
No PhotoName: “Patrick” (Family name unknown).
Died: November 2014.
Age at death: 17.
Cause of death: Multiple organ failure.
Location: Bedford, England, UK.
Disability: Coffin-Lowry syndrome.

Patrick’s care was neglected by his grandmother. He was kept in a filthy room without a working light. By the time he was hospitalized, he weighed only 95 pounds, had bruises all over his body, and was in multiple organ failure. He died age 17.

Patrick was good at swimming and had just learned cycling. Despite his limited ability to speak, he had memorized all of his classmates’ names.

Case status:
His grandmother was interviewed for case review. Belford Borough Safeguarding Children Board concluded that the agency did not adequately support Patrick’s needs or ensure that his grandmother cared for him adequately.

Disabled teenager who died weighing just 6 stone was ‘invisible’ to social services
‘Neglected’ disabled Bedford teen ‘unsupported’ by social services before ‘shocking’ death
Tragic death of ‘invisible’ Bedford teen failed by system
Patrick Final Report for PUBLICATION 23.5.16

Noama Ware

Blurry photo of a white-haired old lady with pale, wrinkled skin, her mouth open as though she is about to speak.Name: Noama Ware.
Died: October 2014.
Age at death: 78.
Cause of death: Undetermined, in the setting of abuse and neglect.
Location: Shelley, Idaho, USA.
Disability: Frail elder, likely dementia/hoarding.

Noama’s husband and son both abused her. After an argument about her keeping her many cats in her bedroom, her son kicked her, injuring her severely; and then as she lay in bed, her grandson kicked her. They found her dead shortly thereafter.

Afraid that they would get in trouble because Noama was malnourished and abused, they buried her body in their duck pen, and her death went unnoticed for five years until her daughter died in a car accident and the police tried to find her to break the news.

Case status:
Harley Howell (Grandson), pleaded guilty to failure to report a death, sentenced to 3-10 years in prison.
Douglas Howell (Son), pleaded guilty to abuse and neglect of an elder, sentenced to 4 days in jail, $387.50 in fees, and 50 hours community service.

Local man sentenced to four days in jail for abuse and neglect of 78 year-old woman
Man admits to killing his grandmother and burying her in the backyard nearly 5 years ago
Shelley man sentenced after hiding grandmother’s death
Teen ‘killed bedridden grandma after row about her keeping 30 cats in her room’
Man admits to killing his grandmother and burying her in the backyard nearly 5 years ago

Bessie Looney

No PhotoName: Bessie Looney.
Died: September 29, 2014.
Age at death: 82.
Cause of death: Malnutrition, sepsis.
Location: Baton Rouge, USA.
Disability: Dementia, heart disease, wheelchair user.

Bessie’s daughter and granddaughter neglected her. She was left strapped into a wheelchair, denied her medication, and not brought to the doctor when she became very sick. She died of starvation and septic shock from untreated bedsores.

Case status:
Joleslie Looney (daughter), convicted of manslaughter, sentenced to 40 years.
Lauren Looney (granddaughter), pleaded guilty to negligent homicide, sentenced to 5 years in prison.

Louisiana high court upholds sentence in mom’s bedsore death
Woman pleads guilty to negligent homicide in 82-year-old grandmother’s death
Granddaughter pleads guilty to negligent homicide in 82-year-old woman’s gruesome 2014 death
Death of elderly Baton Rouge woman ruled a homicide
82-year-old found dead at home surrounded by flies, trash; two arrested
Doctors say woman facing charges was sane during the time of the death of her elderly mother
Baton Rouge woman declared sane when elderly mother died amidst deplorable conditions
Baton Rouge woman to be tried Aug. 28 in death of 82-year-old mother found in deplorable conditions
Daughter faces trial in death of bedsore-ridden mother, 82
Attorney for Baton Rouge woman accused of killing her mother doesn’t want her called ‘evil,’ ‘monster’ during trial
Elderly woman’s daughter told Baton Rouge police she wasn’t aware of severity of mother’s bedsores
‘A hard-working person that struggled,’ friends say of woman accused in elderly mother’s death
Daughter swiftly convicted of manslaughter in elderly mother’s 2014 bedsore-related death
Woman’s sentencing delayed in gruesome 2014 bedsore-related death of 82-year-old mother
Woman leaves grandmother in waste-covered wheelchair until bedsores kill her
Granddaughter sentenced in 82-year-old Baton Rouge woman’s bedsore-related death
Woman denied reduced sentence in death of elderly, malnourished mother
Judge won’t reduce Baton Rouge woman’s 40-year prison term in bedsore-related death of mother
Attorney says 40 years in bedsore-related death of 82-year-old woman is excessive punishment
Louisiana court upholds woman’s prison term for mom’s bedsore death
Court upholds woman’s prison term for mom’s bedsore death
Baton Rouge woman’s conduct ‘reprehensible’ in elderly mother’s bedsore death, appeals court says

