Christopher Melton

Photo of Christopher Melton, a young man in a homemade tie-dye T-shirt; he has dark-brown skin and short black hair and is smiling.Name: Christopher Melton.
Died: June 4, 2010.
Age at death: 18.
Cause of death: Carbon monoxide poisoning.
Location: Columbia, