Ramdas Dahikar

No PhotoName: Ramdas Ishwar Dahikar.
Died: April 21, 2020.
Age at death: 47.
Cause of death: Poisoning.
Location: New Delhi, Delhi, India.
Disability: Unspecified.

Ramdas’s wife and her boyfriend reported his death as a natural one, but police say that when they were questioned, the two admitted to poisoning him.

Case status:
Kanchan (Wife), charged with murder.
Ajay Shankar Chitalwar, charged with murder.

Disabled man murdered, wife & her paramour held

Sirshendu Mallick

No PhotoName: Sirshendu Mallick.
Died: April 18, 2020.
Age at death: 45.
Cause of death: Strangulation.
Location: Kolkata, India.
Disability: Physical disability.

Sirshendu’s father went to the police station and reported that he had strangled Sirshendu because he would not put on a face mask when he left the house.

Case status:
Banshidhar Mallick (Father), charged with murder.

Kolkata: Man strangulates son with disability for ‘not wearing mask’ while stepping out

Rajjan Kushwaha

Photo of a young Indian woman with a bindi on her forehead, her hair tied behind her head.Name: Rajjan Kushwaha.
Died: March 24, 2020.
Age at death: Adult.
Cause of death: Blunt trauma.
Location: Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Disability: Unspecified.

Rajjan had been married to her husband because he promised to care for her if he got a dowry. Reportedly, her husband liked to drink, and one day when he wanted drinking money, he became angry at her that he wasn’t getting more dowry money. He was arrested on suspicion of beating her to death with a brick.

Case status:
Ganesh Kushwaha (Husband), arrested.

Man murdered his wife with brick for dowry
Divine wife killed by crushing head with stone, herself reported to police


No PhotoName: Ishanth.
Died: January 28, 2020.
Age at death: 3.
Cause of death: Trauma.
Location: Korukkupeet, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
Disability: Intellectual disability, mobility impaired, unspecified disorder of the nerves.

When her son was taken to the hospital, Ishanth’s mother claimed that he had tripped and fallen while playing. He died of his injuries three days later. However, the autopsy and investigation found that he could not have tripped, because he could not walk yet. His mother admitted during questioning that she had beaten him because she did not want a child with a disability.

Case status:
Nadiya (Mother), charged with murder.

Stressed over son’s learning disability, Chennai mother kills toddler, held after 11 months
Chennai woman admits to murdering 3-year-old son who had disability
Chennai: Mother arrested for special kid’s death after 11 months


No Photo
Name: Harilal.
Died: December 23, 2019.
Age at death: 20.
Cause of death: Strangled.
Location: Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
Disability: Mental illness or disability.

Harilal, who had been mentally disabled since childhood, developed a drinking problem as he reached adulthood. When he came home drunk, his mother argued with him. Police found his body where it had been dumped and arrested his mother. In custody, they say she confessed to the murder.

Case status:
Islavath Chandi (Mother), arrested.

Woman kills son in Hyderabad for being unemployed
Mother kills disabled son, dumps body

Mohd Amjad

No Photo
Name: Mohd Amjad.
Died: December 22, 2019.
Age at death: 8.
Cause of death: Traumatic injury.
Location: Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
Disability: Physical disability.

Mohd was brought to the hospital and declared dead on arrival. His injuries prompted the police to arrest his mother and her partner, who allegedly beat him to death for “bothering” them.

Case status:
Sultana Begum (Mother), charged with murder.
Ismail (Mother’s partner), charged with murder.

Woman, partner beat handicapped child to death in Cyberabad

Ram Khokhar

No PhotoName: Ram Swaroop Khokhar.
Died: December 8, 2019.
Age at death: 55.
Cause of death: Asphyxia due to strangulation.
Location: Lalpura Pachar, Rajasthan, India.
Disability: Unspecified.

Ram’s son called police and allegedly admitted to killing his father. Police found Ram’s body at his house.

Case Status:
Manoj Kumar Khokhar (Son), charged with murder.

‘Cryptic and Casual’: SC sets aside HC bail order in disabled man’s murder
Manoj Kumar Khokhar vs The State Of Rajasthan on 11 January, 2022


No PhotoName: Syamala.
Died: July 7, 2019.
Age at death: Adult.
Cause of death: Traumatic injury.
Location: Pedha Kothapalli, Nagarkurnool, India.
Disability: Mental illness.

Syamala was a married woman, but when she became mentally ill, her husband left her and she had to move back in with her parents. One night, her father allegedly killed her with a sickle.

Case status:
Eranna (Father), arrested.

Man hacks disabled daughter to death at Nagarkurnool


No PhotoName: Ashamati.
Died: July 6, 2019.
Age at death: 75.
Cause of death: Burns.
Location: Balangir, Odisha, India.
Disability: Unspecified; bedridden.

Witnesses reported to police that Ashamati’s son was arguing with her husband, and when her son picked up a piece of wood and started hitting her husband, Ashamati demanded he stop. According to the police, her son then poured kerosene on her and set her on fire. She died from her injuries.

Case status:
Santosh Kharsel (Son), charged with murder.

Man burns mother to death in Balangir
Man burns bedridden mother to death
Man sets bed-ridden mom on fire, arrested


No PhotoName: Kushal.
Died: July 4, 2019.
Age at death: 2.
Cause of death: Head injury.
Location: Aswal, Hunsur taluk, Karnataka, India.
Disability: Epilepsy.

Kushal’s parents tried to conduct an exorcism to cure him of his epilepsy. Police say they beat him severely with a banana stem. He died of severe head injuries.

Case status:
Parimala and Shashikumar (Parents), arrested.

Kid beaten to death by parents in exorcism