Kimberly Stern

No PhotoName: Kimberly L. Stern.
Died: June 9, 2015.
Age at death: 27.
Cause of death: Gunshot.
Location: Dubuque, Iowa, USA.
Disability: Autism.

Kim’s father killed her by shooting her 17 times.

Kim had a doll collection, with a name and a personality for each doll. She liked to write stories about them.

Case status:
Robert Stern (Father), convicted of first-degree murder, sentenced to life.

Dubuque man convicted of killing daughter gets life sentence
Testimony begins in Robert Stern murder trial
Opening statements, witness testimony heard in Robert Stern trial
UPDATE: Police: Dubuque dad shot daughter with 3 different guns
Dubuque Father Charged with Murder in Daughter’s Death
Police say Dubuque man admitting to killing his daughter
Autism Memorial: Kimberly Stern
Police: Man admits to shooting, killing daughter
Dubuque man charged in daughter’s death
UPDATE: Dubuque man convicted of 1st-degree murder in daughter’s killing

Thenmozhi, Vasanthi, and Vasantha Kumar

No PhotoName: Thenmozhi.
Age at death: 18.
Disability: Malaikan (night blindness).

Name: Vasanthi.
Age at death: 16.
Disability: Mental illness; unspecified physical disability.

Name: Vasantha Kumar.
Age at death: 14.
Disability: Unspecified physical disability.

Died: May 27, 2015.
Cause of death: Poisoning.
Location: Markandeyapuram, Dindigul, India.

Sisters Thenmozhi and Vasanthi, and their brother Vasantha, were poisoned by their parents in a murder-suicide.

Case status:
Murugesan (Father), deceased.
Krishnaveni (Mother), deceased.

Dejected Couple Kill 3 Disabled Wards, Commit Suicide
Couple kill 3 children, hang themselves
Upset Couple Poisons 3 Ailing Kids to Death, Hang Selves
Couple poison to death 3 children, end lives

Dorothy Berry

No PhotoName: Dorothy Berry.
Died: May 24, 2015.
Age at death: 77.
Cause of death: Malnutrition, sepsis.
Location: Merritt Island, Florida, USA.
Disability: Dementia.

Dorothy’s son and daughter neglected her, keeping her on a wooden bench in the living room and not feeding or cleaning her. She died from malnutrition and infected bedsores.

Case status:
George Mack Berry Jr. (Son), convicted of manslaughter, sentenced to 5 years probation.
and Susan Dawn Berry (Daughter), convicted of manslaughter, sentenced to 5 years in prison.

Supervised Population Information Detail
Inmate Population Information Detail
Merritt Island siblings fight charges in mom’s death

Thembisile Dlamini

No PhotoName: Thembisile Dlamini.
Died: May 23, 2015.
Age at death: 58.
Cause of death: Gunshot, fire.
Location: Amatikwe, Inanda, South Africa.
Disability: Diabetes, leg amputee, blind.

Thembisile was the caregiver for three of her grandchildren as well as three foster children.

Her granddaughter’s ex, had kidnapped one of the children, and her granddaughter called the police. When he found out, he attacked the family at their home. Two other women managed to escape out of the windows, but Thembisile could not escape, so she began yelling for help. Her grandson-in-law shot her in the mouth to silence her, then set the house on fire.

Thembisile’s family survived the incident, though they had to live with a neighbor for a year to get back on their feet.

Case status:
Bheki Khumalo (Grandson-in-law), sentenced to 20 years for murder and 10 years for arson.

KZN man given 30 year jail term for killing blind ‘defenseless’ elderly woman
Justice for blind, diabetic, amputee KZN gran who was shot in mouth by grandson-in-law

George Philip Carter

No PhotoName: George Philip Carter.
Died: May 15, 2015.
Age at death: 59.
Cause of death: Sepsis.
Location: Spanaway, Washington, USA.
Disability: Autism, developmental disability.

Philip’s caregiver neglected him; he died of infected bedsores because instead of taking him to a doctor, his caregiver stuffed the bedsores with paper towels.

Case status:
Larry John Lee (Unlicensed caregiver), convicted of second-degree murder, sentenced to 18 years.

Caregiver charged with murder in neglect of vulnerable adult
Caretaker sentenced to 18 years for ‘murder by neglect’
Jury finds Spanaway man guilty in death of adult he cared for
Autism Memorial: George Philip Carter

Louis Spires

No PhotoName: Louis Spires.
Died: May 15, 2015.
Age at death: 68.
Cause of death: Smothered.
Location: Louth, England, UK.
Disability: Alcoholic, visually impaired, mobility impaired.

