Lola Mae Stout

No PhotoName: Lola Mae Stout.
Died: July 14, 2013.
Age at death: 73.
Cause of death: Heat stroke.
Location: Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
Disability: Stroke, goiter, schizophrenia.

Instead of getting medical care for their ailing mother, Lola Mae’s sons and husband loaded her in the back of the van where they all lived along with 35 starving animals. As they loaded her in, she collapsed, but they ignored her and went on a two-hour drive to Phoenix. The van had no air conditioning; when they arrived, they found her dead.

Case status:
Alan Stout (Son), sentenced to 2 years probation for vulnerable adult abuse and animal cruelty.
Gregory Stout (Son), sentenced to 2 years probation for vulnerable adult abuse and animal cruelty.
Alva Stout (Husband), sentenced to 2 years probation for vulnerable adult abuse and animal cruelty.

Men get probation for abuse in mother’s death
AZ woman found dead in van carrying 35 animals

Isaiah Buckner

School photo of Isaiah Buckner, a boy with fair skin and sandy hair, wearing very thick glasses and a striped shirt. His smile shows a gap between his front teeth.Name: Isaiah A. Buckner.
Died: July 10, 2013.
Age at death: 10.
Cause of death: Peritonitis from untreated internal injury.
Location: Athol, Massachusetts, USA.
Disability: Autistic, deaf, visually impaired.

Isaiah died soon after he was rushed to the hospital with abdominal trauma. His caregiver had kicked him in the stomach, severing his small intestine; then the injury was ignored for several days, killing him.

Isaiah attended Austine School for the Deaf. He was energetic and social and liked to give everyone hugs.

Case status:
Christopher Vinsant (Mother’s boyfriend), pled guilty to involuntary manslaughter, sentenced to 8-10 years.

Autism Memorial: Isaiah Buckner
Athol man pleads guilty in death of 10-year-old Isaiah Buckner
Man pleads guilty to manslaughter for Athol boy’s death in 2013
Man pleads guilty to manslaughter for Athol boy’s 2013 death
Investigative report details 110 child abuse and neglect deaths, with a third happening under eye of Mass. DCF
Isaiah Buckner | Out of the shadows

Terry Smith

Photo: A boy with brown hair and light-brown skin, smiling; he is wearing a blue striped shirt.Name: Terry “JuJu” Smith.
Died: July 5-6, 2013 (Exact day unknown).
Age at death: 11.
Cause of death: Head injury.
Location: Menifee, California, USA.
Disability: ADHD; possibly autistic.

Terry was killed by his half-brother.

Terry loved picnics. His favorite color was blue.

Case status:
Skylor Atilano (Half-brother), pled guilty to voluntary manslaughter, sentenced to 12 years; spent 5 years in a juvenile detention center before being released.

Autism Memorial: Terry “JuJu” Smith
Teen Gets 12-Year Sentence for Half Brother’s Murder
Brother imprisoned for Terry Smith’s 2013 death is released
Terry Smith Murder
Terry Smith Jr. – The strange, sad story of a murdered 11 year old boy in Menifee, California
Terry Smith’s Brother: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Robert Guinyard Jr.

Photo of a small boy with dark-brown skin and a very short buzz cut, wearing a green T-shirt, looking over his shoulder at the camera, and smiling.Name: Robert Guinyard Jr.
Died: July 1, 2013.
Age at death: 4.
Cause of death: Internal bleeding.
Location: Richland County, South Carolina, USA.
Disability: Autism.

Robert was tortured to death by his parents, who beat him so severely and so often that he bled out internally.

Case status:
Robert Guinyard Sr. (Father), sentenced to life without parole.
Courtney Thompson (Mother), sentenced to life without parole.

Autism Memorial: Robert Guinyard, Jr.
In the Arms Of the Angels: Robert Guinyard Jr.
Doctor: Child Had Multiple Bone Fractures
Richland County parents arrested, charged with homicide in son’s death
DSS Death: “The System Failed Robert”
Prosecutor: DSS ignored many pleas for help as ‘demon’ Richland parents tortured son to death
Parents sentenced to life in prison in 4-year-old son’s death

Joseph Johnson Jr.

No PhotoName: Joseph Johnson Jr.
Died: June 19, 2013.
Age at death: 14 months.
Cause of death: Burns.
Location: Little Rock, Arkansas, USA.
Disability: Unspecified severe birth defects.

Joseph’s father scalded him with hot water. He died of the burns after just over two weeks in the hospital.

