Ron’Niveya Oneal

Photo of a young girl with brown skin, a pointed chin, and a solemn expression. A filter has been applied, giving her lavender eyes and flowers in her hair.Name: Ron’Niveya Oneal.
Died: March 18, 2018.
Age at death: 9.
Cause of death: Stabbed, beaten.
Location: Riverview, Florida, USA.
Disability: Cerebral palsy, autism.

Ron’Niveya was born premature and diagnosed with both autism and cerebral palsy. She lived with her parents and little brother.

Ron’Niveya’s father killed his mother with a shotgun, killed Ron’Niveya by bludgeoning and stabbing her with an axe, and set the house on fire. He tried to kill Ron’Niveya’s little brother Ronnie Jr., but the boy survived his serious injuries and recovered to testify against his father at trial. Ronnie, who was cross-examined by his own attempted killer because his father decided to represent himself in court, has been adopted by one of the detectives in the case.

Case Status:
Ronnie Oneal III (Father), convicted of murder, sentenced to 3 life terms plus 60 years in prison.

Autism Memorial: Ron’Niveya Oneal
Drama, horror in Tampa courtroom as murder trial opens
Man accused of killing his girlfriend and daughter acts as his own attorney, screams at jurors during opening statements
‘Mark My Words’: Man Representing Himself in Alleged Murder of Girlfriend and 9-Year-Old Daughter Vows to Prove ‘Who the Liars Are’
‘You stabbed me,’ boy tells father at double-murder trial – Las Vegas Sun Newspaper
Riverview double-murder trial: Son questioned about the night his mom was murdered
Double murder suspect gives “Law & Order” worthy viral speech while representing himself in court
Murder Suspect Accused Of Stabbing His Daughter And Girlfriend To Death Acts As His Own Lawyer
‘I arrested you for her murder’: Former HCSO detective takes stand at Ronnie Oneal trial
Ronnie Oneal III found guilty of double murder after acting as his own attorney
Florida double-murder suspect who acted as own attorney found guilty: ‘I did kill Kenyatta Barron’
Life in prison: Jury opts against death penalty for convicted double murderer Ronnie Oneal

Daniel Stuart

Photo of DanielStuart, a man with fair skin and dark hair mixed with gray. He has a mustache and beard, and is wearing a turtleneck.Name: Daniel Stuart.
Died: February 16, 2018.
Age at death: 45.
Cause of death: Gunshot.
Location: Keego Harbor, Michigan, USA.
Disability: Depression.

Daniel Stuart and his two children, 27-year-old Steven and 24-year-old Bethany, were shot by his wife in a murder-suicide.

Daniel worked with computers, processing data for a research center that focused on improving critical care. His son shared his father’s skill with computers, and his daughter was employed in art and graphic design. Years previously, the family had been expelled from their church after an argument over whether they should send their children to college.

Case status:
Lauren Stuart (Wife), deceased.

Mich. Model Fatally Shoots Her Husband and Adult Children Before Turning the Gun on Herself
Woman kills family after shunned by Jehovah’s Witnesses: friend
UMich employee was killed in Keego Harbor triple murder-suicide
Mich. Model Fatally Shoots Her Husband and Adult Children Before Turning the Gun on Herself
Ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses break silence on shunning: ‘My mother treats me like I’m dead’
Did shunning from Jehovah’s Witnesses drive mom to murder-suicide?

Adeline Hill

Portrait photo of a middle-aged woman in a black dress.Name: Adeline Hill.
Died: January 29, 2018.
Age at death: 66.
Cause of death: Gunshot.
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Disability: Unspecified; wheelchair user.

Adeline and her daughter Renee Cosom, age 42, were shot dead. Police found her daughter’s boyfriend at the house and took him in for questioning.

Case status:
Daughter’s boyfriend; suspect, no charges.

Adeline Hill, age 66
Victims in Northeast Philadelphia shooting identified
Boyfriend Questioned in Murders of Woman and Her Mother
Man questioned after mother, daughter killed in NE Philly

14-year-old girl and 11-year-old girl

Flowers and candles left by neighbors as a memorial.Name Unknown.
Age at death: 14.

