76-year-old woman

No PhotoName Unknown.
Died: May 21, 2020.
Age at death: 76.
Cause of death: Gunshot
Location: Wilmot Township, Michigan, USA.
Disability: Dementia.

This 76-year-old woman was shot by her husband in a murder-suicide.

Case status:
Her husband, age 79; suspect deceased.

Michigan man, 79, called to report murder-suicide before he killed himself, police say
Man kills wife suffering dementia before turning gun on himself, police say
Michigan Murder-Suicide: 79-Year-Old Man Kills Wife Suffering From Dementia, Then Calls 911 Before Killing Self


No PhotoName: Sophie (Pseudonym).
Died: May 7, 2020.
Age at death: 3.
Cause of death: Drugged and suffocated.
Location: Hägglingen, Aargau, Switzerland.
Disability: Cerebral palsy.

Sophie’s parents drugged her with ecstasy, then suffocated her. They had repeatedly refused support and assistance in caring for her.

Case Status:
Her father was found guilty of murder and sentenced to 8 years in prison. He was also found guilty of attempted murder for putting sleeping pills in her bottle in October 2019.
Her mother was found guilty of murder and sentenced to 8 years in prison.
Her grandmother was acquitted of complicity.

Eight years for parents who killed disabled daughter in Switzerland
Bremgarten: 8 years for parents after killing disabled daughter
Bremgarten AG: Eltern sollen behindertes Kind getötet haben – Prozess im Aargau
Eltern des dreijährigen Mädchens zu acht Jahren Haft verurteilt.
Prozessstart: Warum nur wurde die 3-Jährige in Hägglingen AG getötet?
Hägglingen: Eltern sollen behindertes Kind (†3) getötet haben – heute stehen sie vor Gericht
Ecstasy im Brei: Paar tötet Kind – Mutter würde es wieder tun
Deutsches Paar in der Schweiz vor Gericht: Behinderte Tochter erstickt

Gael Baumea

Photo: Young boy with fuzzy black hair and light-brown skin, grinning, revealing baby teeth.Name: Gael Francisco Baumea.
Died: September 26, 2019.
Age at death: 6.
Cause of death: Drowned.
Location: Pascua Yaqui, Arizona, USA.
Disability: Unspecified special needs.

Gael and his mother were members of the Yaqui tribe, though his father was not.

His father, attempting to “perform an exorcism”, allegedly killed the boy by forcing his head under hot water, burning or drowning him. Police say he told them he “saw something evil” inside the boy.

Case status:
Pablo Martinez (Father), charged with first-degree murder.

Gael Baumea Obituary – Tucson, AZ
Arizona man killed a 6-year-old boy trying to ‘cast the demon out,’ police say
Arizona man charged after 6-year-old son dies during attempted exorcism
Authorities: Tucson man killed son while trying to exorcise demon
Man kills son to ‘cast out demon’
Dad from hell killed six-year-old son by pouring hot water down throat to ‘exorcise demons’

“DH”, Newborn Baby Girl

No PhotoName: Unknown; initials “DH”.
Died: September 9, 2019.
Age at death: Newborn.
Cause of death: Fall injury.
Location: Namangan, Uzbekistan.
Disability: Bow legs.

Other Victim: “MT”, newborn baby girl, non-disabled.

“DH” was a newborn still in the hospital nursery when her mother was told she had a disability. Police say her mother reacted to the news by throwing her out of the hospital window; then, she grabbed a baby that wasn’t hers and threw her out of the window too. According to the police, it was to cover up the crime. Both newborns died from their injuries.

Case status:
D. Kh (Mother), arrested.

Mum throws daughter and another baby from window after learning girl is disabled
Woman Throws Newborn Daughter, Another Baby From Hospital Window Over Girl’s ‘Disability,’ Both Dead
Mum, 23, throws her newborn girl and another baby out of hospital window
Namanganda bolasi nuqson bilan tug‘ilgan ona o‘zining va boshqa ayolning farzandini o‘ldirdi

Unknown Woman

No PhotoName Unknown.
Died: July 11, 2019.
Age at death: Elder.
Cause of death: Gunshot.
Location: Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan, USA.
Disability: Unspecified; nursing home resident.

This woman’s husband went to her nursing home and shot her to death before killing himself.

Case status:
Her husband, deceased.

