91-year-old woman

No PhotoName Unknown.
Died: June 19, 2019.
Age at death: 91.
Cause of death: Blunt trauma.
Location: Shevchenko, Isilkulsky district, Omsk Oblast, Siberia, Russia.
Disability: Blind; frail elder.

This 91-year-old woman was allegedly beaten to death by her son because he was tired of caring for her.

Case status:
Ivan L. (Son), charged with infliction of bodily harm resulting in death.

A resident of Omsk region beat to death a blind 91-year-old mother
Житель Омской области досмерти избил свою слепую 91-летнюю мать
Омич устал ухаживать за тяжелобольной слепой матерью и забил ее до смерти — СуперОмск