Name Unknown.
Age at death: 11.

Died: January 9, 2018.
Cause of death: Strangled/suffocated.
Location: Bjärred, Lomma Municipality, Sweden.
Disability: Myalgic encephalopathy.

These two sisters lived with their parents. Both had chronic fatigue syndrome and were home-schooled. When the younger girl was diagnosed, her parents began planning to kill the whole family. Months later, they carried out a murder-suicide by strangling both girls and then killing themselves.

The 11-year-old girl took piano lessons. Her 14-year-old sister was intellectually curious and liked learning.

Case Status:
Inquest concluded; murder-suicide committed by their parents.

Morden i Bjärred – Elisabet Höglund söker svar i ny bok
Döttrarna i Bjärred hade fått diagnosen ME – föräldrarna valde att avsluta deras liv
Morden i Bjärred – Elisabet Höglund söker svar i ny bok
Nu berättar polisen: Här är vad som hände familjen i Bjärred
Faktafel i boken morden i Bjärred.
Polisen: Fynd i villan kan förklara vad som hänt
Barnen i Bjärred led av ME – föräldrarna tog beslut att avsluta familjens liv
Barnen i Bjärred ströps/kvävdes till döds av sina föräldrar. Föräldrarna hade planerat morden i flera månader utan att barnen anat något!

Malu Devi

No PhotoName: Malu Devi.
Died: December 19, 2017.
Age at death: 26.
Cause of death: Fire.
Location: Chitalwana, Rajasthan, India.
Disability: Mental illness or developmental disability.

Because of Malu’s disability, her husband was given permission to marry again. Together, Malu and her fellow wife, 22-year-old Dariya, had three children.

Their husband, dissatisfied with his wives, allegedly locked Malu and Dariya in his car and set the car on fire. They burned to death; their children survived.

Case status:
Deepa Ram Prajapati (Husband), arrested.

Husband accused of murdering his two wives by burning them to death in car
Rajasthan: Man held for burning to death two wives in car, showing it as mishap
Man locks 2 wives in car and sets it afire, says they didn’t keep mother happy
Husband burns his two wives to death in car
Rajasthan Man Locks Wives In Car, Sets It On Fire For Keeping Mother Unhappy
Man in Rajasthan burns two wives to death in car, held
Rajasthan: Running car caches fire, two women burnt alive in Jalore

Luke and Aubrey Dawson

Photo of Luke and Bree Dawson, two small children. Bree is a girl with blond hair and fair skin; Luke has dark hair and fair skin. They are wearing Christmas-themed gingerbread cookie sweaters and have their arms around each other.Name: Luke Dawson.
Age at death: 9.
Disability: Anxiety.

Name: Aubrey “Bree” Dawson.
Age at death: 5.
Disability: None; killer believed she would inherit depression.

Died: December 9, 2017.
Cause of death: Gunshot.
Location: North Richland Hills, Texas, USA.

Luke was an adventurous boy who liked sports and played basketball, baseball, and soccer.

Bree wanted to be a NICU nurse like her mother. She liked learning about neonatal medicine and playing with her toy kitchen.

Luke and Bree were both shot to death by their father, who decided to end their lives before he committed suicide because he believed they would inherit his mental illness.

Case status:
Christopher Dawson (Father), deceased.

Dad kills his two kids ‘because he feared they would get his depression’
Surgeon shot dead children then himself ‘fearing they would inherit depression’
Surgeon battling depression kills himself and his two kids
Surgeon battling depression kills himself and his two kids, 5 and 9
Aubrey Dawson’s Obituary
Luke Dawson’s Obituary
Christopher Chad Dawson’s Obituary

Meghan Scully

Photo of Meghan Scully, a woman with curly chin-length dark blonde hair and pale skin. She has green eyes and is wearing make-up and smiling slightly.Name: Meghan Scully.
Died: November 25, 2017.
Age at death: 38.
Cause of death: Gunshot.
Location: Spotsylvania County, Virginia, USA.
Disability: Unspecified disability.

Meghan and her mother, 68-year-old Mary, were shot and killed by her father in a murder-suicide.

