Aliyah Branum

Photo of a toddler with wispy blond hair and fair skin, wearing a green shirt, grinning at the camera.Name: Aliyah Marie Branum.
Died: April 26, 2013.
Age at death: 2.
Cause of death: Blunt force trauma; fractured skull.
Location: Citrus County, Florida, USA.
Disability: Multiple congenital disabilities.

Aliyah was beaten to death by her mother.

Case status:
Chelsea Huggett (Mother), pleaded guilty to second-degree murder and aggravated child abuse; sentenced to 30 years.

ANGELIZD’s Place – Child Abuse Pages – Aliyah Marie Branum

Adrian and Alexis Colon

Portrait photo of three children, a girl in a pink dress, with brown skin, curly black hair, and brown eyes; and twin toddler boys in blue-striped shirts, with pale skin and dark-brown hair and eyes.Name: Adrian Colon.
Disability: Autism.

Name: Alexis Colon.
Disability: Cerebral Palsy.

Died: April 11, 2013.
Age at death: 4.
Cause of death: Fire.
Location: West Allis, Wisconsin, USA.

Adrian and Alexis, twin brothers, and their sister Nayeli, were left locked into their room by their mother while she went out. While they were alone, a fire started and killed the three siblings. Their mother had received prior warnings about her neglect of the children.

Case status:
Angelica Belen (Mother), pleaded guilty to neglect, sentenced to 18 years in prison and 18 years of probation.

Three young children die in West Allis house fire, mother in custody
Mother of victims in fatal West Allis fire faced previous neglect charges
Couple wishes they would have done more for children killed in fire
Find a Grave: Adrian Colon
Autism Memorial: Adrian Colon

Harry Aspley

No Photo
Name: Harry Aspley.
Died: April 1, 2013.
Age at death: 23 months.
Cause of death: Head injury; shaken baby.
Location: Stoney Stanton, England, UK.
Disability: Developmental delay; suspected autism.

Harry was violently shaken by his foster mother. This caused brain injuries which killed him.

Case status:
Wendy Hardy (Foster mother), pleaded guilty to manslaughter, sentenced to six and a half years.
David Hardy, charged with child cruelty.

Autism Memorial: Harry Aspley
Death of toddler shaken by foster mum “could have been prevented”
Foster mother jailed for killing toddler by violently shaking him
Woman jailed after death of 23-month-old Harry Aspley

Isabella Wiens

Photo of a baby with pale skin and wispy red hair, smiling and showing her baby teeth.Name: Isabella Wiens.
Died: March 16, 2013.
Age at death: 21 months.
Cause of death: Undetermined, in the setting of abuse.
Location: Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada.
Disability: Developmentally delayed. Removed from her mother absent any evidence of abuse, because her mother is learning disabled.

Isabella died while in foster care. The autopsy showed evidence of abuse, including a swollen brain and healing fractures, but her cause of death is listed as undetermined.

Case status:
Foster home closed.
Isabella’s mother is suing the province.

B.C. ministry will review toddler Isabella Wiens’ death in care
B.C. mother sues province after infant daughter dies in foster care
Coroner’s Report

Peyton Rowe

Photo of Peyton Rowe, a newborn infant wrapped in a blanket.Name: Peyton Rowe.
Died: November 12, 2012.
Age at death: 6 weeks.
Cause of death: Fatal abuse.
Location: Visalia, California, USA.
Disability: Turner syndrome.

Peyton’s father had been beating her since she was born. At 6 weeks old, she died from her injuries.

Case status:
Aaron Rowe (Father), convicted of second-degree murder, sentenced to 18 years to life.
Courtney Rowe (Mother), pleaded no contest to child abuse, sentenced to 4 years probation.

Visalia mother Courtney Johnson charged in death of baby daughter gets 4 years’ probation
Visalia man convicted of killing his daughter sentenced to 18 years to life in prison – ABC30 Fresno
Father, 23, could face death penalty for ‘beating his handicapped newborn daughter to death after torturing her for WEEKS’

Isaac Brothers-Bartholomew

Photo of Isaac Brothers-Bartholomew, an infant boy swaddled in a floral blanket, with a feeding tube in his nose.Name: Isaac Brothers-Bartholomew.
Died: November 6, 2012.
Age at death: 18 months.
Cause of death: Malnutrition.
Location: Vermilion, Ohio, USA.
Disability: Tube fed; multiple medical problems.

