Robert McClancy

Photo of a middle-aged man with salt-and-pepper hair and mustache, wearing a suit.Name: Robert McClancy.
Died: May 15, 2006.
Age at death: 56.
Cause of death: Antidepressant overdose.
Location: Monroe, Tennessee, USA.
Disability: PTSD.

Robert’s wife and her lover poisoned him with the medication he’d been prescribed for PTSD and staged it as a suicide. Then they married and collected his veteran’s pension.
Photo of a gravestone. It reads: Robert J McClancy. Corporal, US Marine Corps. Vietnam. Oct. 20, 1949. May 15, 2006. "Irish" is Guarding Heaven."
Robert was a Vietnam war veteran who still met regularly with his military friends.

Case status:
Martha Kaczmarczyk (Wife), convicted of murder, sentenced to 50 years.
Chuck Kaczmarczyk, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit murder, sentenced to 25 years.

Robert McClancy: Veteran Was Murdered By His Wife in ‘Most Evil Crime’
Fake 9/11 First Responder Killed Her Husband for His Real VA Check
‘It Just Didn’t Add Up’: Woman’s Dark Side Comes To Light After Her Veteran Husband Is Found Dead
Charles Kaczmarczyk, 59, pleads guilty to 2006 murder

Graeme Wylie

Photo of an elderly man, balding with gray hair and light skin. He has a thin face, and is looking down. He is wearing a checked shirt.Name: Graeme Wylie.
Died: March 22, 2006.
Age at death: 71.
Cause of death: Barbiturate poisoning.
Location: Cammeray, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
Disability: Alzheimer’s disease.

Graeme had Alzheimer’s disease. His wife took him to Switzerland, hoping to have him euthanized; but the Swiss doctors told her that Graeme’s dementia was too severe for him to be able to consent to such a thing, and refused her. At the time, Graeme had moderate-to-severe dementia and was unable to remember things like how many children he had or what his birthday was.

Still intent on her husband’s death, Graeme’s wife asked a friend to travel to Mexico and buy her a high dose of a veterinary sedative. She administered this drug to Graeme, killing him.

Graeme’s daughters told reporters that Graeme had never said anything about suicide to them, and pointed out that his wife stood to inherit a large amount in his will when he died.

Graeme was a retired airline pilot.

Case Status:
Shirley Justins (Wife), found guilty of manslaughter, sentenced to 22-30 months of weekend detention.
Caren Jenning (Family friend), found guilty of being an accessory to manslaughter, died before sentencing.

Dr Death chose life for Graeme
Woman gave Alzheimer’s husband fatal dose of drugs after Swiss authorities refused legal euthanasia
The death of Graeme Wylie
Graeme Wylie died a lonely death, says daughter.
Euthansia killer Shirley Justin escapes jail

Mary Mount

Photo: Mary Mount is a short woman with auburn hair cut in bangs. Her skin is pale; she is wearing a white turtleneck. The photo is taken outdoors. She is smiling.Name: Mary Mount.
Died: October 19, 2005 (Body found; died around January 4, 2004).
Age at death: 28.
Cause of death: Smothered.
Location: Cape Coral, Florida, USA.
Disability: Russell Silver Syndrome.

Mary left home to stay in a hotel room with her boyfriend. Sometime during that time, she disappeared. Her boyfriend was questioned; initially, he said that she had taken her car and left, then that she had died of natural causes and he had buried her body. Years later, new evidence led to murder charges, and he admitted to smothering Mary to death.

Case Status:
Terry Daniel McDonald (Boyfriend), pleaded guilty to murder, sentenced to 25 years.

Man sentenced to 25 years in prison for 2004 killing of Lee County woman
Terry McDonald charged with murder of Mary Mount, State Attorney’s Office says
Man sentenced to 25 years in prison for 2004 killing of Lee County woman
El Paso Police Department Voluntary Statement
Family says suspect has gotten away with murder for 14 years

Sophie Jaworski

Photo of a gravestone that reads Jaworski, Sophie, 1920 to 2004. The stone is decorated with sheaves of wheat and an icon of a woman with a halo.Name: Sophie Jaworski.
Died: May 8, 2004.
Age at death: 83.
Cause of death: Stabbed.
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
Disability: Alzheimer’s disease, colon cancer.

Sophie was recovering in the hospital after surgery when her husband stabbed her to death.

Sophie enjoyed bowling, baking, shopping, and spending time with her family, who called her “Baba”.

Case Status:
Tony Jaworski (Husband), pleaded guilty to manslaughter, sentenced to three years probation.