Case status:
Robert Scully (Father), deceased.

Police: Spotsylvania Co. Man Killed Wife, Daughter, Himself
Autopsy shows Spotsylvania man killed wife and daughter before killing himself, police say
Meghan Scully, age 38

63-year-old man and 83-year-old woman

No PhotoName Unknown, male.
Died: November 9, 2017.
Age at death: 63.
Disability: Intellectual disability, cerebral palsy.

Name Unknown, female.
Died: November 10, 2017.
Age at death: 83.
Disability: Dementia, wheelchair user.

Cause of death: Smoke inhalation and burns.
Location: Kangasala, Finland.

This 83-year-old woman and her 63-year-old son died when their house was set on fire by a relative.

The son was known by neighbors as a kind, helpful man who could often be seen taking walks around the neighborhood.

Case status:
Lilya Carmen Lilith Lehtonen (Granddaughter of the 83-year-old woman, niece of the 63-year-old man), convicted of murder and destruction of property, sentenced to life.

Tällaisesta rikoksesta Linna-sarjan Lilja vangittiin elinkautiseen – palossa kuolivat isoäiti ja kehitysvammainen setä
Kangasalan murhapoltosta tuomittu muutti kertomustaan hovioikeudessa – oikeus ei uskonut tarinaa, tuomio säilyy elinkautisena
Woman charged in double arson murder
Poliisi julkaisi kuvan autosta – epäilee liittyvän Kangasalla kuolemaan johtaneeseen tulipaloon
MURHA.INFO • katso viestiketjua – Kangasalan tulipaloa tutkitaan kahtena murhana
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Kangasalan rajussa palossa menehtyivät äiti ja poika – naapurin Sinikka: ”He olivat mukavia ihmisiä”
Uutta tietoa Kangasalan kaksoismurhasta: Uhrien nuori sukulaisnainen vangittu epäiltynä
Äiti ja poika kuolivat, naapurusto järkyttyi Kangasalan epäillystä murhapoltosta: ”Hän oli erittäin topakka nainen”
Kahdesta murhasta epäilty nainen purki turhautumistaan Youtube-kanavallaan ja kertoi avoimesti mielenterveysongelmistaan
Kangasalan tulipalossa kuolivat äiti ja poika – Talon omistaja oli hetkellisesti muualla: ”Ei voida tietää, mikä epäillyn tarkoitus oli”
30-vuotiaalle naiselle syyte kahdesta murhasta – äiti ja poika kuolivat rajussa tulipalossa Kangasalla

Jeya Pichamuthu

Photo of Jeya Pichamuthu, a woman with tan skin and long, wavy black hair. She has a bindi on her forehead.Name: Jeya Pichamuthu.
Died: October 6, 2017.
Age at death: 46.
Cause of death: Strangled.
Location: Mutiara Rini, Malaysia.
Disability: Kidney disease.

Jeya’s husband strangled her and her two children because he could not pay for treatment for her kidney disease.

Jeya had a son, Sharveen Pubalan, age 14, and a daughter, Krishaa Priteena, age 9. They were also strangled by her husband, who then hung himself.

Case status:
Publan Retnam (Husband), deceased.

Johor Baru murder-suicide: My brother was a loving husband and caring father, says brother
Death of four in a family is murder-suicide; case closed – police

Sarthak and Varad

Photo of Sarthak and Varad, twin boys. They have black hair and light-brown skin, and are wearing collared shirts, one green and one blue. The boy in the green shirt is holding up two fingers in a "V" sign.Name: Varad.
Name: Sarthak.

Age at death: 7.
Died: September 9, 2017.
Cause of death: Strangled or poisoned.
Location: Kalwa, Thane, India.
Disability: Developmental disability.

Twin brothers Varad and Sarthak were killed–either poisoned or strangled–by their mother, who then committed suicide.

They took dance lessons and attended a special school.

Case status:
Archana Kadam (Mother), deceased.

Mumbai woman battling depression strangles mentally challenged sons, hangs herself
Kalwa Murders and Suicide: ‘Mother was frustrated at mentally challenged twins’ condition’, says Police