Sophie Jaworski

Photo of a gravestone that reads Jaworski, Sophie, 1920 to 2004. The stone is decorated with sheaves of wheat and an icon of a woman with a halo.Name: Sophie Jaworski.
Died: May 8, 2004.
Age at death: 83.
Cause of death: Stabbed.
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
Disability: Alzheimer’s disease, colon cancer.

Sophie was recovering in the hospital after surgery when her husband stabbed her to death.

Sophie enjoyed bowling, baking, shopping, and spending time with her family, who called her “Baba”.

Case Status:
Tony Jaworski (Husband), pleaded guilty to manslaughter, sentenced to three years probation.

Senior sentenced for wife’s death, lawyer calls it ‘mercy killing’
JAWORSKI SOPHIE – Obituaries – Winnipeg Free Press Passages

“Baby C”

No PhotoName: “Baby C” (Female).
Died: May 2004.
Age at death: 5 months.
Cause of death: Asphyxia.
Location: Nelson, New Zealand.
Disability: Lissencephaly.

When he learned that her diagnosis would cause lifelong severe disability, Baby C’s father smothered her.

Case status:
Her father; charged with manslaughter but acquitted, even though he confessed during the trial.

Complaint from family over Baby C

Ida Heginbotham

No PhotoName: Ida Heginbotham.
Died: April 1, 2004.
Age at death: 87.
Cause of death: Blood loss.
Location: Preesall, Lancashire, England, UK.
Disability: Dementia, arthritis, hip replacements.

Ida’s husband cut her throat because he didn’t want her to be transferred to a dementia ward.

She was “a keen horsewoman” and the mother of six children.

Case status:
Bernard Heginbotham (Husband), pleaded guilty to manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility; given a 12-month community rehabilitation order and released.

Wheelchair-bound pensioner, 96, becomes one of UK’s oldest murder suspects
100-year-old cut his ailing wife’s throat in ‘act Husband, 100, spared jail for ‘act of love’ killing
Freedom for 100-year-old who killed his wife

Gracie Sharpe

Photo of a toddler girl in blue overalls and white blouse, her dark-blond hair cut in bangs. She has fair skin and is smiling, showing her baby teeth.Name: Gracie Louise Sharpe.
Died: March 27, 2004.
Age at death: 20 months.
Cause of death: Shot with speargun.
Location: Mornington, Victoria, Australia.
Disability: Congenital hip dysplasia.

Gracie’s mother was pregnant with her younger sibling; but her father resented having to care for her and her special needs, and did not want another child. He used a spearfishing gun to kill Gracie’s mother, Anna Marie Kemp, whose baby, a son named Francis, died with her. He hid the body and pretended she had left him. Days later, he killed Gracie with the same speargun.

Case Status:
John Myles Sharpe (Father), convicted of two counts of murder, sentenced to 66 years to life.

Sharpe family murders
Gracie Louise Sharpe (2002-2004) – Find A Grave.

Angelica Auriemma

Gravestone reading, Beloved daughter and granddaughter, Angelica Auriemma, 1983 to 2003."Name: Angelica Auriemma.
Died: December 5, 2003.
Age at death: 20.
Cause of death: Drowned.
Location: New York City, New York, USA.
Disability: Autism.

Soon after Angelica was diagnosed with autism, her mother tried to electrocute her; when that didn’t work, she drowned her in the bathtub.

Case status:
Ioanna Auriemma (Mother); convicted of manslaughter; sentenced to up to 5 years and served three years in prison.

Autism Memorial: Angelica Auriemma
Autistic Brooklyn Woman Is Drowned at Home
McGuire, A. (2016). War on autism: On the Cultural Logic of normative violence. University of Michigan Press.

Carry-Ann Brown

Photo of a teenage girl with short, curly brown hair and fair skin, wearing a teal-and-white sports jersey.Name: Carry-Ann Brown.
Died: August 17, 2003.
Age at death: 14.
Cause of death: Head injury.
Location: Cumbria, England, UK.
Disability: Developmental disability, epilepsy.

