Talia Williams

Photo of Talia Williams, a young girl in pigtails decorated with plastic barrettes; she has brown skin and she is smiling.Name: Talia Williams.
Died: July 16, 2005.
Age at death: 5.
Cause of death: Abuse.
Location: Wheeler Army Airfield, Hawaii, USA.
Disability: Incontinence.

Talia was beaten to death by her father and stepmother.

Case status:
Naeem Williams (Father), murder, life without parole.
Delilah Williams (Stepmother) murder, sentenced to 20 years.

Talia Williams

Adacelli Snyder

Portrait photo of a toddler girl in overalls, earrings, and a buzz cut.Name: Adacelli Snyder.
Died: June 29, 2005.
Age at death: 2.
Cause of death: Malnutrition, infection.
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Disability: Cerebral Palsy.

Adacelli’s parents neglected her and kept her in filthy conditions. She died of a combination of malnutrition and infection.

Case status:
Jack Richardson (Father), sentenced to 10 years to life.
Charlene Snyder (Mother), sentenced to 10 years to life.

Angelizdsplace: Adacelli Snyder
Parents accused in death of girl

Donna Spadea

No PhotoName: Donna Spadea.
Died: June 26, 2005.
Age at death: 59.
Cause of death: Poisoning.
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Disability: Intellectual disability.

Along with several other intellectually disabled adults, Donna was imprisoned, starved, drugged, and beaten by Linda Weston, who acted as her Social Security payee so that she could steal Donna’s money. Donna died after two months of captivity while she was imprisoned in a tiny laundry room, and toxicology testing revealed that she had been poisoned with the drugs Linda had regularly mixed into her food.

Case status:
Linda Weston (Caretaker), multiple charges, life sentence + 80 years.
Gregory Thomas, charged with hate crimes.
Jean McIntosh, pleaded guilty, sentenced to 40 years.
Eddie Wright, pleaded guilty, sentenced to 27 years.
Nicklaus Woodard, pleaded guilty to several charges, including conspiracy, kidnapping and using a firearm in an act of violence, sentenced to 27 years.

‘Tacony dungeon’ woman who imprisoned disabled adults gets life sentence + 80 years
Daughter of Tacony dungeon ‘mastermind’ gets 40 years – Metro Philadelphia
Tacony ‘dungeon’ case ends with admission of hate crimes against disabled
Seven years after rescue, ‘Tacony dungeon’ victims confront tormentor sentenced to 40 years
‘Pastor Wright,’ codefendant in Tacony dungeon case, gets 27 years in prison
“Basement of horrors” indictment brings light to 2008 Norfolk death
‘Tacony dungeon’ woman who imprisoned disabled adults gets life sentence + 80 years

Adrianna Cram

Photo of a little girl in a white dress; she has fair skin and her brown hair is cut in bangs and pulled into a messy half-ponytail. She is smiling at someone off the side of the image.Name: Adrianna Maria Cram.
Died: June 13, 2005.
Age at death: 4.
Cause of death: Abdominal injury, head injury.
Location: Omealca, Mexico.
Disability: Thyroid condition; speech delay; developmental delay.

Adrianna’s adoptive parents beat her to death.

Case status:
Elizabeth Romero Marin (Adoptive mother), convicted of aggravated murder, sentenced to 45 years.
Hector de Jesus Luna (Adoptive father), convicted of aggravated murder, sentenced to 2 years.

Adrianna Maria Cram
Oregon’s investigation into foster child’s death ends at state line
Adrianna Maria Romero Cram

Eliza Scovill

Photo of Eliza Jane Scovill, a toddler with tangled auburn hair, fair skin, and brown eyes wearing a blue dress. She is smiling for the camera.Name: Eliza Jane Scovill.
Died: May 16, 2005.
Age at death: 3.
Cause of death: Pneumonia, AIDS.
Location: Van Nuys, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Disability: HIV+.

Eliza loved music, singing, and dancing.