Case status:
Joseph Dwayne Johnson (Father), pleaded guilty to second-degree murder, sentenced to 40 years.

LR father takes plea in death of toddler
Bail set at $1 million for father charged with killing toddler

Monica Schemm

Photo of Monica Schemm, a woman with fair skin and strawberry-blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail. She is smiling; she is wearing glasses and a Christmas sweater.Name: Monica Schemm.
Died: June 12, 2013.
Age at death: 49.
Cause of death: Suffocation.
Location: Crescent, Oklahoma, USA.
Disability: Brain cancer survivor; traumatic brain injury from a fall.

Monica’s husband tied her to a chair, then tied a plastic bag over her head to suffocate her. He initially tried to disguise it as a home invasion, but when found out, claimed it was a “mercy killing”.

Case status:
Mark Schemm (Husband), convicted of first-degree murder, sentenced to life without parole.

Husband arrested for robbery claim, murder of wife
Oklahoma court upholds man’s life sentence in wife’s death

Alex Spourdalakis

Photo of a teenage boy, smiling, with fair skin and dark hair in a buzz cut; he is wearing a gray striped shirt. The photo is propped up with a bunch of yellow roses.Name: Alex Spourdalakis.
Died: June 9, 2013.
Age at death: 14.
Cause of death: Stabbed.
Location: River Grove, Illinois, USA.
Disability: Autism.

Alex’s mother and caregiver tried to kill him with an overdose of painkillers; when that didn’t work, they stabbed him to death.

Case status:
Dorothy Spourdalakis (Mother), pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter, sentenced to 4 years; released immediately on credit for time served.
Jolanta Agatha Skrodzka (Godmother), pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter, sentenced to 4 years; released immediately on credit for time served.

Autism Memprial: Alex Spourdalakis
Suburban mom admits to stabbing autistic son to death
Mother, godmother plead guilty to involuntary manslaughter of severely autistic teen
Mother, godmother who killed autistic teen released from prison
How Murder Victims With Disabilities Get Blamed For Their Own Deaths
New Report Discovers That the Media Normalizes the Murders of People with Disabilities

Miss Seo

No PhotoName: Seo (First name unknown).
Died: June 2013.
Age at death: 4.
Cause of death: Asphyxia.
Location: Yeosu, South Korea.
Disability: Autism.

This four-year-old girl’s mother strangled her to death.

Case status:
Ms. Seo (Mother); sentenced to 3 years.

Seo, 4-year-old female, name unknown
Korean Mother Kills Her Autistic Child, Gets 3 Years in Prison

Levai Bonnar

Photo of a boy with tan skin and straight black hair, smiling for the camera, wearing a blue hoodie.Name: Levai Bonnar.
Died: May 21, 2013.
Age at death: 7.
Cause of death: Head injury.
Location: Sydney, Australia.
Disability: Intellectual disability.

Levai was beaten, starved, and humiliated by his parents. The abuse eventually proved fatal when Levai died of head injuries.

Levai’s killers nearly escaped justice by claiming the boy had died from falling off a pogo stick.

Case status:
Kayla James (Mother), convicted of manslaughter, sentenced to 10½ years.
Kodi James Maybir (Mother’s boyfriend), convicted of murder, sentenced to 31½ to 38 years.

Boy spent last months being abused: court
Life term urged for child killer Kodi Maybir
Christian hip-hop producer Kodi Maybir jailed for killing partner’s child

Marcel Hill

No PhotoName: Marcel Hill.
Died: May 18, 2013.
Age at death: 38.
Cause of death: Traumatic injury.
Location: Jackson, Mississipi, USA.
Disability: Mental illness, cognitive impairment, physical disability.

Marcel was beaten and stabbed to death by his girlfriend, who had a long-term history of abusing him.

He worked at a fast-food restaurant.

Case status:
Camia Gamet (Girlfriend), convicted of first-degree murder, sentenced to life without parole.

Judge screams ‘I hope you die in prison’ at woman who murdered disabled boyfriend
Broken glass, dented frying pan, busted lamp found near body of Marcel Hill, allegedly beaten, stabbed to death by girlfriend
Camia Gamet, 30, arraigned on charge of open murder for allegedly beating boyfriend to death
Case manager testifies she warned Marcel Hill of Camia Gamet, the woman accused of killing him
Woman accused of murder tells detective she came upon boyfriend’s body; trial continues Monday
Camia Gamet | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of murderers
Jim Fisher True Crime: The Camia Gamet Murder Case: Marcel Hill’s Violent Life and Brutal Death