Unknown Elder Woman

No PhotoName Unknown.
Died: September 10, 2020.
Age at death: Elder.
Cause of death: Hypoxia.
Location: Taoyuan City, Taiwan.
Disability: Stroke, paralysis.

This woman was in the hospital for a urinary tract infection when her husband allegedly smothered her. She died five days after the incident from hypoxic encephalopathy (lack of oxygen to the brain), kidney infection, and pneumonia.

Case status:
Tsai Wan-liang (Husband), charged with domestic homicide.

Elderly man in Taiwan kills bedridden wife, tells nurses she is ‘finally free’ from her pain
「我太太解脫了!」老翁不忍心長期病痛悶死髮妻檢求情 | 聯合新聞網:最懂你的新聞網站