
No PhotoName: Ashamati.
Died: July 6, 2019.
Age at death: 75.
Cause of death: Burns.
Location: Balangir, Odisha, India.
Disability: Unspecified; bedridden.

Witnesses reported to police that Ashamati’s son was arguing with her husband, and when her son picked up a piece of wood and started hitting her husband, Ashamati demanded he stop. According to the police, her son then poured kerosene on her and set her on fire. She died from her injuries.

Case status:
Santosh Kharsel (Son), charged with murder.

Man burns mother to death in Balangir
Man burns bedridden mother to death
Man sets bed-ridden mom on fire, arrested


No PhotoName: Kushal.
Died: July 4, 2019.
Age at death: 2.
Cause of death: Head injury.
Location: Aswal, Hunsur taluk, Karnataka, India.
Disability: Epilepsy.

Kushal’s parents tried to conduct an exorcism to cure him of his epilepsy. Police say they beat him severely with a banana stem. He died of severe head injuries.

Case status:
Parimala and Shashikumar (Parents), arrested.

Kid beaten to death by parents in exorcism

Noah Tomlin

Photo: A toddler boy sits with a bowl of popcorn in his lap, holding a piece in one hand. He has fair skin and brown hair, and is wearing a blue T-shirt. He is smiling for the camera.Name: Noah Tomlin.
Died: July 3, 2019.
Age at death: 2.
Cause of death: Blunt head trauma, battered child syndrome.
Location: Hampton, Virginia, USA.
Disability: Autism.

Noah’s mother initially reported him missing; but his body was found and his death determined to be murder. Noah had been abused for some time before dying from a head injury.

Case Status:
Julia Tomlin (Mother), pleaded guilty to second-degree murder, sentenced to 55 years.

Hampton mom to serve 55 years on murder, abuse charges in son’s death
Mom pleads guilty to murdering two-year-old son who has autism
The autopsy of 2-year-old Noah Tomlin was released: His mother is now charged with murder
Body believed to be missing Virginia 2-year-old found
Autism Memorial: Noah Tomlin

Kayla Kunkel

No PhotoName: Kayla Kunkel.
Died: June 29, 2019.
Age at death: 23.
Cause of death: Infection from bowel obstruction.
Location: Chenango, New York, USA.
Disability: Autism.

Kayla was found not breathing and could not be revived; she had been left without medical care when her bowel became obstructed. Her death was determined to be the result of “inadequate guardianship” and her parents charged with manslaughter.

Case status:
Renee Kunkel, pleaded guilty to negligent manslaughter, sentenced to 5 years probation.
Edward Kunkel (Father), pleaded guilty to endangering the welfare of an incompetent or physically disabled person.

Mom of 23-year-old woman with autism sentenced for negligent homicide in daughter’s death
Mom of woman with autism, 23, pleads guilty to negligent homicide in her daughter’s death
Town of Chenango residents charged with manslaughter in death of woman with autism
Woman with autism dies, 2 indicted for ‘inadequate guardianship’
Kayla Kunkel Obituary – Port Dickinson, New York
Parents Charged in Death of Chenango Bridge Woman

Desmond Wooding

Photo of a fair-skinned elderly man with a tweed cap and wool jacket, photographed outside.Name: Desmond Wooding.
Died: June 24, 2019.
Age at death: 80.
Cause of death: Stabbed.
Location: Droitwich, Worcestershire, England, UK.
Disability: Mobility impaired.

Desmond’s grand-nephew stabbed him to death with a knife.

He was a sociable man who often stopped to chat with neighbors when he rode his red mobility scooter around town.

Case status:
Adam Mason (grand-nephew), convicted of murder, sentenced to 20 years to life.
Mark Mason (Adam’s uncle), convicted of assisting an offender, sentenced to 2 years.

