Cheyenne Wolf

Photo of a teen girl with wavy strawberry-blond hair in a half-ponytail; she is smiling for the camera, wearing a pink shirt with black stripes.Name: Cheyenne Wolf.
Died: March or April 2008.
Age at death: 12.
Cause of death: Homicide.
Location: Durant, Oklahoma, USA.
Disability: Spina bifida.

Cheyenne’s stepmother tied her to a chair and beat her. When she died, her father helped hide the body.

Case status:
Denise Wolf (Stepmother); convicted of child abuse, child abuse by neglect, and unlawful removal of a dead body; sentenced to 5 consecutive life terms.
Able Wolf (Father), pleaded guilty to child abuse, child abuse by neglect, and unlawful removal of a dead body; sentenced to 3 concurrent life terms.

Sisters testify they saw Cheyenne Wolf abused before she died
Cheyenne Noell Wolf
Bryan County judge sentences stepmother for abuse, calls her ‘unfit for society’

Calista Springer

Portrait photo of a teenage girl with shoulder-length dark auburn hair and pale skin, smiling, wearing a pink polka-dotted turtleneck.Name: Calista Springer.
Died: February 27, 2008.
Age at death: 16.
Cause of death: Fire.
Location: Centreville, Michigan, USA.
Disability: Autism.

Calista’s parents tied her to her bed with zip ties and a dog collar, and when the house caught fire, her entire family left the house; none of them stopped to release her. She died in the fire.

Case status:
Anthony Springer (Father), child abuse and torture, 25-50 years.
Marsha Springer (Stepmother), child abuse and torture, 8-19 years.

Autism Memorial: Calista Springer
Calista Springer
Calista Springer: Adoption, abuse, neglect and murder
Calista Springer
Protective services workers can’t be sued in Calista Springer case, U.S. Court of Appeals affirms
Unforgotten Angels: Calista Springer

Courtney Wise

No PhotoName: Courtney Wise.
Died: February 18, 2008.
Age at death: 17.
Cause of death: Malnutrition.
Location: St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada.
Disability: Cerebral palsy.

Courtney’s mother neglected and starved her to death.

Case status:
Astrid Hueller (Mother), pled guilty to manslaughter, sentenced to 6 years in jail, minus double time served, for a total of five years.

Mother pleads guilty to manslaughter –
Mother gets six years for daughter’s death

Francecca Hardwick

Photo: A teenage girl, her brown hair cut short. She has fair skin and blue eyes. There is a gap between her two front teeth. She is wearing a yellow polo shirt.Name: Francecca “Frankie” Hardwick.
Died: October 23, 2007.
Age at death: 18.
Cause of death: Fire.
Location: Earl Shilton, Leicestershire, England, UK.
Disability: Intellectual disability.

Francecca’s mother locked herself and Francecca into their car and set it on fire. 18-year-old Frankie burned to death.

Francecca’s schoolteachers remember how she loved to jump in puddles, play on swings, and give massages.

Case status:
Fiona Pilkington (Mother), deceased.

Bullies ‘drove mother and daughter to fireball death’
Francecca Hardwick: portrait of a victim
A Pilkington Malaise? Have We Really Learnt the Lessons for 2020?

Ulysses Stable

No PhotoName: Ulysses Stable.
Died: November 22, 2006.
Age at death: 12.
Cause of death: Blood loss.
Location: New York City, New York, USA.
Disability: Autism.

Ulysses’s father cut his throat and left him in the bathtub to bleed out.

Case status:
Jose Stable (Father), convicted, sentenced to three-and-a-half years.

Solomon, A. (2014). Far from the tree: Parents, children and the search for identity. Scribner Classics.
Autism Memorial: Ulysses Stable
Autistic Boy Is Slashed to Death and His Father Is Charged


No PhotoName: M.E., possibly Michael Egan.
Died: November 22 (?), 2006.
Age at death: 13.
Cause of death: Neglect.
Location: Unknown; possibly Illinois, USA.
Disability: Unknown.

M. E. was “starved and deprived [of] medical care by his parents”.

Case status:

Day of Mourning: The List
SSDI: Michael Egan

Danieal Kelly

Photo of Danieal Kelly, a girl sitting in a wheelchair, smiling and waving her arms. She has dark hair and light-brown skin, and is wearing a red T-shirt with denim overalls.Name: Danieal Kelly.
Died: August 4, 2006.
Age at death: 14.
Cause of death: Malnutrition, infection.
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Disability: Cerebral palsy.

Danieal’s mother starved and neglected her.

Her name is pronounced the same as “Danielle”.

Case status:
Andrea Kelly (Mother), pleaded guilty to 3rd degree murder, endangering the welfare of a child; 20-40 years in prison.
Daniel Kelly (Father), convicted of endangering the welfare of a child, sentenced to 2 1/2 to 5 years in prison.
Dana Poindexter (Social worker), found guilty of endangering the welfare of a child, recklessly endangering another person and perjury, sentenced to 2 1/2 to 5 years in prison.
Mickal Kamuvaka (Social worker), found guilty of endangering the welfare of a child, involuntary manslaughter, tampering with evidence, perjury, forgery, reckless endangerment and conspiracy, sentenced to 2 1/2 to 5 years in prison.

Caseworker charged in connection to child’s beating death
Dad, workers get up to 5 years in starvation death
Father of Danieal Kelly on trial in girl’s death
Father, 2 Social Workers Found Guilty In Danieal Kelly Starvation Death Case
Danieal Kelly, Mom Let Daughter With Cerebral Palsy Rot And Starve To Death Because She Was Ashamed Of Her.

Daelynn Foreman

No PhotoName: Daelynn Foreman.
Died: July 31, 2006.
Age at death: 12.
Cause of death: Starvation.
Location: Sacramento, California, USA.
Disability: Cerebral palsy.

Daelynn was starved and neglected by her mother.

Case status:
Brandy Foreman (Mother), sentenced to 25 years to life.

Sacramento mom sentenced for killing by neglect
ANGELIZD’s Place – Daelynn Foreman
Sac woman given 25 years for neglect of daughter
Chris Cejas Memorial to Stop Child Abuse: Death puts focus on CPS

William Lash IV William Lash IV.
Died: July 14, 2006.
Age at death: 12.
Cause of death: Gunshot.
Location: McLean, Virginia, USA.
Disability: Autism.

William’s father killed his son before committing suicide.

William was an active child who was fond of ice-skating, roller-skating, and basketball.

Case status:
William Lash III (Father), deceased.

William Lash tragedy: Ex-Commerce Dept. official kills son, self
Ex-Bush Aide Fatally Shoots Son, Himself
Two Tearful Goodbyes
Autism Memorial: William Lash IV

Ryan Davies

Photo of Ryan Davies, a boy with brown hair, squinting a little in bright sunlight.Name: Ryan Davies.
Died: April 12, 2006.
Age at death: 12.
Cause of death: Drowning.
Location: Stockport, Greater Manchester, England, UK.
Disability: Fragile X.

Ryan’s mother caused him to jump off a bridge, and then jumped off herself.

Ryan knew how to do wheelies on his bike.

Case status:
Alison Davies (Mother), deceased.

Autism Memorial: Ryan Davies
Ordeal that drove mum to suicide jump with autistic son
A mother and son smiling at the station. Then two specks on the edge of a bridge
Tragedy of mother and autistic son, 12