Mollie Carroll

Gravestone reading, "Bringer of Joy, Noah Carroll, 1989-1992; Princess, Mollie Carroll, 1989-1992."Name: Mollie Carroll.
Died: December 9, 1992.
Age at death: 3.
Cause of death: Inconclusive; hypoxia.
Location: Cedarville, Ohio, USA.
Disability: Cri-du-chat syndrome.

Mollie’s cause of death has been ruled inconclusive, but it is likely that she was smothered. Her death went unreported for at least twelve hours.

Mollie’s death is suspicious because the couple who adopted him has had five of their children die, and four of those deaths, including Noah’s, were investigated as possible homicides with both parents and 16-year-old older brother implicated.

Case status:
Kathleen Carroll (Mother), not charged.
Timothy Carroll (Father), not charged.
James Carroll (Brother), charged with delinquency by reason of involuntary manslaughter, acquitted.

Hannah, Noah, Molly and Joshua Carroll
Boy Saw Slaying, He Tells

Noah Carroll

Gravestone reading, "Bringer of Joy, Noah Carroll, 1989-1992; Princess, Mollie Carroll, 1989-1992."Name: Noah Carroll.
Died: November 15, 1992.
Age at death: 3.
Cause of death: Inconclusive; hypoxia.
Location: Cedarville, Ohio, USA.
Disability: Prenatal cocaine exposure; epilepsy.

Noah’s cause of death has been ruled inconclusive, but it is likely that he was smothered.

Noah’s death is suspicious because the couple who adopted him has had five of their children die, and four of those deaths, including Noah’s, were investigated as possible homicides with both parents and 16-year-old older brother implicated.

Case status:
Kathleen Carroll (Mother), not charged.
Timothy Carroll (Father), not charged.
James Carroll (Brother), charged with delinquency by reason of involuntary manslaughter, acquitted.

Hannah, Noah, Molly and Joshua Carroll
Boy Saw Slaying, He Tells

Ed Dossett

Black and white photo of Ed Dossett, a middle-aged, heavyset white man wearing a shirt and tie. He is smiling.Name: Ed Dossett.
Died: August 12, 1992.
Age at death: 44.
Cause of death: Murder.
Location: Knoxville, Tennessee, USA.
Disability: Terminal cancer.

Ed was drugged with an overdose of morphine; then he was placed in a cattle pen, where he was trampled. The incident was initially written off as an agricultural accident until his wife, charged with killing her second husband, David Leath, came under suspicion for Ed’s death as well.

Ed Dossett served as the Knox County District Attorney General.

Case status:
Raynella Leath (Wife), charged with murder, convicted; conviction overturned, judge declared insufficient evidence to re-try the case.

Raynella Leath
Tennessee Woman Accused in a Trail of Death
Widow indicted in death once ruled a farm accident
Raynella Dossett Leath
Jury selection in accused black widow case underway
Testimony begins for woman accused of killing both of her husbands
Knox medical examiner calls death ‘homicide’ in accused black widow trial

Mark Dowell

Gravestone for Mark Lee Dowell, April 2 1956 to January 27 1992. The stone is a granite plaque engraved with flowers.Name: Mark Lee Dowell.
Died: January 27, 1992.
Age at death: 35.
Cause of death: Drug overdose.
Location: San Diego, California, USA.
Disability: Intellectual disability.

Mark’s mother allegedly poisoned him with a drug overdose.

Case status:
Josephine Dowell (Mother), status unknown.

(Untitled newspaper article)
Mark Lee Dowell: Find A Grave

Brandon Sims

Grainy black-and-white photo of a baby with dark skin, dark eyes, short hair, and a wide, upturned nose.Name: Brandon Lamarr Sims.
Died: 1992 (Body never found).
Age at death: 4.
Cause of death: Missing, presumed dead.
Location: Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
Disability: Gonadotropin-independent precocious puberty.

Brandon was beaten to death by his mother, who said she “did not want to raise a freak”.

Case status:
Michelle Jones (Mother), convicted of murder, sentenced to 50 years; released after 20 years.

We Need to Forgive the College-Bound Mother Who Killed Her Child
From Prison to Ph.D.: The Redemption and Rejection of Michelle Jones
Michelle Jones v. State

Noah Simpson

Photo of the top corner of a gravestone, engraving indistinct since it has filled with dirt, reading, "Noah, October 13, 1989 to December 10, 1991."Name: Noah Simpson.
Died: December 10, 1991.
Age at death: 2.
Cause of death: Suffocation.
Location: Eastlake, Ohio, USA.
Disability: Cerebral palsy.

Noah’s mother suffocated him by placing him face-down on a waterbed.

Case status:
Elayna Simpson (Mother); convicted of murder, sentenced to 15 years to life.

State of Ohio vs. Elayna Simpson. Court of Appeals of Ohio, Eleventh Appellate District, Lake County. 30 Sept. 1994. LexisNexus. Web. 30 May 2015.

Dorothy Davis

Photo of a middle aged woman with curly chin-length auburn hair and pale skin, smiling for the camera.Name: Dorothy Davis.
Died: March 13, 1991.
Age at death: 35.
Cause of death: Gunshot.
Location: Fort Lewis, Washington, USA.
Disability: Depression.

Dorothy’s husband shot her and tried to pass it off as a suicide due to her depression. The investigation into her death was reopened when detectives realized he had left his jacket, which he had been seen in at the club where he claimed to have been when Dorothy died, at the murder scene. Several years earlier, he had also tried to burn down the house with Dorothy in it.

Dorothy was the mother of two daughters, who now live with her sister. She was pregnant with her third child when she was killed.

Case Status:
Christian Davis (Husband), convicted of murder, sentenced to life.

A Pregnant Army Wife Dies in Apparent Suicide But Details Haunt Investigators: “Makes No Sense”
Fort Lewis Man Guilty Of Murder

Mr. Lev

No PhotoName: Unknown; last name may be Lev.
Died: February 22, 1991.
Age at death: 16.
Cause of death: Poisoning.
Location: Jerusalem, Israel.
Disability: Autism.

This teenage boy’s mother was found guilty of poisoning him.

Case status:
Zvia Lev (Mother), found guilty of murder.

Autism Memorial: 16-year-old male, Name Unknown
Michael Rotem, “Mother found guilty of killing her autistic son,” Jerusalem Post, February 22, 1991.

Julie Kirisits

No PhotoName: Julie Kirisits.
Died: October 21, 1990.
Age at death: 23.
Cause of death: Homicidal violence.
Location: Tonawanda, New York, USA.
Disability: Intellectual disability.

Julie was beaten, strangled, and stabbed to death by her mother.

Case status:
Patricia Kirisits (Mother); pleaded not responsible due to insanity. Four years later she was “legally discharged from supervision”.

Court Discharges Mother in Child’s Killing

Matthew Rosio

No PhotoName: Matthew Rosio.
Died: October 16, 1990.
Age at death: 11.
Cause of death: Starvation.
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.
Disability: Cerebral palsy.

After seeing a television program on euthanasia, Matthew’s mother deliberately starved him to death.

Case status:
Patricia Rosio (Mother); she was given eight years of probation and ordered to serve a three-month jail sentence, but allowed out 16 hours a day.

Mother charged with starving her ailing son to death
Milwaukee Sentinel, Dec. 12, 1992, page 1A