Daniel Corby

Photo of Daniel Corby, a small boy with short brown hair and fair skin, smiling and covering his mouth with his hands.Name: Daniel Corby.
Died: March 31, 2012.
Age at death: 4.
Cause of death: Drowned.
Location: San Diego, California, USA.
Disability: Autism.

Daniel’s mother drowned him in the bathtub. She said she had killed him because he was autistic, she was sick of taking care of him, and she had gone $70,000 into debt for autism treatment.

Daniel learned all of the letters of the alphabet when he was three.

Case status:
Patricia Corby (mother) pleaded guilty to second-degree murder and was sentenced to 15 years to life.

Autism Memorial: Daniel Corby
Woman sentenced in tub drowning of autistic son, 4
Murder of Daniel Corby
Mom gets 15 years in autistic son’s tub drowning
Mother admits she drowned autistic son, 4, in bathtub because ‘she was sick of taking care of him’ and was $70,000 in debt after paying for his care
‘She felt like she had no life’: Mother drowns autistic four-year-old
Mother who drowned 4-year-old autistic son sentenced to life term

Russell Fox

Pixellatd photo of a young boy with pale skin, large eyes, and short brown hair. He is biting his lower lip.Name: Russell Wayne Fox.
Died: March 4, 2012.
Age at death: 8.
Cause of death: Pneumonia.
Location: Suwannee County, Florida, USA.
Disability: ADHD, developmental delay, cystic fibrosis.

Russell was denied medical care and not fed enough. He died at the age of 8 from complications of cystic fibrosis. Medical neglect was a contributing factor.

Russell “enjoyed playing outside and watching Spongebob Squarepants.”

Case status:
Lesa Rose Fox (Adoptive mother), not charged. In 2018, she was sentenced to 2 years for a presumably unrelated aggravated assault.

Russell Wayne Fox
Russell Fox, 8

Nubia Barahona

Photo of a girl with blond hair cut in bangs, brown eyes, and fair skin; the edge of a pink flower lei can be seen draped around her neck.Name: Nubia Barahona.
Died: February 14, 2012.
Age at death: 10.
Cause of death: Blunt trauma.
Location: West Palm Beach, Florida, USA.
Disability: Congenital adrenal hyperplasia.

Nubia was allegedly abused by her foster, later adoptive, parents. When she showed up at school thin and ravenously hungry, her parents blamed her condition on her CAH, and the abuse was not investigated. Eventually Nubia was found beaten to death in her adoptive father’s truck.

Nubia is survived by her twin brother, Ivan, who was found in poor condition but recovered.

Case status:
Jorge Barahona (Adoptive father), charged with murder.
Carmen Barahona (Adoptive mother), pleaded guilty to first-degree murder and multiple counts of aggravated child abuse.

Child Murder Case Still Hasn’t Gone to Trial After More Than a Decade, Here’s Why
Murder of Nubia Barahona
‘Murderer who melted disabled daughter’s body in acid’ is attacked in jail
Before the torture, Nubia Barahona dreamed as a child

Jeshiah DeJesus

Photo: A small boy with olive-toned skin and stringy brown hair, smiling.Name: Jeshiah DeJesus.
Died: February 9, 2012.
Age at death: 9.
Cause of death: Stabbed.
Location: Deerfield Park, Florida, USA.
Disability: Autism.

Jeshiah was stabbed to death by his father after his father took their family hostage. After wounding his family and killing Jeshiah and 76-year-old Oliva DePlante, a bystander, his father committed suicide.

Case status:
William De Jesus (Father), deceased.
Deanna DeJesus (Mother), pleaded guilty to aggravated manslaughter, sentenced to 10 years in prison and 5 years probation.

Autism Memorial: Jeshiah DeJesus
Deanna De Jesus, Wife of Man Who Stabbed Sons, Gets 10-Year Sentence
Report: Broward County RV park killer kept sons despite molestation allegations
Boy describes father’s killing spree, mother’s inaction
‘Which one do you want me to do first?’ Psychotic father’s chilling question to his wife before he stabbed to death his older son, nine
More Weird Details Emerge in Deerfield Park RV Park Murder-Suicide

Joseph Adams

No PhotoName: Joseph Maoping Adams.
Died: December 3, 2011.
Age at death: 5.
Cause of death: Vinegar poisoning.
Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA.
Disability: Hirschsprung’s disease; colectomy.

Joseph had eaten some sprinkles, chocolate, and butter, which he was not allowed to have. In an attempt to force Joseph to vomit, his adoptive parents made him drink so much vinegar that he died from vinegar poisoning.

Joseph was born in Hangzhou, China and was an international adoptee.

Case status:
Deah Daniele Adams (Adoptive mother), pleaded guilty to abuse, sentenced to 6 months probation.
Rick Adams (Adoptive father), not charged.

