Stephen Ihrig

No PhotoName: Stephen Ihrig.
Died: April 12, 2019.
Age at death: 77.
Cause of death: Dehydration, malnutrition, pneumonia.
Location: Martinsville, Virginia, USA.
Disability: Unspecified; incapacitated adult.

Stephen died from starvation, thirst, and pneumonia due to being neglected by his son and his son’s girlfriend.

Case Status:
Jeffrey Louis Ihrig (Son), convicted of neglect, sentenced to 3 months.
Crystal Rae Painter, convicted of neglect, sentenced to 3 months.

Martinsville couple sentenced in father’s death
Martinsville couple found guilty of causing man’s father’s death

Alexandra Jacobs

Photo of a blonde woman wearing pearl necklace and earrings; her hair is cut short and she is smiling for the camera.Name: Alexandra Jacobs.
Died: April 10, 2019.
Age at death: 77.
Cause of death: Gunshot.
Location: Orono, Minnesota, USA.
Disability: Dementia; wheelchair user due to unsuccessful hip replacement.

Alexandra’s husband shot her in a murder-suicide.

Alexandra was a skilled painter who created watercolor and oil paintings and exhibited them in galleries. She raised five children, including a daughter with cerebral palsy, and was active in charities that assisted people with disabilities.

Case status:
Irwin Jacobs (Husband), deceased.

Irwin Jacobs, wife Alexandra dead in murder-suicide, close friend says
Businessman Irwin Jacobs, Wife Found Dead In Suspected Murder-Suicide
Jacobs family ‘heartbroken’ after couple found dead in Orono mansion
Jacobs’ murder-suicide leaves friends and industry reeling
Former Vikings part-owner was ‘upbeat’ days before ‘murder-suicide’
Deaths of Irwin, Alex Jacobs confirmed as murder-suicide
Prominent businesman Irwin Jacobs shot wife, then himself, medical examiner confirms
Son says Irwin Jacobs struggled with health before he shot wife, then himself

42-year-old woman

No PhotoName Unknown.
Died: April 10, 2019.
Age at death: 42.
Cause of death: Beaten.
Location: Puerto Rico, Mogan, Spain.
Disability: Mobility impaired.

This woman was beaten to death, and her partner is accused of the murder. The crime is considered particularly severe because the woman was unable to defend herself, as she was both mobility-impaired and intoxicated at the time. In the weeks before she died, she had been injured twice–both explained away by her partner as falls due to her disability.

Case Status:
Lars E.A. (Partner), charged with murder, aggravated by kinship, gender violence, and cruelty.

Swedish man faces up to 29 years, on trail, suspected of killing his partner in Puerto Rico de Gran Canaria

Dhunalutchmee Naidoo

Black and white photo of a woman with straight, dark hair and a puzzled expression on her face.Name: Dhunalutchmee Naidoo.
Died: April 8, 2019.
Age at death: 69.
Cause of death: Throat cut.
Location: Durban, South Africa.
Disability: “An unknown disease”; bedbound.

When Dhunalutchmee’s husband failed to suffocate her with a pillow, he slit her throat with a kitchen knife instead. He said he had done it because she was a large woman and he had difficulty picking her up to give her a bath.

Case status:
Dickson Naidoo (Husband), pleaded guilty to murder, given a 5-year suspended sentence.

WATCH: Phoenix man who slit bedridden’s wife throat escapes jail time | The Post
Man kills ‘large’, bedridden wife as he’s unable to care for her anymore
Why I slit my bedridden wife’s throat
Durban man confesses to murdering his bedridden wife
Phoenix man due in court for allegedly slitting woman’s throat
Wife murderer confesses he was ‘fed up’
‘My bedridden wife pleaded with me to kill her’

Unknown Elder Man

No PhotoName Unknown.
Died: April 6, 2019.
Age at death: 70s.
Cause of death: Wrist cut.
Location: Lysekil, Lysekil Municipality, Sweden.
Disability: Dementia, wheelchair user.

This man lived with his wife in a supported living center. Believing that he would be better off dead, she killed her husband by slitting his wrist. At trial, she claimed it had been a mercy killing, but the prosecution noted that her husband could not competently have made a decision to die, and that there were indications that he wanted to live.

Case Status:
His wife. Initially convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to 2 years; on appeal, convicted of murder and sentenced to 4 years.

The High Court tightens the punishment for the “mercy murder” in Lysekil |
72-åringen dödade sin man: ”Vill lägga det bakom mig”
72-åriga kvinnan dödade maken – straffet skärps

Sarah Dubois-Gilbeau

Photo of a young African-American girl wearing an oversized red T-shirt. Her hair is done in braids; she has an arm behind her head, and she is smiling.Name: Sarah Dubois-Gilbeau.
Died: April 5, 2019.
Age at death: 5.
Cause of death: Blunt trauma.
Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.
Disability: Autism.

Sarah’s father beat her to death because she refused to do her schoolwork. Her mother says that her father refused to accept she was autistic.

