Jean Chamberlain

Photo of an older woman with short, permed, dark-blond hair and light skin, wearing a blouse and neat make-up.Name: Jean Chamberlain.
Died: February 16, 2014.
Age at death: 70.
Cause of death: Suffocation.
Location: Ogden, Utah, USA.
Disability: Stroke, brain cancer survivor.

Jean’s husband put a plastic bag over her head and fed helium into it, suffocating her.

Jean survived brain cancer at age 8 and grew up to work at various jobs, including department store assistant, switchboard operator, and hospital employee. She raised five children and welcomed 25 grandchildren. As a young mother, to help make money to feed her children, she sold encyclopedias and sandals out of her home.

Case status:
Dennis Chamberlain (Husband); pleaded guilty to attempted murder, sentenced to three years to life in prison.

Obituary for Jean Andersen Chamberlain
Elderly Utah man sentenced to prison in death of ailing wife
The Justice Files: Imprisoned elderly man claims it was assisted suicide not murder

Lucas Braman

Photo of Lucas Braman.Name: Lucas Braman.
Died: February 13, 2014.
Age at death: 23 months.
Cause of death: Unknown; possibly restraint-related.
Location: West Yarmouth, Massachusetts, USA.
Disability: “Autistic-like behaviors”; born addicted to narcotics.

Lucas was found dead wearing a helmet and wrapped in a weighted blanket much too heavy for him; the autopsy was inconclusive. His caretaker had been abusive in the past.

Case status:
Sheryl Erb (Caregiver), no charges.
Elizabeth Cavallini (Caregiver); charged with child rape, assault and battery on a child, indecent assault and battery on a child under 14, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, and intimidation of a witness, juror, police, or court official.

Barnstable grand jury indicts woman, 29, on child rape and assault charges
Autism Memorial: Lucas Braman
How did Lucas Braman die?
Report details pattern of abuse in toddler’s death
Lucas: Two families, two portrayals of Yarmouth toddler
Grieving mother of tot under DCF watch: ‘I want to know how he died’
More questions than answers in death of 2-year-old on Cape Cod
No resolution in Yarmouth child’s death

Frances Dresser

Black and white photo of a young woman with fair skin, wearing an old-fashioned cocktail dress and sitting on the hood of a car.Name: Frances Dresser.
Died: January 22, 2014.
Age at death: 86.
Cause of death: Gunshot.
Location: Carson City, Nevada, USA.
Disability: Paralysis (from fall).

Frances fell at home and doctors said she would be paralyzed and need to move to a nursing home. Her husband went home, bought a gun, returned to the hospital and shot her in the chest. She died three days later.

Frances Dresser was a great-grandmother who loved music and nature.

Case status:
William Lyle Dresser (Husband), charged with murder; charges dropped by a judge who said, “William Dresser killed his wife, but he is not a murderer”.

‘No evil in his act’: DA seeks to drop mercy killing murder charge
Murder charge dismissed against William Dresser

Susan Simonetti

Photo of Susan Simonetti, a woman with curly dark hair and olive-toned skin, smiling for the camera. The photo has a faint watermark or stamp on it.Name: Susan Simonetti.
Died: January 18, 2014.
Age at death: 56.
Cause of death: Neglect-related.
Location: New Britain, Connecticut, USA.
Disability: Unspecified.

Susan’s brother was under investigation for her death when her mother also died from neglect in similar circumstances.

Case status:
Frank Simonetti (Brother), no charges; charged later for a similar neglect death of his mother, Michaelina Simonetti.

New Britain Man Charged With Manslaughter In 93-Year-Old Mother’s Death

Bruce Simmons

School photo of Bruce Simmons, a young man with pale skin and brown hair gelled into a neat side-parted style. He is wearing a brown flannel shirt.Name: Bruce Simmons.
Died: January 12, 2014.
Age at death: 58.
Cause of death: Hypothermia.
Location: Kindred, North Dakota, USA.
Disability: Mental illness.

Bruce’s brother neglected him, letting him starve and freeze to death.

Case status:
Ronald Simmons (Brother), pleaded guilty to one count of endangering a vulnerable person, sentenced to 1 year of parole.

Plea deal disgusts sister-in-law of brothers in frozen farmhouse case
North Dakota man let mentally ill brother freeze to death: charges

John Clark

No PhotoName: John Wyatt Clark.
Died: November 29, 2013.
Age at death: 14 months.
Cause of death: Staph infection.
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Disability: Unknown; developmental delays.

Through his entire life, John’s parents never took him to the doctor, even though he was very small for his age and had obvious developmental delays. They also fed him an extreme diet that did not include all the nutrients he needed. When he was 14 months old, he died from malnutrition and a staph infection that overwhelmed his weakened body.

Case status:
Jennifer Clark (Mother), convicted of criminal negligence causing death and failure to provide the necessaries of life, sentenced to 32 months in prison.
Jeromie Clark (Father), convicted of criminal negligence causing death and failure to provide the necessaries of life, sentenced to 32 months in prison.

