18-month-old boy

No PhotoName Unknown.
Died: November 22, 2023.
Age at death: 18 months.
Cause of death: Malnutrition.
Location: Horton, Alabama, USA.
Disability: Multiple congenital conditions.

Since he was three months old, this child had been living with foster parents. He did well there until he was taken to a children’s hospital for tests, where he was diagnosed with “multiple congenital conditions”. His foster parents, who had been asked to take him to a follow-up appointment in a month’s time, did not appear for the appointment or return phone calls.

Two months later, they appeared at the hospital, carrying the child’s body. In those two months, he had lost a third of his body weight and ultimately died from malnutrition. His foster parents stand accused of deliberately denying him medical care and nourishment, resulting in his death from willful abuse.

Case Status:
Mason Grimes (Foster parent), charged with capital murder of a child under 15, intentional murder, felony murder, and aggravated child abuse.
Brooklyn Grimes (Foster parent), charged with capital murder of a child under 15, intentional murder, murder, and aggravated child abuse.

Blount County foster parents charged with capital murder of emaciated 18-month-old: ‘This child deserved to be loved’
2 charged with abuse, murder of 18-month-old foster child in Blount County
Court documents reveal severe neglect and abuse led to child’s death under couple’s care


No PhotoName: “JMGC”.
Died: September 1, 2023.
Age at death: 25.
Cause of death: Poisoning.
Location: Valencia, Spain.
Disability: Down syndrome.

This young man’s mother took him to a hotel room, where she poisoned him and then herself. Police say she had become ill and was convinced no one would be able to take care of her son like she could.

Case Status:
LMC (Mother), deceased.

Woman takes her life after killing her disabled son
Una mujer mata a su hijo discapacitado y después se quita la vida en un hotel de València

10-month-old girl

No PhotoName Unknown.
Died: August 21, 2023.
Age at death: 10 months.
Cause of death: Unspecified; homicide.
Location: Giyani, Limpopo, South Africa.
Disability: Unspecified.

This baby’s mother claimed that she had died of natural causes; but neighbors became suspicious, the child’s body was found buried in a shallow grave, and her mother was arrested for murder.

Case Status:
Her mother, charged with murder and obstruction of justice.

Mother arrested after death of disabled baby
Heartless mother in the dock for murder of 10-month-old baby
Limpopo woman arrested for allegedly murdering her disabled daughter

5-year-old boy

Name Unknown.
Died: July 16, 2023.
Age at death: 5.
Cause of death: Starvation/dehydration.
Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.
Disability: Cerebral palsy.

This five-year-old boy’s mother was charged with starving him so badly that he weighed only thirteen-and-a-half pounds when he died.

Case Status:
Marcella Montelongo (Mother), charged with child abuse resulting in death, died before trial.

Mom charged for starving special needs son to death in Albuquerque
Woman accused of starving special needs child found dead at MDC
Albuquerque mom arrested after special needs son dies
New Mexico mother accused of allowing her 5-year-old son to slowly starve to death
Marcella Montelongo, N.M mom red flags were obvious to see


No PhotoName: Lech (Family name unknown).
Died: June 29, 2023.
Age at death: 7.
Cause of death: Drowning.
Location: Baltic Sea.
Disability: Unspecified; used adapted stroller.

Lech’s mother threw him into the Baltic Sea and then jumped in herself. A rescue operation recovered both within an hour and sent them to Karlskrona, Sweden, by helicopter; but it was too late, and both were declared dead on arrival.

Case Status:
Paulina (Mother), deceased.

“Miraculous” Double Rescue Turns Into Homicide Investigation
Probe into death of mum and boy falling off Stena Line ferry takes chilling turn
Child who died with Polish mother when they plunged from ferry ‘was in a wheelchair’, say witnesses
Śmierć Pauliny i jej synka. Poruszające słowa szefa ratowników morskich. Mówi o cudzie podczas poszukiwań
Nowa relacja pasażerki promu. Widziała Paulinę przed tragedią. “On się nie ruszał, było widać nóżki”

3-year-old boy

No PhotoName Unknown.
Died: May 12, 2023.
Age at death: 3.
Cause of death: Bedsores; sepsis.
Location: Bartow, Florida, USA.
Disability: Hypoxic brain injury, ventilator-dependent.

