Peter Mugo

No PhotoName: Peter Mugo.
Died: June 25, 2009.
Age at death: 5.
Cause of death: Homicide.
Location: Limuru, Kiambu County, Kenya.
Disability: Deaf.

Peter’s mother killed him and threw his body into a latrine. She had been hiding his existence from her current husband, and killed him to try to save her marriage.

Case status:
Alice Njoki (Mother), sentenced to 6 years.

Alice Njoki

Sherre Neal-Lypps

No PhotoName: Sherre Neal-Lypps.
Died: June 23, 2009.
Age at death: 62.
Cause of death: Drowning.
Location: Morro Bay, California, USA.
Disability: Chronic pain, depression, sciatica.

Sherre was strangled and drowned in her bathtub. Her death was disguised as a suicide, complete with forged suicide notes that claimed she was tired of being in pain. Five years after Sherre died, her husband was arrested because samples taken from her fingernails contained his DNA.

Case status:
James Victor Lypps (Husband), charged with first-degree murder, acquitted.

Nipomo man arrested 5 years after wife found dead in Morro Bay
‘No way’ death of James Lypps’ wife was a suicide, coroner says
Pathologist testifies Sherre Neal-Lypps’ death was a homicide
Nipomo man killed wife for her Social Security checks, prosecution suggests
Judge to consider removing DA’s Office from Morro Bay murder case
Judge orders Morro Bay murder suspect released
Former Morro Bay man not guilty of murder in death of his wife, jury finds

Cynthia Burns

No PhotoName: Cynthia Burns.
Died: April 27, 2009.
Age at death: 58.
Cause of death: Pneumonia.
Location: Wylie, Texas, USA.
Disability: Paralysis due to stroke.

Cynthia’s daughter and son-in-law denied her food and medical care. She died of pneumonia, her body too weak from neglect to survive the illness.

Case status:
Christina Gaines (Daughter), knowingly causing serious bodily injury to a disabled person, 12 years.
Gary Gaines, recklessly causing serious bodily injury to a disabled person, 6 months in jail and community service.

Wylie woman gets 12 years for mother’s death in ‘extraordinarily terrible’ neglect case
Woman abused disabled mother to the point she ‘resembled a Holocaust victim’ and died

Faheem Farook

No PhotoName: Faheem Mohamed Farook.
Died: April 24, 2009.
Age at death: 7.
Cause of death: Fall.
Location: Singapore.
Disability: Asperger syndrome.

Faheem and his parents moved to Singapore from India when he was just a year old; at five, Faheem was diagnosed with autism, and his parents were “troubled by his condition”.

When he was seven, his father pushed him out a high-rise window and jumped out after him.

Case status:
Mohamed Farook (Father), deceased.

Autism Memorial: Faheem Farook
Husband leaped to death with son: She taps into grief to help others heal
Book of stories about conquering mental illness launched at charity’s 5th anniversary dinner

Mike Tran

No PhotoName: Minh Trung “Mike” Tran.
Died: March 28, 2009.
Age at death: 51.
Cause of death: Suffocated.
Location: Elmwood Park, New Jersey, USA.
Disability: Stroke.

Mike was home for a visit from his nursing home when his wife suffocated him with a plastic bag.

Before his stroke, he was a stay-at-home dad who cared for the children and the house and cooked very good sauce. But after he became disabled, his wife became abusive and eventually killed him and tried to kill their children, who survived.

Case status:
Jenny Tran (Wife), convicted of aggravated manslaughter, attempted murder, and two counts of child endangerment; sentenced to 34-50 years.

Archive: Elmwood Park woman gets 50 years in husband’s killing despite pleas from her kids
Archive: Tran acquitted of murder, convicted of aggravated manslaughter, attempted murder
Archive: Attorneys argue over defendant’s sanity in Elmwood Park murder case
Archive: Murder defendant told detectives of events leading to husband’s ‘release’
Archive: Daughter told detective Elmwood Park mother tried to kill her earlier
Archive: Daughter saw ‘monster,’ she says at Elmwood Park mom’s murder trial

Daniel Ndayiragije

No PhotoName: Daniel Ndayiragije.
Died: 2009.
Age at death: 10.
Cause of death: Gunshot.
Location: Burundi.
Disability: Albinism.