She was born to a mother who was HIV-positive and who didn’t believe that HIV causes AIDS. As a result, her mother breastfed her even though this increases the risk of passing on HIV to a baby. Eliza Jane wasn’t tested for HIV, nor was she given antiretroviral drugs, even though these could have saved her life.

She died at the age of three from pneumocystis pneumonia, an opportunistic infection associated with AIDS.

Case status:
Christine Maggiore (Mother), no charges. Died in 2008 from AIDS-related pneumonia.

Eliza Jane Scovill – Wikipedia
A Mother’s Denial, a Daughter’s Death
Christine Maggiore and Eliza Jane Scovill: Living and dying with HIV/AIDS denialism
Eliza Jane Scovill (2001-2005) – Find A Grave…
Did HIV-Positive Mom’s Beliefs Put Her Children at Risk?
Christine Maggiore, vocal skeptic of AIDS research, dies at 52

Tiffany Pinckney

Photo of Tiffany Pinckney sitting at a table and leaning her chin on her hands. She wears a beige T-shirt and has an afro.Name: Tiffany Pinckney.
Died: April 2, 2005.
Age at death: 23.
Cause of death: Starvation.
Location: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.
Disability: Autism, developmental delay.

Tiffany was locked in a basement by her sister and her sister’s husband, where she starved to death.

Teachers remember Tiffany as a girl who loved music and “was lots of fun”.

Case status:
Allison Cox (sister), convicted of manslaughter, sentenced to 9 years.
Orlando Klass (sister’s husband), pled guilty to criminal negligence, sentenced to 2 years house arrest.

Autism Memorial: Tiffany Pinckney
Trial ordered in autistic woman’s death
The life and death of Tiffany Pinckney
Autistic woman was starved to death, crown asserts
Nine years for woman’s death

Patrick Markcrow

No PhotoName: Patrick Markcrow.
Died: March 29, 2005.
Age at death: 36.
Cause of death: Asphyxia.
Location: Long Crendon, Buckinghamshire, England, UK.
Disability: Down syndrome, autism.

Patrick’s mother drugged him and then suffocated him with a plastic bag.

He attended a day center where carers described Patrick as “a loving, private man”, who enjoyed swimming and going to a local coffee shop.

Case status:
Wendolyn Markcrow (Mother); pled guilty to manslaughter; given a 2-year suspended sentence.

Autism Memorial: Patrick Markcrow
Mother who killed son with Down’s syndrome gets suspended sentence

Christoffer Gjerstad

Portrait photo of Christoffer Gjerstad, a small blond boy biting his lip as he looks at the camera.Name: Christoffer Kihle Gjerstad.
Died: February 2, 2005.
Age at death: 8.
Cause of death: Head injury, skull fracture.
Location: Norway.
Disability: ADHD.

Christoffer’s stepfather beat him to death; his mother knew he was being beaten but did not help him.

Case status:
Kim Morten Larson (Stepfather), sentenced to 8 years.
Christoffer’s mother, name not known, sentenced to two and a half years.

Christoffer Gjerstad

Hannah Davenport

Photo of Hannah Davenport, a girl in a bright pink shirt, wearing a bright pink hairbow in her short brown hair.Name: Hannah Davenport.
Died: January 29, 2005.
Age at death: 6.
Cause of death: Malnutrition/dehydration.
Location: Anderson, Missouri, USA.
Disability: Ectopic anus.

Hannah’s mother starved her to death.

Case status:
Karen Davenport (Mother), found guilty of second degree involuntary manslaughter, fined $5000.

Hannah Renee Davenport

Grace Parkes

No Photo
Name: Grace Winifred Parkes.
Died: January 16, 2005.
Age at death: 83.
Cause of death: Head injury.
Location: Sydney, Australia.
Disability: Diabetes, hypertension, Paget’s disease, Bells palsy, glaucoma, goitre, osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.

Grace’s son bludgeoned her to death.

Case status:
Phillip Raymond Parkes (Son), pleaded guilty to murder, sentenced to 13-18 years.

Regina v Phillip Raymond Parkes [2006] NSWSC 331