Sarah liked acting out movie scenes and reading Lego Ninjago comic books.

Case status:
Brandon Reynolds (Father), pled guilty to intentional child abuse resulting in the death of a child; sentenced to 30 years to life.

ABQ man gets life in beating death of daughter
Autism Memorial: Sarah Dubois-Gilbeau
Mom says 5-year-old allegedly killed by father had autism
New Mexico father beat daughter, 5, to death after she refused to do homework: cops
Mother of murdered little girl says she was autistic, claims dad who beat 5-year-old to death over homework ‘couldn’t deal’ with diagnosis
Dad ‘battered autistic girl, 5, to death with shoe for refusing to do homework’
Father is arrested for allegedly beating 5-year-old autistic daughter to death with shoe for refusing to do homework

Jaden and Jorden Webb

Photos of twin boys with brown hair and pale skin. One boy is wearing a red Christmas sweater and smiling. The other is wearing a green Christmas sweater.Name: Jaden Webb.
Name: Jorden Webb.
Died: April 4, 2019.
Age at death: 8.
Cause of death: Gunshot.
Location: Tucson, Arizona, USA.
Disability: Autism.  

Jaden and Jorden, twin brothers, were shot dead by their grandmother.

Case status:
Dorothy Flood (Grandmother), pleaded guilty to two counts of manslaughter, sentenced to 21 years.

Autism Memorial: Jaden and Jordan Webb
Tucson grandma sentenced to 21 years for killing grandsons with autism
Grandmother pleads guilty to murdering autistic grandsons
Arizona Woman Indicted in Deaths of Twin Grandsons
Grandmother arrested in deaths of 8-year-old Tucson twins
Grandmother charged with murdering autistic grandsons
Tucson woman admits to shooting her twin autistic grandsons
Arizona woman shot dead her orphaned, autistic 8-year-old twin grandsons, then tried to kill herself by overdosing
Twin Boys With Autism Fatally Shot by Arizona Grandmother, Who Tried to Kill Herself: Court Docs
Court documents: Tucson woman admits to shooting, killing twin grandsons
Police: Woman admitted to killing special needs grandsons
Ariz. woman charged with killing 2 grandchildren with autism
Court documents offer background on killing of twin grandsons
Arizona woman indicted in deaths of twin grandsons

Paula Meadows

Black and white photo of a woman with chin-length hair and fair skin, wearing a striped scarf; she is smiling for the camera.Name: Paula Meadows.
Died: April 2, 2019.
Age at death: 83.
Cause of death: Unspecified homicide.
Location: Bucklebury, Berkshire, England, UK.
Disability: Dementia.

Paula’s husband killed her in a murder-suicide.

She had three children.

Case status:
Tony Meadows (Husband), deceased.

Retired Concorde pilot found dead alongside wife in suspected murder-suicide in Kate Middleton’s home village
Pilot who flew Princess Diana and the Queen found dead alongside wife in suspected murder-suicide
Couple found dead in Kate Middleton’s home village
Pair found dead believed to be Concorde pilot and wife, as police probe ‘murder’
Queen’s Concorde pilot and wife found dead in home in Kate Middleton’s village
Queen’s former pilot found dead in suspected murder-suicide
Former Concorde captain and wife found dead in Duchess of Cambridge’s home village

Linnie Everett

Photo of a woman with short, curly hair and fair skin, wearing a light white blouse and smiling for the camera.Name: Linnie Maude Everett.
Died: March 30, 2019.
Age at death: 80.
Cause of death: Gunshot.
Location: Morton, Mississippi, USA.
Disability: Bedridden, chronic illness.

Linnie’s husband shot her dead in a murder-suicide.

Case status:
Thomas G. Everett (Husband), deceased.

Elderly man dies after allegedly killing his wife before turning gun on himself
Elderly man kills wife, shoots self, Scott County sheriff says
Names released after man kills wife, attempts suicide
Gary and Linnie Everett

Tika Young

Photo of a young woman with bushy brown hair and fair skin, leaning against a car, wearing a printed camo T-shirt that says, Name: Tika Young.
Died: March 30, 2019.
Age at death: 37.
Cause of death: Bludgoned.
Location: Blue Ridge, Arizona, USA.
Disability: Chronic back pain, arthritis.

Tika’s housemate bludgeoned her to death with a side table and then tried to hide her body. He claimed that she had asked him to hit her and he knew she meant that he wanted her to kill her because of her chronic pain, but her family said that Tika didn’t want to die and her pain wasn’t severe so that story didn’t make sense. Her killer impersonated her on Facebook for weeks after the murder, but her family noticed something was wrong and asked for a welfare check.

Case status:
Patrick Nagel (Housemate), pleaded guilty to second-degree murder, sentenced to 25 years.

Tika Young’s family searches for memories as Blue Ridge man sentenced for murder
Blue Ridge man pleads not guilty to first-degree murder
Arizona murder suspect impersonated victim for weeks, brother says