PhotoName: Devendra Prasad Misra.
Died: November 18, 2016.
Age at death: 27.
Cause of death: Blunt trauma.
Location: Madhapur, Hyderabad, India.
Disability: A “serious mental disorder”.

Devendra’s brothers reportedly beat him to death because they believed he was demon-possessed. Another brother was also attacked, but rescued by neighbors and taken to the hospital.

Devendra worked as a security guard at at MNC, an IT company in Hyderabad.

Case status:
Birendra Prasad Misra (Brother), charged with murder.
Mahendra Prasad Misra (Brother), charged with murder.

Hyderabad: Superstition led to man’s murder
Hyderabad: 2 arrested for killing brother, attack on another
Cops yet to find out cause of fight among siblings
Fight among siblings: Cops yet to find out cause of fight among siblings


No PhotoName: Sirajubai “Vaijanti”.
Died: October 8, 2016.
Age at death: 35.
Cause of death: Burned.
Location: Wadgaon-Gujar, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.
Disability: Chronic illness.

Sirajubai’s body was found in a well; she had been burned to death. Police arrested her boyfriend, who had reportedly “become tired of her chronic illness”.

She was the mother of three daughters and a son, and stepmother to two sons and a daughter.

Case status:
Hariprasad Yadav (Boyfriend), arrested.

Irked by her chronic illness, man kills paramour

Shobhana Kunnath

Photo of Shobhana, an Indian woman with her dark brown hair pulled back. She has light-brown skin and a bindi on her forehead, and is wearing a flower-print sari over a dark shirt.Name: Shobhana Kunnath.
Died: September 26, 2016.
Age at death: 55.
Cause of death: Neglect.
Location: Edappal, Malappuram, Kerala, India.
Disability: Mentally disabled.

Shobhana and her daughter Shruthi, who both had a mental disorder, were living in a house by themselves. Their family lived nearby and were wealthy but apparently made no effort to ensure their welfare. Unable to care for themselves, Shobhana and Shruthi went hungry. After a week of starvation, Shobhana died and Shruthi was found weak from hunger.

Case status:
Her family is under investigation.
The Human Rights Commission has registered a case.

Mentally challenged woman starves to death
Woman found starved to death at Edappal
Mentally disabled woman starves to death in Edappal
Mentally unstable woman found dead
Did mental illness and social neglect cause these two Kerala families to starve?

2-month-old girl

No PhotoName Unknown
Died: August 24, 2016.
Age at death: 2 months.
Cause of death: Drowning.
Location: Koratagere, Karnataka, India.
Disability: Epilepsy.

This two-month-old girl’s mother had taken her to a hospital for treatment. She exited the hospital, came back without the baby, and told police that she had been kidnapped. However, the baby’s body was found in the river, and her cause of death was determined to be drowning. It was alleged that her mother had drowned her because she could not produce milk to feed her.

Case Status:
Kavitha (Mother), convicted of murder, sentenced to life; however, since several witnesses refused to testify, the judge ruled that the case had insufficient evidence and released her after 6 years in jail.

Mother jailed for baby’s murder to walk free
Karnataka HC acquits woman found guilty of killing her two-month-old baby
Woman gets life term for throwing daughter into river

Mohan Lal

No PhotoName: Mohan Lal.
Died: July 24, 2016.
Age at death: Adult.
Cause of death: Head injury from axe.
Location: Naal Bashat, Jammu and Kashmir, India.
Disability: No arms.

Mohan’s aunt and uncle were angry with him because he had taken a box of tomatoes without their permission. They attacked him with an axe, causing fatal head injuries.

Case Status:
Joli Ram (Uncle), convicted of murder, sentenced to life.
Thakri Devi (Aunt), convicted of murder, sentenced to life.

JK Couple Gets Life Imprisonment For Disabled Nephew’s Murder
Udhampur couple gets life for killing disabled nephew
2016 Murder Case: Udhampur Court Awards Life Sentence To Couple
Life-term awarded to couple for murder