Albert Franklin

No PhotoName: Albert Franklin.
Died: Sometime after July 28, 2014.
Age at death: 67.
Cause of death: Sepsis and malnutrition.
Location: Flint, Michigan, USA.
Disability: Dementia.

Albert had a feeding tube because of an obstruction in his throat, but his caregivers refused to use it, so Albert starved until he weighed only 52 pounds. He was hospitalized in July 2014, in septic shock from untreated bedsores, and died there.

Case status:
Alice Bitters (Girlfriend), ruled not competent to stand trial and institutionalized.
Melissa Bardoni (Girlfriend’s niece), pleaded no contest to second-degree murder, sentenced to 15-30 years.

Bardoni v. Howard, Case No. 20-11861 | Casetext Search + Citator
Woman pleads guilty to murder in elder abuse case
2 Flint women charged with abusing emaciated man
Caregivers arrested after emaciated man found with infected bed sores in Flint
Girlfriend, niece charged with elder abuse after police find 52 pound man
Woman Pleads Guilty In Flint Elder Abuse Case, Second Woman May Have Been Involved
Woman pleads guilty to murder in elder abuse case

Mary Driscoll

No PhotoName: Mary Driscoll.
Died: May 24, 2014.
Age at death: 94.
Cause of death: Head injury.
Location: Brick, New Jersey, USA.
Disability: Dementia, “frail”.

Mary’s granddaughter came home drunk and angry from a date and took out her anger on her grandmother, beating her badly, leaving her lying on the floor without medical attention for a weekend, and then beating her again.

A friend of her granddaughter’s who saw Mary’s injuries called 911. Mary was taken to the hospital, but she had suffered head injuries that were too severe to survive. She died eight days after the initial beating.

Case status:
Katherine Schubert (Granddaughter), pleaded guilty to manslaughter, sentenced to 5-10 years.

Mary F. Driscoll Obituary
Granny killer, teacher’s murder on the docket
Woman sentenced for beating grandmother to death
Woman drank Maker’s Mark, beat grandma to death

Martin Meffert

Photo of a man with fair skin and dark-blond hair, wearing a black and white print baseball cap. He has a stubbly beard and mustache.Name: Martin Meffert.
Died: October 24, 2013 (Body found); Missing February 8, 2005.
Age at death: 23.
Cause of death: Gunshot.
Location: Terownie, South Australia, Australia.
Disability: Unspecified.

23-year-old Martin, grieving the death of his mother, arranged to stay with an aunt and some cousins. Then he disappeared.

Eight years later, one of his cousins, who had been collecting Martin’s disability payments, pulled out Martin’s skull and showed it to a friend. This was not reported until a firearms raid found Martin’s bones in plain view in the fireplace of his home. His cousin admitted to shooting Martin in the head and stealing his disability pension for ten years.

Martin loved Bruce Springsteen’s music. He was proud uncle to a baby nephew and awaiting a second nephew when he died.

Case status:
Christopher Travis Scott (Cousin), pleaded guilty to murder, sentenced to life.

Teen who shot Martin Meffert dead then claimed his Centrelink payments
Martin Meffert murder: Police conduct doorknocks in Terowie, SA
Bones-in-fireplace murder: Sister of Martin Meffert wants to end her family’s torment and get justice
No one had spoken to Martin for years. Then police made a gruesome discovery.
Case against accused cold case murderer labelled ‘weak’
Cold case murder accused remanded in custody
Accused killer pulled skull out of box ‘like a show-and-tell’, court told
Accused Terowie murderer admits to killing relative whose bones were found in fireplace
Killer’s confession leads police to find remains of SA murder victim
Bones of murdered man found at Terowie property
Property searched to find murdered man’s remains

83-year-old woman

No PhotoName Unknown.
Died: October 2013.
Age at death: 83.
Cause of death: Pneumonia.
Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Disability: Stroke, dementia, mental illness, epilepsy.