Senior sentenced for wife’s death, lawyer calls it ‘mercy killing’
JAWORSKI SOPHIE – Obituaries – Winnipeg Free Press Passages

Ida Heginbotham

No PhotoName: Ida Heginbotham.
Died: April 1, 2004.
Age at death: 87.
Cause of death: Blood loss.
Location: Preesall, Lancashire, England, UK.
Disability: Dementia, arthritis, hip replacements.

Ida’s husband cut her throat because he didn’t want her to be transferred to a dementia ward.

She was “a keen horsewoman” and the mother of six children.

Case status:
Bernard Heginbotham (Husband), pleaded guilty to manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility; given a 12-month community rehabilitation order and released.

Wheelchair-bound pensioner, 96, becomes one of UK’s oldest murder suspects
100-year-old cut his ailing wife’s throat in ‘act Husband, 100, spared jail for ‘act of love’ killing
Freedom for 100-year-old who killed his wife

James Orr

Photo of James Orr. He is an adult man with fair skin and black hair, smiling at the camera.Name: James Orr.
Died: May 14, 2003.
Age at death: 32.
Cause of death: Fire.
Location: Little Elm, Denton County, Texas, USA.
Disability: Wheelchair user (from childhood injury).

James’s wife set their house on fire, knowing he would burn to death. She intended to collect his life insurance.

Case status:
Rhonda Orr (Wife), sentenced to 88 years in prison.

Rhonda Orr

David Leath

Portrait of David Leath. He is a middle-aged man with curly brown hair and beard and light skin; he is wearing a striped shirt.Name: David Leath.
Died: March 13, 2003.
Age at death: 57.
Cause of death: Gunshot.
Location: Knoxville, Tennessee, USA.
Disability: Dementia.

David’s wife allegedly drugged him, shot him, and then staged the scene to try to make it look like a suicide. She claimed he was despondent over his recent diagnosis of early dementia. However, evidence pointed to murder and she was arrested.

David Leath was a retired barber.

Case status:
Raynella Dossett Leath (Wife), charged with first-degree murder. Her first trial ended in a hung jury; her second trial was a conviction but was overturned; convicted of first-degree murder, sentenced to 51 years to life. Charges related to the death of her first husband were dropped after she was sentenced. Granted a new trial based on the first judge’s drug use; new judge declared that insufficient evidence remained to prove guilt. Case dismissed.

Raynella Leath
David Robert Leath
Jury selection in accused black widow case underway
Testimony begins for woman accused of killing both of her husbands
Knox medical examiner calls death ‘homicide’ in accused black widow trial

Luzie Wilson

Photo of Luzie Wilson, an elderly heavyset woman. She has pale skin and short gray hair, and is wearing a white shirt and vest and gold earrings.Name: Luzie Wilson.
Died: February 22, 2003.
Age at death: 67.
Cause of death: Gunshot.
Location: Port Orange, Florida, USA.
Disability: Stroke, health problems.

Luzie’s husband shot her dead, then killed himself.

Case status:
James Wilson (Husband), deceased.

Murder-suicides among elderly driven by illness, depression
Caregivers who kill their spouses share traits, experts say

Olga Law

No PhotoName: Olga Emily Law.
Died: March 6, 2002.
Age at death: 73.
Cause of death: Asphyxia.
Location: Thames, New Zealand.
Disability: Alzheimer’s disease.

Olga’s husband drugged her with sleeping pills, bludgeoned her with a hammer, and then smothered her.

Case status:
Rex Arthur Law (Husband), pleaded guilty to murder, sentenced to 18 months in prison, with the possibility of applying for home confinement.

Wife killer sealed his deed with a kiss
The Queen v Rex Arthur Law
‘Honourable man’ faces 9 months’ jail

Michael Snyder

Photo: A man with tanned skin and dark-brown hair and mustache, wearing a white shirt, expression neutral. His hair is shoulder-length.Name: Michael James “Mike” Snyder.
Died: January 11, 2002.
Age at death: 43.
Cause of death: Gunshot.
Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.
Disability: Multiple sclerosis.

Mike was shot by his wife during an argument; he was unarmed. His body, buried under a concrete slab in his backyard, was not found for eight years.

Case Status:
Ellen Snyder (Wife), pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter with a firearm, tax fraud, and tampering with evidence, sentenced to 11 years and released on parole after 8 years. Could not be charged with second-degree murder since the statute of limitations had run out.

Mike Snyder Murder: Where is Ellen Snyder Now?