
No PhotoName: Lech (Family name unknown).
Died: June 29, 2023.
Age at death: 7.
Cause of death: Drowning.
Location: Baltic Sea.
Disability: Unspecified; used adapted stroller.

Lech’s mother threw him into the Baltic Sea and then jumped in herself. A rescue operation recovered both within an hour and sent them to Karlskrona, Sweden, by helicopter; but it was too late, and both were declared dead on arrival.

Case Status:
Paulina (Mother), deceased.

“Miraculous” Double Rescue Turns Into Homicide Investigation
Probe into death of mum and boy falling off Stena Line ferry takes chilling turn
Child who died with Polish mother when they plunged from ferry ‘was in a wheelchair’, say witnesses
Śmierć Pauliny i jej synka. Poruszające słowa szefa ratowników morskich. Mówi o cudzie podczas poszukiwań
Nowa relacja pasażerki promu. Widziała Paulinę przed tragedią. “On się nie ruszał, było widać nóżki”

Grace Kinard

Photo of an elderly woman with fair skin and short blonde hair, wearing glasses, dangling earrings, and a black turtleneck. She is smiling for the camera.Name: Grace Kinard.
Died: April 8, 2023.
Age at death: 81.
Cause of death: Gunshot.
Location: Hellam Township, Pennsylvania, USA.
Disability: Frail elder, chronic illness.

Grace’s husband shot her, then died by suicide. He left no note, but police believe that his reasons included Grace’s worsening health and his inability to care for her.

Case Status:
Ronald Kinard (Husband), deceased.

Health issues apparently at the root of weekend murder-suicide, police say


Photo of a man with brown skin, short dark-brown hair and closely trimmed beard. He is wearing a magenta shirt; his expression is serious.Name: Manoj.
Died: April 4, 2023.
Age at death: 36.
Cause of death: Traumatic injury.
Location: Ernakulam, Kerala, India.
Disability: Developmental disability and/or mental illness.

Manoj’s father killed him and his mother, then hanged himself.

The family was known to sometimes have loud arguments, so none of the neighbors noticed anything unusual until the next morning.

Case Status:
Mani (Father), deceased.

Family of three found dead in Ernakulam
Man commits suicide after killing wife and mentally disabled son
3 of family found dead, police suspect man died by suicide after killing wife, mentally ill son in Kerala
Three of family found dead, police suspect man died by suicide after killing wife, mentally ill son in Kerala

Yusuf and Mesut Firat

No PhotoName: Yusuf Firat.
Age at death: 40.

Name: Mesut Firat.
Age at death: 38.

Died: March 31, 2023.
Cause of death: Gunshot.
Location: Elazig, Turkey.
Disability: Unspecified.

Yusuf and Mesut and their family were shot by their brother. There had reportedly been an argument over money, which their brother resolved by killing his family and himself.

Case Status:
Hüseyin Fırat (Brother), deceased.

Murder-suicide claims family of 6 in Türkiye’s Elazığ
Elazığ’da öğretmen, ailesini katledip intihar etmişti! Kan donduran olayın nedeni ortaya çıktı
Elazığ’da oğulları tarafından öldürülen 6 kişilik aile son yolculuklarına uğurlandı
Elazığ’da Aynı Evde 6 Cansız Beden Bulundu
Elazığ’da öğretmen, ailesini katletti: 6 ölü
Elazığ’da katliam yapan öğretmen ve ailesi son yolculuğuna uğurlandı
Elazığ’da 6 kişinin ölü bulunduğu evden yeni detaylar
Ailesinden 5 kişiyi öldürmüştü… Elazığ’daki vahşette kripto para detayı
Elazığ’da ailesinden 5 kişiyi öldüren öğretmen, kripto borsasında para kaybetmiş

Trish Lambourne

Photo of an older woman with short white hair, pale skin, and a round face. She is wearing black plastic-rimmed glasses and a white sweater over a black shirt.Name: Trish Lambourne.
Died: February 13, 2023.
Age at death: 61.
Cause of death: Stabbed.
Location: Edwardstown, South Australia, Australia.
Disability: Unspecified disability; “bad back”, “issue with the sun”.