Man jailed for murdering great uncle aged 80 in Droitwich
Murder suspect, 32, is arrested over killing of disabled pensioner, 80
‘Well known’ pensioner, 80, was stabbed to death in his own home
Man, 80, ‘last seen on mobility scooter’ found stabbed to death in own home
Disabled pensioner, 80, is stabbed to death in his own home as cops launch murder probe
Man ‘stabbed disabled great-uncle, 80, to death and left him in pool of blood’
Man jailed for brutal murder of 80-year-old great-uncle


Photo of an Indian woman with light-brown skin and neatly parted black hair, wearing a white headscarf.Name: Shabhana.
Died: June 23, 2019.
Age at death: Adult.
Cause of death: Blunt injury.
Location: Narol, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
Disability: Unspecified.

Shabhana’s husband was arrested after bludgeoning her to death with a hammer. Her family suspects him of killing two of his previous wives as well and reports that he used to suspect her of having an affair.

Shabhana was the oldest of three sisters.

Case status:
Abdul Razak Shaikh (Husband), convicted of murder, sentenced to life.

Man murders disabled wife in Narol
Disabled man gets life for killing wife

Darlene Conger

No PhotoName: Darlene Conger.
Died: June 20, 2019.
Age at death: 67.
Cause of death: Neglect.
Location: Zanesville, Ohio, USA.
Disability: Wheelchair user.

Darlene lived with her caregivers in a home that was in very poor condition. She died from neglect when her live-in caregivers did not care for her.

Case status:
Sheila Allberry (Live-in caregiver), pleaded guilty to felonious assault, sentenced to 6-9 years.
Dustin Burr (Son), convicted of felonious assault and failure to provide care, sentenced to 6-9 years.

Mom of three asks judge for mercy in neglect case originally charged as manslaughter
Man ‘just trying to honor mom’s wishes’ sentenced in case of severe neglect
Guilty plea entered in case of woman who died after severe neglect in deplorable home
Guilty plea entered in case of woman who died after severe neglect in deplorable home
Two face felony charges in disabled woman’s death
Two charged in death of elderly Zanesville woman living in ‘deplorable conditions’ – Y-City News
Obituary for Darlene (Henry) Conger | Bolin-Dierkes Funeral Home

Brian Hageness

Photo of a fair-skinned man, smiling for the camera, wearing a wide-brimmed tan hat and teal shirt.Name: Brian Paul Hageness.
Died: June 19, 2019.
Age at death: 61.
Cause of death: Gunshot.
Location: Hot Springs, Arkansas, USA.
Disability: Wheelchair user.

Brian was shot by his wife.

Case Status:
Elizabeth Hageness (Wife), convicted of murder, sentenced to 20 years in prison; mistrial declared due to juror misconduct; pleaded guilty to manslaughter, sentenced to 10 years in prison.

Hot Springs woman pleads guilty in husband’s killing, sentenced to 10 years in prison
Wife changes plea, sentenced to 10 years in husband’s death after mistrial declared
Jury finds woman guilty in husband’s shooting death

91-year-old woman

No PhotoName Unknown.
Died: June 19, 2019.
Age at death: 91.
Cause of death: Blunt trauma.
Location: Shevchenko, Isilkulsky district, Omsk Oblast, Siberia, Russia.
Disability: Blind; frail elder.

This 91-year-old woman was allegedly beaten to death by her son because he was tired of caring for her.

Case status:
Ivan L. (Son), charged with infliction of bodily harm resulting in death.

A resident of Omsk region beat to death a blind 91-year-old mother
Житель Омской области досмерти избил свою слепую 91-летнюю мать
Омич устал ухаживать за тяжелобольной слепой матерью и забил ее до смерти — СуперОмск

Wilma Melchert

Photo of an older woman with short, permed brown hair, wearing a flower-print dress.Name: Wilma Melchert.
Died: June 12, 2019.
Age at death: 85.
Cause of death: Morphine overdose.
Location: Gillespie, Illinois, USA.
Disability: Dementia, diabetes.

Wilma did a lot of volunteer work and was active in her community, went to church and was a member of the Lions Club. Her daughter, Denise, says that her mother “wanted to live.”

Wilma’s daughter-in-law took her home from her nursing home and poisoned her with a morphine overdose.

Case status:
Amy Melchert (Daughter-in-law), pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter, sentenced to 5 years.

Woman sentenced in mother-in-law’s death
Metro East woman sentenced for role in overdose death of mother-in-law
Wood River nurse charged with killing mother-in-law in hospice