Sudden death due to forced ingestion of distilled white vinegar
Joseph Maoping Adams
Details emerge in hearing about 2011 death linked to vinegar
Chinese adoptee Joseph Maoping Adams case-Child Death

7-year-old girl and 6-year-old boy

No PhotoAge at death: 7.

Age at death: 6.

Names Unknown.
Died: November 12, 2011.
Cause of death: Murder-suicide.
Location: Martiguez, France.
Disability: Autism.

These two siblings were killed by their mother in a murder-suicide.

Case status:
Their mother, deceased.

Autism Memorial: 6-year-old male, 7-year-old Female, Name Unknown

Julian Pintar

Photo of Julian Pintar. He is a young boy with dark curly hair, olive skin, and large dark brown eyes.Name: Julian Pintar.
Died: October 1, 2011.
Age at death: 11.
Cause of death: Hypothermia.
Location: Kandos, New South Wales, Australia.
Disability: Autism, neurocutaneous melanosis.

Julian died of long-term abuse and neglect. He had been tied to a chair for long periods of time, expected to sleep upright, in a garden shed. He had also been sprayed with cold water and then left in the shed, causing hypothermia which was particularly dangerous to this already thin boy, weakened by malnutrition. By the time he was found unresponsive and taken to the hospital, he was dead. An autopsy also found blood poisoning and internal injuries.

Case status:
Rudolph Pintar (Stepfather), pleaded guilty to manslaughter.
KP (Mother), charged with manslaughter.

Autism Memorial: Julian Pintar
Murdered boy was autistic: police
Pair charged with autistic boy’s murder
Man and woman charged with child’s death
Boy with autism died after being bound to chair and showered in cold water: court
Boy with autism ‘was bound to chair and showered in cold water’ before dying
Magician pleads guilty to unlawful death of autistic boy left to freeze in shed
Julian Pintar 2000-2011

Jori Lirette

Photo of Jori Lirette, a young boy with fair skin and short blond hair in a buzz cut, wearing an orange striped polo shirt.Name: Jori Lirette .
Died: August 15, 2011.
Age at death: 7.
Cause of death: Decapitation.
Location: Thibodaux, Louisiana, USA.
Disability: Cerebral palsy.

Jori Lirette was killed and decapitated by his father, who had been talking about killing him to “put him out of his misery” since Jori was born.

Case status:
Jeremiah Wright (Father); not guilty by reason of insanity.

Hundreds mourn murdered boy, 7
Court: Dad threatened to kill slain son as baby
Man Who Decapitated 7-Year-Old Son, Left His Head In Driveway Learns His Fate

Julie Cirella

Photo of Julie Cirella, a smiling girl wearing pigtails and sitting in a power chair. She has dark skin, and is wearing a teal T-shirt.Name: Julie Cirella .
Died: July 23, 2011.
Age at death: 8.
Cause of death: Anaphylaxis.
Location: Plainview, Nassau County, New York, USA.
Disability: Cerebral palsy, severe peanut allergy.

Julie was asphyxiated by her mother. Her mother initially said she had given Julie peanuts, to which Julie had a severe allergy; however, though medics found the girl had died of asphyxiation, they found no peanuts in her system–but they also found no Benadryl or epinephrine, both medications which her mother claimed to have administered. How Julie died may never be known, but she was either actively killed by her mother, or else died because her mother refused to use her EpiPen or antihistamines when she had a deadly allergic reaction.

Julie’s mother made a suicide gesture, which she survived; she was found with a ligature around her neck, and a suicide note nearby that read “her daughter should die”.

8-year-old Julie Cirella died on the day she was supposed to be a flower girl in her uncle’s wedding. Her uncle was the one who found her body.

Case status:
Veronica Cirella (Mother), pleaded guilty to manslaughter, sentenced to 12 years, released after 6 years.

Veronica CIRELLA

Isabella Leiper

No PhotoName: Isabella Leiper.
Died: July 17, 2011.
Age at death: 9.
Cause of death: Internal bleeding from abdominal injury.
Location: Clarence Town, New South Wales, Australia.
Disability: Cerebral palsy.

Isabella’s father allegedly killed her by punching her in the stomach, causing fatal internal injuries.

Case status:
David Leiper (Father); charged with manslaughter, out on bail as of February 2014.

Coroner suspends inquest into death of disabled girl
NSW dad charged over disabled daughter’s death
Nine-year-old’s death: Jury to determine what caused injuries
Man accused of killing cerebral palsy-suffering daughter faces court
NSW dad charged over disabled daughter’s death
Case delays in disabled girl’s death
Inquest into Clarence Town death hears triple-O call
Man charged over death of severely disabled girl