Trish’s daughter killed her and herself; then she set the house on fire. She said online that she had been her mother’s caregiver for 22 years.

Case Status:
Sally Davis (Daughter), deceased.

Mother and daughter identified in Adelaide arson murder-suicide
Daughter ‘stabbed mum’ before setting house on fire ‘in murder-suicide’

Yoshiko Gano

Photo of a Japanese woman with light skin and short, dark-brown curly hair, smiling. She is wearing a red sweater.Name: Yoshiko Gano.
Died: February 6, 2023.
Age at death: 78.
Cause of death: Gunshot.
Location: Kapolei (Makakilo), Hawaii, USA.
Disability: Alzheimer’s disease.

Yoshiko was shot by her husband in a murder-suicide.

She liked spending time with her grandchildren and posting photos of food, both home-cooked and from restaurants, on social media.

Case Status:
Alan Gano (Husband), deceased.

Neighbors remember elderly Makakilo couple involved in possible murder-suicide
Incident | Gun Violence Archive
Husband and wife identified in Makakilo murder-suicide case

Antonio Tatasciore

No PhotoName: Antonio Tatasciore.
Died: January 29, 2023.
Age at death: 74.
Cause of death: Strangled.
Location: Ortona, Chieti, Italy.
Disability: Unspecified; mental or neurological.

Antonio’s brother strangled him before taking his own life, leaving a letter that stated he was frustrated that he could not find a care home for Antonio.

Case Status:
Roberto Tatasciore (Brother), deceased.

Ortona (Chieti), soffoca l’anziano fratello disabile e poi si suicida impiccandosi
Oggi a Ortona l’ultimo saluto ai fratelli trovati morti
kills his disabled brother and then takes his own life
Torna a casa e trova i due fratelli morti: l’ipotesi omicidio suicidio per il caso di Antonio e Roberto Tatasciore
L’addio ai due fratelli Tatasciore Il parroco: non bisogna giudicare

Mary Fischer

No PhotoName: Mary Fischer.
Died: January 13, 2023.
Age at death: 72.
Cause of death: Unspecified homicide.
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Disability: Chronic illness.

Mary’s husband called emergency services, saying he had killed her and was going to kill himself. Responders who entered Mary’s home found her and her husband both dead.

Case Status:
Paul Fischer (Husband), deceased.

Las Vegas couple found dead in Death Valley following allege murder-suicide
Elderly couple from Las Vegas found dead in Death Valley National Park

Megan Frix

Photo of a young woman with fair skin and short brown hair, laughing; she is wearing a black and white blouse.Name: Megan Frix.
Died: January 8, 2023.
Age at death: 26.
Cause of death: Unspecified homicide.
Location: Cumming, Georgia, USA.
Disability: Autism.

Megan was killed by her father in a homicide-suicide.

Case Status:
Jerry Frix (Father), deceased.

Days after alleged murder-suicide of father and disabled daughter, FoCo service group sheds light on larger issue
Ga. Father Murdered Adult Daughter with Special Needs Before Killing Himself
Forsyth County father and daughter dead in murder-suicide, deputies say
Adult with special needs allegedly killed by father in murder-suicide in Forsyth County
Megan Frix Obituary
Autism Memorial: Megan Frix

Barbara Reader

No PhotoName: Barbara P. Reader.
Died: December 10, 2022.
Age at death: 83.
Cause of death: Gunshot.
Location: Portland, Oregon, USA.
Disability: Dementia.

Barbara’s husband shot her in a murder-suicide.

Case Status:
Peter L. Reader (Husband), deceased.

Elderly Couple Found Shot Dead Inside Home: Police
Elderly couple found shot dead inside home: police
A couple found shot dead in the Beaumont-Wilshire borough have been “joined at the waist”, neighbors say – Washington News
Elderly couple found shot dead in Beaumont-Wilshire were ‘joined at the hip,’ neighbor says
Police: Elderly couple found dead in NE Portland home died in murder-suicide