Aiko Matsubara

No PhotoName: Aiko Matsubara.
Died: October 9, 2019.
Age at death: 90.
Cause of death: Suffocation.
Location: Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan.
Disability: Unspecified; disabled elder.

Police received a phone call from Ms. Matsubara’s granddaughter, saying she had killed her grandmother. When they arrived at her house, they found her dead, killed by having a towel stuffed into her mouth until she suffocated.

Case status:
Akane Matsubara (Granddaughter), charged with murder.

Woman arrested after stuffing towel into 90-year-old grandmother’s mouth, killing her

Terue Nakata

No PhotoName: Terue Nakata.
Died: October 8, 2019.
Age at death: 71.
Cause of death: Blunt trauma.
Location: Sayama City, Saitama Prefecture, Japan.
Disability: Unspecified.

Terue’s daughter-in-law found her beaten to death on her futon. Police arrested Terue’s son, who they say told them that he had done it because he was “worn out from nursing [his] mother”.

Case status:
Tomoki Nakata (Son), arrested on suspicion of murder.

Saitama: Man, 40, fatally bashed mother before attempting suicide

Dorothy Davis

Gravestone reading "Dorothy L Davis, beloved wife, mother, and grandmother. July 15, 1942 to October 17, 2019."Name: Dorothy Davis.
Died: October 7, 2019.
Age at death: 77.
Cause of death: Gunshot.
Location: Midwest City, Oklahoma, USA.
Disability: Dementia.

Dorothy was shot as she lay in bed. Police received a call in which her husband admitted to killing her; when they arrived at her house, they arrested her husband for the murder.

In the afternoons, neighbors often saw her sitting on the porch, holding hands with her husband.

Case status:
Royce Davis (Husband), charged with first-degree murder.

A Pregnant Army Wife Dies in Apparent Suicide But Details Haunt Investigators: “Makes No Sense”
80-year-old man accused of killing wife of 50 years because she had dementia, MWC police say
Police: 80-year-old man killed wife of 50 years because she had dementia
‘They were lovely people’: Neighbors shocked after learning 80-year-old man shot wife of 55 years
“It was sad that he felt like this was the only option,” Man allegedly shot, killed wife suffering from dementia

Ana Vasquez-Rodriguez

Photo of a middle-aged woman with light-brown skin and straight, brown, shoulder-length hair. Her skin is wrinkled and freckled. The straps of her light-blue top are visible.Name: Ana Vasquez-Rodriguez.
Died: October 6, 2019.
Age at death: 68.
Cause of death: Stabbed.
Location: Fall River, Massachusetts, USA.
Disability: Stroke.

Ana was stabbed in her bed by a teenage relative she was living with. Her disability made it difficult for her to fight back, and she died.

Case Status:
Heavenly Arroyo (Daughter’s boyfriend’s great-niece; household member), sentenced to 19 years to life.

Fall River woman, 18, gets life in prison for 2019 killing
Fall River teen sentenced to life for brutal murder

Jaime Feden

Photo of a short woman with protruding ears and a round nose; her light-brown hair is pulled back away from her pale face and she is smiling for the camera, photographed outdoors.Name: Jaime Rae Feden.
Died: October 5, 2019 (Body found, last seen September 15, 2019).
Age at death: 33.
Cause of death: Asphyxiation.
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Disability: Vater syndrome.

Jamie’s ex-boyfriend, with whom she still spent time, took her to Las Vegas on vacation with the promise he would find a home for them. Then he drove her out into the desert, saying they were going to do a photoshoot. There, he suffocated her by wrapping her nose and mouth in duct tape and tried to cover up her death by pretending to be her on Facebook. When her body was found dumped in the desert, he was arrested, and it came out he was already married to someone else.

Jamie was sweet-natured, strong-willed and independent. She wanted to go to college and become a medical assistant, and had recently held a job at a care home. She had a four-leaf clover tattoo in honor of her uncle, brother, and mother, who died when she was a child.

Case status:
John Matthew Chapman (Boyfriend), charged with kidnapping, obstructing administration of law, and criminal use of a communication facility.

Man Living ‘Double Life’ Allegedly Drove Special Needs Girlfriend To Vegas Desert, Suffocated Her
A Married Man Leading A “Double Life” Allegedly Killed His Girlfriend And Pretended To Be Her On Facebook
Man believed to have killed disabled girlfriend after luring her to Nevada desert with promise of BDSM photoshoot
Man ‘lured disabled ex to the desert, suffocated her then dumped her body’

Mildred Costanza

No PhotoName: Mildred Costanza.
Died: October 4, 2019.
Age at death: 78.
Cause of death: Painkiller overdose in the setting of chronic neglect.
Location: Wausau, Wisconsin, USA.
Disability: Frail elder.

Mildred’s daughter, who ostensibly cared for her, kept her in deplorable conditions and did not take her to the doctor even when she developed a serious infection. Weakened by hunger and neglect, Mildred died of a Tramadol overdose. She weighed only 75 pounds.

Case status:
Mary Tessmer (Daughter), pleaded guilty to recklessly subjecting an individual at risk to abuse, causing death; sentenced to 2 years in prison and 2 years parole.