Although this three-year-old’s parents had nursing assistance and a caregiver allowance to assist them in caring for him, they dismissed the nurses. Some months later, paramedics were called to the house to find the toddler dying from sepsis caused by extreme, untreated pressure sores. He was rushed to the hospital but could not be saved, and his parents were arrested.

Case Status:
Takesha Williams (Mother), charged with aggravated manslaughter.
Efrem Allen (Father), charged with aggravated manslaughter.

Bartow Parents Left Disabled 3-Year-Old Child To Rot To Death: Sheriff
Emergency Doctors Say 3-Year-Old Bartow Boy Hadn’t Been Cared For In Months Before He Died
Florida Couple Charged With Manslaughter in Special Needs Child’s Death

16-year-old boy

No PhotoName Unknown.
Died: January 31, 2023.
Age at death: 16.
Cause of death: Complications of ulcerative colitis.
Location: Salem Township, Michigan, USA.
Disability: Chronic illness.

This 16-year-old boy was found dead from untreated medical problems after a long history of medical neglect by his family.

Case Status:
Cheryl D’Angola (Mother), charged with involuntary manslaughter and child abuse; died while awaiting trial.

Woman charged with homicide in son’s death dies at Washtenaw County Jail


No PhotoName: Walid (Surname unknown).
Died: Unspecified; announcement made January 10, 2023.
Age at death: Adult.
Cause of death: Bludgeoned.
Location: Gargarish, Tripoli, Libya.
Disability: Developmental disability

Walid was living in an institution for people with disabilities two months before he was married to his wife. Some time after that, he was dead. Police released a video in which they interviewed his wife, who first blamed Walid’s death on a home invasion, but then admitted that he collapsed and died after she beat him with a metal broom handle for breaking some coffee cups.

Case Status:
His wife (Arrested).

Libya: Woman beats her husband to death for breaking coffee cups
سيدة تقتل زوجها من ذوى الإعاقة لكسره فنجانين قهوة | موقع نساعد
جريمة تروع ليبيا.. سيدة تقتل زوجها لسبب غير متوقع
بسبب تكسيره فنجانين للقهوة.. سيدة ليبية تتخلص من زوجها | المصري اليوم
وزارة الداخلية – ليبيا
جبروت امرأة ضربت زوجها حتى الموت: مبيسمعش الكلام – المصريون

14-year-old girl

No PhotoName Unknown.
Died: December 20, 2022.
Age at death: 14.
Cause of death: Asphyxia.
Location: Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
Disability: Unspecified.

This teenage girl’s body was found in her home with her mother. The girl had been strangled. Police say her mother killed her and then attempted suicide.

Case Status:
Her mother (Suspected of murder; hospitalized).

Widow Strangles Handicapped Daughter to Death, Attempts Suicide
Bengaluru Woman Strangles Handicapped Daughter, Tries To Die By Suicide

6-year-old girl

No PhotoName Unknown.
Died: December 17, 2022.
Age at death: 6.
Cause of death: Beaten.
Location: Bau, Sarawak, Malaysia.
Disability: Unspecified.

This six-year-old was allegedly beaten to death by her mother’s boyfriend. Her body was found a few weeks later, stuffed into a sack and hidden in some bushes.

Case Status:
Her mother, arrested on suspicion of murder; now helping the prosecution.
Then Chiew Yern (Mother’s boyfriend), charged with murder.

Man charged in Bau with murder of girlfriend’s disabled 6-year-old daughter
One child with disability murdered is one child too many
Couple remanded in connection with seven-year-old girl’s murder in Kuching
Lovebirds in remand over murder of six-year-old girl
Nancy orders protection for family of murdered Sarawak girl
Nancy instructs ministry to assist murdered disabled girl’s family in Bau
The evil that men do: Disabled girl, 6, killed, stuffed into a sack and thrown into the bushes by mother’s boyfriend