Louis’s partner smothered him by putting a pillow over his face and sitting on it.

Case status:
Lynn Stallard (Partner, caretaker), pleaded guilty to murder, sentenced to 12 years to life.

Pensioner who murdered her housebound and disabled partner by putting a pillow on his head and SITTING on it faces life in jail


No Photo
Name: Umesh.
Died: May 1, 2015.
Age at death: 35.
Cause of death: Traumatic injury.
Location: Amatekoppa, Shikaripur, India.
Disability: Physical disability.

Police first categorized Umesh’s death as a hit-and-run, but they received tips that Umesh’s brother had taken out three life insurance policies on him and killed him to collect the money. They now suspect that Umesh’s brother rented a mini-truck, drove him out to the outskirts of a village, and ran him over.

Case status:
Kumar (Brother), arrested, charged with murder.

Man held on charge of murdering disabled brother

20-year-old man

No PhotoName Unknown.
Died: April 26, 2015.
Age at death: 20.
Cause of death: Stabbed.
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark.
Disability: Intellectual disability.

This young man was fatally stabbed in the neck by his younger sister. She told police, “I’ve just always hated him because he has ruined my life.”

Case status:
His 15-year-old sister. Ruled not guilty because of mental illness; sent to a psychiatric ward for treatment and eventual release.

15-årig pige erkender at have stukket sin bror ihjel
15-årig pige erkender: Jeg slog min storebror ihjel
15-årig pige stak sin bror ihjel: Moderen skrev lang artikel om deres problemer
15-årig pige stak storebror ihjel: ‘Nu har de mistet begge børn’
15-årig pige tilstår knivdrab: Stak storebror i halsen
16-årig pige hadede sin storebror og dræbte ham med kniv
Danish girl killed disabled brother who ‘ruined life’

Mr. Lin

No Photo
Name: Mr. Lin (Surname; given name unknown).
Died: April 22, 2015.
Age at death: 8.
Cause of death: Asphyxia.
Location: Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Disability: Cerebral palsy, epilepsy.

Young Lin’s father was annoyed that his neighbors kept parking their motorcycles outside his house, blocking the wheelchair ramp. One day, drunk and enraged at the neighbors, young Lin’s father went inside, grabbed him in his wheelchair, and, to demonstrate his point that the motorcycles were hazardous, rammed the boy into one of the parked motorcycles. The motorcycle toppled, the wheelchair tipped over, and young Lin suffocated. His father made no attempt to help him.

Case status:
His father, also surnamed Lin; convicted of causing the death of a child, sentenced to 7-and-a-half years.

The Father Who Pushed His Own Handicapped Son into Oncoming Traffic, Causing His Death is Sentenced
Jail for man who caused death of disabled son

Elhassan and Abdelkarim Elmezayen

No PhotoName: Elhassan Elmezayen.
Age at death: 13.
Died: April 9, 2015.

Name: Abdelkarim Elmezayen.
Age at death: 8.
Died: April 10, 2015.

Cause of death: Drowning.
Location: Los Angeles, California, USA.
Disability: Autism.

Elhassan and Abdelkarim’s father took out life insurance policies on them; then he put them and his wife in the car and drove off a bridge. Their father easily swam to safety through a window he had left open for the purpose; their mother was rescued by a fisherman. But the boys, who could not swim and were strapped into their child seats, went down with the car. Elhassan died shortly after being transported to the hospital; Abdelkarim died the next day.

The family were immigrants from Egypt. A third brother, also autistic, was not in the car that day and survived.

Case status:
Ali Elmezayen (Father), convicted of murder, mail and wire fraud, identity theft and money laundering; sentenced to 212 years in prison.

California Man Sentenced To 212 Years In Prison For ‘Premeditated Murder’ Of Two Autistic Sons To Claim Life Insurance
Man convicted of intentionally drowning his 2 autistic children to collect insurance money
Man Found Guilty of Killing His Disabled Sons by Driving Off Port of L.A. Dock to Collect Life Insurance
Dad Accused of Drowning His 2 Boys With Severe Autism for Insurance Money Cries in Court
Man charged with fraud after driving off pier, killing sons
Autism Memorial: Elhassan and Abdelkarim Elmezayen
A man drove his severely autistic kids off a pier to their death. Prosecutors say he did it for the insurance money.
Father ‘drowned autistic sons to claim insurance money’
‘Dad’ took hefty life insurance policy on two autistic children before allegedly driving them to their drowning deaths: Prosecutors
Man Charged Alleging Scheme to Collect Insurance Proceeds by Intentionally Killing His Two Autistic Children
1 dead, 3 injured after car plunges into water at Port of Los Angeles