Ringle woman pleads guilty to neglecting 78-year-old mother, causing her death
Woman charged in death of elderly mother who overdosed
Ringle woman accused of chronic neglect in mother’s death
Marathon County woman sentenced in mother’s death

Harmony Montgomery

Photo of a young girl, fair-skinned and blond, her hair in a ponytail, wearing glasses and a white T-shirt printed with a colorful alphabet.Name: Harmony Montgomery.
Died: October 1, 2019 (Missing).
Age at death: 5.
Cause of death: Missing, presumed dead.
Location: Manchester, New Hampshire, USA.
Disability: Blind in one eye.

Harmony went missing in late 2019, though her disappearance wasn’t reported until 2021. After an investigation lasting another year, police arrested her father, who is accused of hitting Harmony repeatedly in the head and killing her.

Case Status:
Adam Montgomery (Father), charged with murder, falsifying evidence, witness tampering, and abuse of a corpse; currently in prison for 15-30 years on gun charges.
Kayla Montgomery (Stepmother), pleaded guilty to two felony counts of perjury, sentenced to 3.5 to 7 years.

What to know about the Harmony Montgomery murder case in New Hampshire
Harmony Montgomery murder case: What to know on the eve of trial
Harmony Montgomery’s father stands trial for five-year-old’s murder
Mass. considers ‘Harmony Commission’ to examine custody process
Harmony Montgomery case: Cops probe new location for possible clues after father Adam charged with murder
New Report Focuses on Concerns for Child Safety
Missing New Hampshire girl Harmony Montgomery was murdered: state AG
Missing Harmony Montgomery: Dad accused of giving partially blind daughter black eye in 2019, other abuse
Father of Harmony Montgomery, girl who disappeared in 2019, is charged with murder in her death
Missing NH girl’s father arrested on murder charge
Harmony Montgomery’s father is charged with murder

Sandra Shaffer

No PhotoName: Sandra Shaffer, aka Sandra Jones-Shaffer.
Died: September 30, 2019.
Age at death: 65.
Cause of death: Gunshot.
Location: Laflin Borough, Pennsylvania, USA.
Disability: Dementia.

Police say that Sandra’s husband shot her dead before killing himself.

Sandra liked horseback riding.

Case status:
Robert Shaffer (Husband), deceased.

Sandra Jones Shaffer Obituary (1953 – 2019) Citizens Voice
Police: Husband kills wife in murder-suicide in Laflin Borough
Husband shot wife in Pa. murder-suicide: Police


Gael Baumea

Photo: Young boy with fuzzy black hair and light-brown skin, grinning, revealing baby teeth.Name: Gael Francisco Baumea.
Died: September 26, 2019.
Age at death: 6.
Cause of death: Drowned.
Location: Pascua Yaqui, Arizona, USA.
Disability: Unspecified special needs.

Gael and his mother were members of the Yaqui tribe, though his father was not.

His father, attempting to “perform an exorcism”, allegedly killed the boy by forcing his head under hot water, burning or drowning him. Police say he told them he “saw something evil” inside the boy.

Case status:
Pablo Martinez (Father), charged with first-degree murder.

Gael Baumea Obituary – Tucson, AZ
Arizona man killed a 6-year-old boy trying to ‘cast the demon out,’ police say
Arizona man charged after 6-year-old son dies during attempted exorcism
Authorities: Tucson man killed son while trying to exorcise demon
Man kills son to ‘cast out demon’
Dad from hell killed six-year-old son by pouring hot water down throat to ‘exorcise demons’

Conner Snyder

Photo of Conner and Brinley Snyder. He is a heavyset boy wearing a T-shirt, shorts, and backpack; she is a girl wearing a frilly pink skirt and holding a white teddy bear.Name: Conner Seth Snyder.
Died: September 26, 2019.
Age at death: 8.
Cause of death: Hanging.
Location: Albany, Pennsylvania, USA.
Disability: Speech delay, learning disabilities, poor dexterity.

Other Victim: Brinley Louise Snyder, age 4, Conner’s sister (non-disabled).

Child's watercolor painting of brightly colored flowers in a blue vase.
Artwork by Conner Snyder.

Conner liked video games and building forts.

Conner’s mother hanged him and his sister Brinley from a dog lead in their basement. She told police it was a suicide, claiming that Conner had been bullied at school because of his disability, and had killed himself and his little sister; but police established that Conner didn’t have the dexterity necessary to use the dog lead to hang himself, and his mother had been researching hanging online.

Case status:
Lisa Rachelle Snyder (Mother), found guilty of two counts of first-degree murder, endangering the welfare of a child and evidence tampering; sentenced to life without parole.

How to (Not) Get Away with Murder
Defense paints Lisa Snyder as former victim of abuse, mental illness, as murder trial gets underway
Judge rejects plea for Pennsylvania woman charged with killing 2 children found hanging in basement
Lisa Snyder, accused of hanging her 2 children in Berks County, may have a plea deal
Judge signals he won’t allow dog sex charges in trial of Berks mom Lisa Snyder, accused of hanging her children
Pennsylvania mom murdered children found hanging, authorities say
Mom charged with murder in hanging deaths of 2 children in Berks County
Mother charged in ‘horrific’ deaths of children found hanging from dog lead in Pennsylvania basement
Pennsylvania mom Lisa Rachelle Snyder charged with murdering her children Conner and Brinley