Daniel’s older brother and sister-in-law agreed to sell him to a gang of albino hunters for the equivalent of $250. His killers shot him, then cut off his limbs for sale as ingredients in ritual magic.

Case status:
Omari Ndayiragije (brother), wanted fugitive.
Victoria Nkuizikiye (Sister-in-law), charged with murder.
A gang of three men, unnamed, wanted.

The ‘genocide’ of Burundi’s albinos
Una tragedia olvidada
Albinos under Burundi police protection welcome Napoleon

Margaret Benjo

No PhotoName: Margaret Mary “Peggy” Benjo.
Died: June 5, 2008.
Age at death: 76.
Cause of death: Gunshot.
Location: Deltona, Florida, USA.
Disability: Chronic illness, dementia; disabled elder.

Peggy was shot to death by her husband.

Case status:
Robert Benjo (Husband), pleaded guilty to manslaughter, sentenced to two years house arrest and 13 years probation.

Elderly Deltona man charged in wife’s murder, saying she no longer had will to live
Deltona man, 82, pleads guilty to killing wife
Mercy or Murder? Man Kills Dying Wife
Sheriff: Elderly husband charged in Deltona wife’s murder earlier today — accused says wife no longer had will to live with illness
Deltona man, 82, gets suspended sentence for killing his ailing wife

Katherine Mudski

No PhotoName: Katherine Mudski.
Died: June 3, 2008.
Age at death: 73.
Cause of death: Malnutrition, infection.
Location: Flint, Michigan, USA.
Disability: Breast cancer.

Katherine’s son neglected her, and she died from a combination of malnutrition, dehydration, and infected bedsores.

Two years before Katherine’s death, she called a mailman into her home and asked him to help. The mailman called the police, who came to the house, stayed for 13 minutes, and did nothing to help Katherine.

Case status:
Christopher A. Mudski (Son), pleaded guilty to manslaughter, sentenced to 316 days time served. Arrested later for similarly neglecting his cousin, who was hospitalized.

911 tapes show police were called by mailman months before Katherine Mukdsi’s death; son faces murder charges for alleged neglect
Man convicted in mother’s death accused in similar neglect case
Elder abuse cases bring big charges, offenders actually receive lesser sentences
Flint Township man will stand trial for murder in neglect case involving his elderly mother

Jaylen Brown

No PhotoName: Jaylen Brown.
Died: May 13, 2008.
Age at death: 13.
Cause of death: Sepsis.
Location: Chicago, Illinios, USA.
Disability: Cerebral palsy.

Even though she had help from two nurses, Jaylen’s mother neglected him so badly that he died from blood poisoning due to severe, infected bedsores.

Case status:
Kesheia Phillips (Mother), convicted of misdemeanor child neglect.
Loren Brown (Nurse), acquitted.
Morris Brinkley (Nurse), sentenced to 2 years of probation and 60 days of community service, license suspended.

Mom, home care aide go on trial in neglect death
‘Severe’ neglect blamed in death
Severely Disabled 13-Year-Old Died From Neglect

Aleksi Toledo

No PhotoName: Aleksi Morgan Pressey Toledo.
Died: May 13, 2008.
Age at death: 4.
Cause of death: Neglect.
Location: San Bernardino County, California, USA.
Disability: Autism, juvenile diabetes.

Aleksi’s diabetes treatment was withheld and he was starved and dehydrated. He died of diabetic ketoacidosis with no fat left on his body. It is alleged that his mother chose not to seek medical attention, even though she could have saved his life had she done so.

Case status:
Father, D. T., no charges
Mother, unnamed, charged with child endangerment.

Autism Memorial: Aleksi Toledo
D.T. v. Superior Court
Death Record