Carry-Anne’s abusive father hit her brothers and mother, but never her; instead, she was sexually abused. When she became pregnant with his baby, a judge ordered an abortion and a DNA test.

Carry-Anne’s father lured her away from her foster home, put her in the car, drugged her, and tried to kill them both in a deliberate car crash. She died of head injuries five days later; he survived.

Case status:
Sean Brown (Father), pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual intercourse and murder; sentenced to 19 years to life.

Brother speaks out about Dad who murdered and impregnated his sister
Life for man who killed daughter
Father crashed car to kill daughter
Carry Ann’s father jailed for 19 years
Foster home was in ‘her best interests’
‘Dad murdered my sister – but Jeremy Kyle Show made me feel like the criminal’

Raya Donagi

A gravestone reading: Raya Rakefet Donagi. Feb. 1, 2003 - Aug. 4, 2003. In the eternal embrace of her mother. Mine An Ener, July 14, 1965 - Aug. 30, 2003.Name: Raya Rakefet Donagi.
Died: August 4, 2003.
Age at death: 6 months.
Cause of death: Blood loss.
Location: St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.
Disability: Down syndrome.

Raya’s mother slit her throat because she was afraid Raya might have to get a feeding tube.

Case status:
Mine An Ener (Mother); charged with murder. Died by suicide before she could be tried.

Mine An ENER
Wife of U. prof commits suicide awaiting trial
College prof charged with killing baby

Jason Dawes

Black and white photo of a smiling boy with light skin and short hair.Name: Jason Dawes.
Died: August 4, 2003.
Age at death: 10.
Cause of death: Suffocated.
Location: New South Wales, Australia.
Disability: Autism.

Jason was suffocated by his mother, who believed there was “no hope for her son”.

Jason communicated by using sign boards.

Case status:
Daniela Dawes (Mother). Convicted of manslaughter; served no jail time.

Deadly Currents Beneath Calm Waters: Persons with Disability and the Right to Life in Australia
Child murder case highlights lack of services for carers of disabled
When Love is Not Enough
R v Daniella Dawes
Autism Memorial: Jason Dawes

James Orr

Photo of James Orr. He is an adult man with fair skin and black hair, smiling at the camera.Name: James Orr.
Died: May 14, 2003.
Age at death: 32.
Cause of death: Fire.
Location: Little Elm, Denton County, Texas, USA.
Disability: Wheelchair user (from childhood injury).

James’s wife set their house on fire, knowing he would burn to death. She intended to collect his life insurance.

Case status:
Rhonda Orr (Wife), sentenced to 88 years in prison.

Rhonda Orr

David Leath

Portrait of David Leath. He is a middle-aged man with curly brown hair and beard and light skin; he is wearing a striped shirt.Name: David Leath.
Died: March 13, 2003.
Age at death: 57.
Cause of death: Gunshot.
Location: Knoxville, Tennessee, USA.
Disability: Dementia.

David’s wife allegedly drugged him, shot him, and then staged the scene to try to make it look like a suicide. She claimed he was despondent over his recent diagnosis of early dementia. However, evidence pointed to murder and she was arrested.

David Leath was a retired barber.

Case status:
Raynella Dossett Leath (Wife), charged with first-degree murder. Her first trial ended in a hung jury; her second trial was a conviction but was overturned; convicted of first-degree murder, sentenced to 51 years to life. Charges related to the death of her first husband were dropped after she was sentenced. Granted a new trial based on the first judge’s drug use; new judge declared that insufficient evidence remained to prove guilt. Case dismissed.

Raynella Leath
David Robert Leath
Jury selection in accused black widow case underway
Testimony begins for woman accused of killing both of her husbands
Knox medical examiner calls death ‘homicide’ in accused black widow trial