This 83-year-old woman was neglected by her son and daughter-in-law, who were receiving government payments to care for her. She was denied her medication, starved, and left uncared for on a filthy mattress. She was severely malnourished and filthy, and had been fed by mouth even though her stroke had made it difficult for her to swallow. When she cried for help, her son bought everyone earplugs. She died of untreated bronchopneumonia.

Three of her grandchildren testified against their parents for the abuse that ended in their grandmother’s death.

Case status:
Her son, age 52, convicted of reckless conduct endangering life, sentenced to 12-18 months in jail.
Her daughter-in-law, age 46, convicted of reckless conduct endangering life, given a 12-month suspended sentence.

Son bought family ear plugs so they couldn’t hear grandmother’s cries
Judge considering tougher penalties for neglect couple
Man jailed for letting his mother die over 16 months without medicine
Man jailed for ‘inhumane’ neglect of elderly mum
Grandmother left to die in own filth
Australian man bought earplugs to drown out his elderly mother’s cries of pain
Son and his wife to stand trial on neglect charges after elderly mother’s death
Son and daughter-in-law to stand trial for mother’s horrific death
Dead woman’s grandchildren to give evidence in their parents’ neglect trial

Tamiyah Audain

A poster from Tamiyah Audain's funeral, showing two photos of her, one with a sunflower clenched between her teeth and the other of her in a purple plaid shirt. Tamiyah is a young girl with brown skin and dark brown eyes, her black hair up in a bun. The poster reads, Heaven gained a precious angel. Sunrise, sunset. Miyah.Name: Tamiyah Audain.
Died: September 25, 2013.
Age at death: 12.
Cause of death: Malnutrition, infection.
Location: Lauderhill, Florida, USA.
Disability: Autism, tuberous sclerosis.

Tamiyah was neglected by her aunt; she died of starvation and infection. When she died after nine months with her aunt, Tamiyah weighed only 56 pounds–less than half of the 115 pounds she had weighed when she first came to live there.

Tamiyah always greeted family members with a hug.

Case status:
Latoya Patterson (Cousin), convicted of child neglect, sentenced to 3 years probation.
Jabeth Moye (Child care worker), pleaded no contest to aggravated child abuse, sentenced to five years probation.

Autism Memorial: Tamiyah Audain
Caregiver charged in autistic girl’s death seeks bond
Supervised Population Information Detail
While agencies bickered, Broward girl died horrible death
Report: Questions Arise For Child Welfare Workers After Death Of 12-Year-Old
State records show pattern of neglect in death of Lauderhill girl
Florida child welfare worker, 3 others charged in girl’s starvation death

John Satanoski

Photo of John Satanoski, an older white man with graying hair and brown eyes. He is looking directly at the camera and not smiling.Name: John Louis Satanoski.
Died: May 7, 2013.
Age at death: 65.
Cause of death: Neglect.
Location: Bunnell, Florida, USA.
Disability: Dementia.

John depended on his niece to care for him, but she left him alone for a week while she visited friends. When he was found, John was unconscious, and died a week later.

Case status:
Holly Lyn Norris (Niece), pleaded guilty to manslaughter, sentenced to 2 years.

Pleading Guilty to Manslaughter Death of Invalid Uncle, Woman Now Faces Up to 15 Years in Prison
Bunnell woman charged with manslaughter in uncle’s death

Constance Johnston

No PhotoName: Constance Johnston.
Died: February 19, 2013.
Age at death: 76.
Cause of death: Stabbed.
Location: Richland, Pennsylvania, USA.
Disability: Dementia.

When Constance began showing signs of early dementia, her grandson took it as evidence that she was evil and stabbed her fatally in the back.

She was a pastor’s wife with 10 grandchildren.

Case status:
Levi Staver (Grandson), pleaded guilty but mentally ill to third-degree murder, sentenced to 10 to 20 years.

Constance Anita McCall Johnston (1936-2013) -…
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