Adrian Parmana

No Photo
Name: Adrian Parmana.
Died: April 12, 2016.
Age at death: 16.
Cause of death: Fire.
Location: Jakarta, Indonesia.
Disability: “Mentally handicapped”.

Adrian was kept locked in his room by his family. When a short circuit caused a house fire, Adrian burned to death.

Case status:
H Dadang (Grandfather), grandmother, mother, and father, interviewed during inquest. No charges.

Case status:
Mentally handicapped teenager dies in fire because he was locked inside his room

Yutaka Nagao

No PhotoName: Yutaka Nagao.
Died: April 9, 2016.
Age at death: 61.
Cause of death: Fire.
Location: Tokyo, Japan.
Disability: Unspecified; “bedridden”.

Yutaka’s brother set their house on fire with him in the house, and he died in the fire.

Case status:
Shinji Nagao (Brother), convicted of arson, sentenced to 20 years.

58-year-old man suspected in arson-murder of disabled older brother
New arrest warrant served on man on suspicion of killing disabled brother
New arrest served on man on suspicion of killing disabled brother
Man jailed for 20 years over arson-murder of disabled older brother

Masano Yao

No PhotoName: Masano Yao.
Died: April 6, 2016.
Age at death: 79.
Cause of death: Asphyxia.
Location: Kato, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan.
Disability: Dementia.

Ms. Yao’s husband called police and allegedly admitted to strangling her because he “had a hard time taking care of her”. Police went to the house, found Ms. Yao’s body, and arrested her husband.

Case status:
Yoshiaki Yao (Husband), arrested.

Hyogo man, 82, arrested, admits strangling dementia-stricken wife

40-year-old man

No PhotoName Unknown.
Died: April 6, 2016.
Age at death: 40.
Cause of death: Asphyxia.
Location: Khamariya, India.
Disability: HIV/AIDS.

This 40-year-old man was a truck driver by profession. He had fallen ill, been diagnosed with AIDS, and kept it secret, fearing stigma. When his wife and father-in-law found out that he was HIV-positive, they allegedly conspired with other in-laws to strangle him to death.

Case status:
His wife, father-in-law, and two relatives were charged with murder.

AIDS patient killed by wife, in-laws in India
Wife And In-Laws Kill Bareilly Man After He Was Diagnosed HIV Positive
AIDS patient killed by wife, in-laws in India
AIDS patient in India allegedly killed by wife, in-laws

Yusei Ikeda

No PhotoName: Yusei Ikeda.
Died: April 5, 2016.
Age at death: 11.
Cause of death: Asphyxia.
Location: Nirasaki, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan.
Disability: Developmental disorder.

Police say Yusei’s mother called them and admitted to strangling her son. Paramedics arrived at the home to find Yusei dead, and police arrested his mother.

Case status:
Chinatsu Ikeda (Mother), arrested on suspicion of murder.

Woman arrested for strangling 11-year-old son to death

Kazue Kawazura

No PhotoName: Kazue Kawazura.
Died: March 21, 2016.
Age at death: 53.
Cause of death: Traumatic injury.
Location: Kobe, Japan.
Disability: “Mentally handicapped”.

Kazue’s sister and niece reported finding her dead in her bed. When police questioned them, they allegedly admitted to beating her to death with a vacuum cleaner tube, and said they had been beating her for several months because she made a mess when she ate.

Case status:
Shizue Nakahara (sister), arrested on suspicion of murder.
Akiko Nakahara (Niece), arrested on suspicion of murder.

Woman, daughter held over fatal abuse of woman’s sister
Hyogo cops: Woman dies after abuse by sister and niece in Kobe

Mirella Guth

No PhotoName: Mirella Guth.
Died: March 7, 2016.
Age at death: 64.
Cause of death: Stabbed.
Location: Verona, Italy.
Disability: Mobility impaired after stroke.

Mirella was stabbed to death. Her 37-year-old autistic son Davide was attacked in the same incident; Davide survived, though with serious injuries. Police found a letter allegedly written by Mirella’s husband, which said that he had killed them because caring for his wife and son had become “too much” for him.

Case status:
Giancarlo Righetti (Husband), charged with murder and attempted murder; convicted and sentenced to 13 years 4 months.

Uccise la moglie e tentò di uccidere il figlio. Condannato a 13 anni e 4 mesi
Woman dead after stabbing by husband
Uccide la moglie inferma, accoltella il figlio autistico e tenta il suicidio
Verona, uccide moglie malata, ferisce il figlio autistico poi tenta il suicidio
Verona, uccise la moglie a coltellate «Ho agito in preda a un raptus»

11-year-old girl

No PhotoName Unknown.
Died: March 3, 2016.
Age at death: 11.
Cause of death: Asphyxia.
Location: Daegu, South Korea.
Disability: Intellectual disability, physical disability.

This 11-year-old girl’s mother is charged with having strangled her to death.

Case status:
Her mother, charged with murder.

Mother on trial for killing disabled daughter
“양육 힘들어”…11세 장애 딸 목졸라 살해한 30대母(종합)
“양육하기 어렵다”…지적장애 딸 목졸라 살해한 어머니 : SBS 뉴스
“양육하기 어렵다”…지적장애 딸 목졸라 살해한 어머니 | 연합뉴스

Priscilla Edwards

No PhotoName: Priscilla Edwards.
Died: February 21, 2016.
Age at death: 78.
Cause of death: Asphyxia.
Location: London, England, UK.
Disability: Alzheimer’s disease, partial deafness.

Priscilla tried to make a cup of tea for her daughter, but she was too frail. Her daughter said she didn’t want the tea; then she strangled Priscilla with a scarf.

Priscilla’s daughter had a history of violence against her and against her own daughter.

Priscilla was a retired midwife.

Case status:
Regina Edwards (Daughter), found guilty of manslaughter by diminished responsibility, sentenced to 10 years to life, to be served at a secure mental institution.

Woman who killed mother with scarf ‘was failed by health trust’
Mentally ill woman killed her elderly mother because she thought she looked like a WITCH
London woman who killed mother because she thought she was a ‘witch’ jailed for life
Woman jailed for life after strangling her elderly mother with silk scarf because she ‘looked like a witch’

Deborah Harris

No PhotoName: Deborah Harris.
Died: February 18, 2016.
Age at death: 22 months.
Cause of death: Blunt trauma.
Location: San Jacinto, California, USA.
Disability: Developmental delay.

Deborah was beaten to death; her body showed signs of abuse and starvation. She was the youngest of three girls; her older sisters survived.

Case status:
Tamara Barker (Mother), charged with child cruelty resulting in death, sentenced to 10 years 8 months.
Malick Harris (Father), charged with child cruelty resulting in death, sentenced to 10 years 8 months.

Parents of San Jacinto toddler charged in her death a year later
Parents charged in daughter’s death in San Jacinto are arrested in Wyoming
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