Religious Vegan Parents Convicted in Starvation Death of Son
Calgary parents found guilty in connection with death of 14-month-old son
Clark trial hears how gravely ill son was when sent to ICU

83-year-old woman

No PhotoName Unknown.
Died: October 2013.
Age at death: 83.
Cause of death: Pneumonia.
Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Disability: Stroke, dementia, mental illness, epilepsy.

This 83-year-old woman was neglected by her son and daughter-in-law, who were receiving government payments to care for her. She was denied her medication, starved, and left uncared for on a filthy mattress. She was severely malnourished and filthy, and had been fed by mouth even though her stroke had made it difficult for her to swallow. When she cried for help, her son bought everyone earplugs. She died of untreated bronchopneumonia.

Three of her grandchildren testified against their parents for the abuse that ended in their grandmother’s death.

Case status:
Her son, age 52, convicted of reckless conduct endangering life, sentenced to 12-18 months in jail.
Her daughter-in-law, age 46, convicted of reckless conduct endangering life, given a 12-month suspended sentence.

Son bought family ear plugs so they couldn’t hear grandmother’s cries
Judge considering tougher penalties for neglect couple
Man jailed for letting his mother die over 16 months without medicine
Man jailed for ‘inhumane’ neglect of elderly mum
Grandmother left to die in own filth
Australian man bought earplugs to drown out his elderly mother’s cries of pain
Son and his wife to stand trial on neglect charges after elderly mother’s death
Son and daughter-in-law to stand trial for mother’s horrific death
Dead woman’s grandchildren to give evidence in their parents’ neglect trial

Tamiyah Audain

A poster from Tamiyah Audain's funeral, showing two photos of her, one with a sunflower clenched between her teeth and the other of her in a purple plaid shirt. Tamiyah is a young girl with brown skin and dark brown eyes, her black hair up in a bun. The poster reads, Heaven gained a precious angel. Sunrise, sunset. Miyah.Name: Tamiyah Audain.
Died: September 25, 2013.
Age at death: 12.
Cause of death: Malnutrition, infection.
Location: Lauderhill, Florida, USA.
Disability: Autism, tuberous sclerosis.

Tamiyah was neglected by her aunt; she died of starvation and infection. When she died after nine months with her aunt, Tamiyah weighed only 56 pounds–less than half of the 115 pounds she had weighed when she first came to live there.

Tamiyah always greeted family members with a hug.

Case status:
Latoya Patterson (Cousin), convicted of child neglect, sentenced to 3 years probation.
Jabeth Moye (Child care worker), pleaded no contest to aggravated child abuse, sentenced to five years probation.

Autism Memorial: Tamiyah Audain
Caregiver charged in autistic girl’s death seeks bond
Supervised Population Information Detail
While agencies bickered, Broward girl died horrible death
Report: Questions Arise For Child Welfare Workers After Death Of 12-Year-Old
State records show pattern of neglect in death of Lauderhill girl
Florida child welfare worker, 3 others charged in girl’s starvation death

Robert Meredith Jr.

Gravestone reading, Meredith, Robert L Sr, SP4 USA, 1935 2012, Mary Ann, 1938 2012, Robert L Jr,1694, 2013, forever in our hearts.Name: Robert Meredith Jr.
Died: September 22, 2013.
Age at death: 55.
Cause of death: Blunt force injury.
Location: Joliet, Illinois, USA.
Disability: Intellectual disability.

Robert’s brother punched him and hit him with a stick. He died of his injuries.

Case status:
Francis Zabala (Brother-in-law), charged with murder, convicted of involuntary manslaughter, sentenced to 4-8 years in prison.

Joliet man gets 8-year sentence for fatal beating
Joliet murder trial testimony: Broken ribs led to man’s death
2013 Joliet murder trial to begin
Joliet murder trial: Wife saw husband beat victim
Update: Murder Victim ID’d, Died from ‘Blunt Force Injuries’: Coroner
Defendant testifies in Joliet murder trial
Joliet man found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in beating of mentally disabled brother-in-law
Joliet man guilty of involuntary manslaughter: jury

Edward O’Brien Jr.

Gravestone of Edward J. O'brien Jr.Name: Edward J. O’Brien Jr.
Died: September 8, 2013.
Age at death: 92.
Cause of death: Heart failure
Location: West Whiteland, Pennsylvania, USA.
Disability: Heart condition.

Edward’s son kept him from getting medical treatment for his heart condition and neglected him. When he died of heart failure, he was starving and covered in bedsores.

Mr. O’Brien was a World War II veteran.

Case status:
Edward J. O’Brien III (Son), found guilty of third-degree murder, involuntary murder, aggravated assault, and recklessly endangering another person, sentenced to 5-10 years.

Prelimnary hearing set in death of West Whiteland man
In murder trial, Chesco lawyer says father died as he wanted
Chester County Man Convicted Of Murder In Death Of Elderly Father
West Whiteland man guilty of murder in his father’s death
Judge gives O’Brien 5 to 10 years for death of father
Chesco attorney guilty of letting father die ordered to state prison