Isaac’s parents starved him to death. He and his other disabled siblings were often left in the care of an 11-year-old boy, who could only give them bottles to drink from; but because they could not swallow well, the children starved. After Isaac’s death, his siblings were rescued and placed in foster care.

Case status:
Adrienne Bartholomew (Mother), pleaded guilty to child endangerment and patient endangerment, sentenced to 5 years.
James Brothers (Father), pleaded guilty to child endangerment and patient endangerment, sentenced to 6 years.
Isaac’s estate is suing the state.

Baby Isaac’s family pleads guilty in malnutrition death
Starved Vermilion boy’s estate, siblings file suit
Parents of malnourished Ohio boy get prison time
Baby Isaac’s family pleads guilty in malnutrition death
‘He’s stiff as a board’: The 18-month-old boy who ‘starved to death’ as mother called 911 to claim he died suddenly… and four of her other children were found malnourished

Stephanie Torres

Photo of Stephanie Torres, a little girl with fine brown hair and pale skin, sitting in a pink plastic chair.Name: Stephanie Torres.
Died: July 16, 2012.
Age at death: 2.
Cause of death: Dehydration/malnutrition.
Location: Turlock, Stanislaus County, California, USA.
Disability: Cerebral palsy.

Stephanie’s mother left her alone in a room for nearly three days. When she returned, Stephanie was dead.

Case status:
Brandy Lee Rose Devine (Mother), convicted of second-degree murder, sentenced to 15 years to life.

Brandy Lee Rose DEVINE
Parole denied for Turlock mother in prison for death of toddler

Baby Girl

No PhotoName Unknown.
Died: July 12, 2012.
Age at death: 2 days.
Cause of death: Suffocation.
Location: Kacha Khuh, Pakistan.
Disability: “Physically deformed”.

This newborn baby girl’s father said she had been stillborn, and the family had a funeral service. When the girl began crying during the service, her father allegedly took her away with him and buried her alive. An autopsy proved that she was alive at birth, and her father was arrested.

Case status:
Chand Khan (Father), arrested.

Autopsy proves baby girl buried alive
Man buries his two-day old daughter alive in Pak
Handicapped daughter buried alive by father in Khanewal
Man accused of killing newborn

Daniel Pelka

Photo of a small boy in a red sweater; he has fair skin and blond hair and is smiling.Name: Daniel Pelka.
Died: March 3, 2012.
Age at death: 4.
Cause of death: Head injury.
Location: Coventry, West Midlands, England, UK.
Disability: None. Killer claimed he was autistic.

Daniel, who was not autistic, died from beatings and starvation by his mother and stepfather, who told a co-worker that Daniel was not worth beating because he was autistic and would not feel pain.

Case status:
Magadelena Luczak (Mother), sentenced to 30 years to life, died in prison.
Mariusz Krezolek (Stepfather); sentenced to 30 years to life, died in prison.

Autism Memorial: Daniel Pelka
Daniel Pelka’s brutal stepfather refused treatment before death in prison.
Mom & Boyfriend Jailed for Murdering 4-Year-Old: 5 Fast Facts You Need to know
Daniel Pelka: Professionals failed ‘invisible’ murdered boy, report says
Everyone to blame but no one punished: Teachers, doctors, the police and social workers escape justice after missing 27 chances to save tragic Daniel Pelka
Sibling of four-year-old boy ‘beaten to death by mother and her partner hoarded biscuits and nuts for him because he was left to starve’

Logan Sherwin

No PhotoName: Logan Sherwin.
Died: December 29, 2011.
Age at death: 2.
Cause of death: Brain injury.
Location: Crestview, Florida, USA.
Disability: Developmental disability.

Logan was beaten to death by his father and his father’s girlfriend.

Case status:
Grant Sherwin (Father), murder and child neglect, 20 years.
Nichole Allen (Father’s girlfriend), murder and child neglect, 65 years.

Custodial dad, gal pal charged in death of his 2-year-old son (Crestview, Florida)