
Photo of a man with brown skin, short dark-brown hair and closely trimmed beard. He is wearing a magenta shirt; his expression is serious.Name: Manoj.
Died: April 4, 2023.
Age at death: 36.
Cause of death: Traumatic injury.
Location: Ernakulam, Kerala, India.
Disability: Developmental disability and/or mental illness.

Manoj’s father killed him and his mother, then hanged himself.

The family was known to sometimes have loud arguments, so none of the neighbors noticed anything unusual until the next morning.

Case Status:
Mani (Father), deceased.

Family of three found dead in Ernakulam
Man commits suicide after killing wife and mentally disabled son
3 of family found dead, police suspect man died by suicide after killing wife, mentally ill son in Kerala
Three of family found dead, police suspect man died by suicide after killing wife, mentally ill son in Kerala