Wife, husband dead in murder-suicide outside Upper Peninsula nursing home
Husband, wife dead in apparent murder-suicide in Chippewa County
Police: Husband and wife involved in murder-suicide outside nursing home
Couple found shot on U.P. nursing home lawn is apparent murder-suicide
Police Investigating Murder-Suicide at Chippewa Co. Assisted Living Facility

91-year-old woman

No PhotoName Unknown.
Died: June 19, 2019.
Age at death: 91.
Cause of death: Blunt trauma.
Location: Shevchenko, Isilkulsky district, Omsk Oblast, Siberia, Russia.
Disability: Blind; frail elder.

This 91-year-old woman was allegedly beaten to death by her son because he was tired of caring for her.

Case status:
Ivan L. (Son), charged with infliction of bodily harm resulting in death.

A resident of Omsk region beat to death a blind 91-year-old mother
Житель Омской области досмерти избил свою слепую 91-летнюю мать
Омич устал ухаживать за тяжелобольной слепой матерью и забил ее до смерти — СуперОмск

Heidi R.

Photo of a middle-aged woman with wispy, short brown hair, pale skin, and glasses.Name: Heidi R.
Died: April 28, 2019.
Age at death: 49.
Cause of death: Strangled.
Location: Turnhout, Belgium.
Disability: Mild intellectual disability.

Heidi lived with her sister and her sister’s girlfriend. One night, Heidi’s sister took her for a walk along the river, where she allegedly strangled her and dumped her body in the water.

Heidi was an outgoing chatterbox. She worked in a sheltered workshop, and was looking forward to moving back to Arendonk and having a home of her own. At work, she was known as cheerful and helpful, liked by both management and co-workers.

Case Status:
Inge R. (sister), arrested on suspicion of murder.
Daisy VM (sister’s girlfriend), arrested on suspicion of murder.

Niet één maar twee verdachten voor moord op gehandicapte vrouw: “Slachtoffer stond relatie in de weg”
“Heidi zat nog vol toekomstplannen”: moordslachtoffer stond op punt om weer naar eigen stekje te verhuizen
Inge R. (50) aangehouden voor moord op gehandicapte zus: gewurgd voor ze ‘verdronk’
Nieuwe verdachte voor moord op gehandicapte vrouw uit Turnhout

42-year-old woman

No PhotoName Unknown.
Died: April 10, 2019.
Age at death: 42.
Cause of death: Beaten.
Location: Puerto Rico, Mogan, Spain.
Disability: Mobility impaired.

This woman was beaten to death, and her partner is accused of the murder. The crime is considered particularly severe because the woman was unable to defend herself, as she was both mobility-impaired and intoxicated at the time. In the weeks before she died, she had been injured twice–both explained away by her partner as falls due to her disability.

Case Status:
Lars E.A. (Partner), charged with murder, aggravated by kinship, gender violence, and cruelty.

Swedish man faces up to 29 years, on trail, suspected of killing his partner in Puerto Rico de Gran Canaria

Unknown Elder Man

No PhotoName Unknown.
Died: April 6, 2019.
Age at death: 70s.
Cause of death: Wrist cut.
Location: Lysekil, Lysekil Municipality, Sweden.
Disability: Dementia, wheelchair user.

This man lived with his wife in a supported living center. Believing that he would be better off dead, she killed her husband by slitting his wrist. At trial, she claimed it had been a mercy killing, but the prosecution noted that her husband could not competently have made a decision to die, and that there were indications that he wanted to live.

Case Status:
His wife. Initially convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to 2 years; on appeal, convicted of murder and sentenced to 4 years.

The High Court tightens the punishment for the “mercy murder” in Lysekil | tellerreport.com
72-åringen dödade sin man: ”Vill lägga det bakom mig”
72-åriga kvinnan dödade maken – straffet skärps

5-year-old girl

Photo of a girl with black hair in small braids, brown skin, and a pink shirt; the photo is obscured by glare off the glass that covers it.Name Unknown.
Died: March 10, 2019.
Age at death: 5.
Cause of death: Blunt trauma.
Location: Kwadela, Davel, Mpumalanga, South Africa.
Disability: Epilepsy.

This five-year-old girl’s abusive parents claimed she had fallen out of bed; but her body showed signs that she had been severely abused, and her parents were convicted of her murder.

Case status:
Bheki Hlophe (Mother), convicted of murder.
Sibongile Shongwe (Father), convicted of murder.

They were arrested for the death of their five-year-old daughter at their home in Kwadela, Davel on 10 March
Father and girlfriend convicted of five-year-old’s murder
Ouers in hof oor dogter se dood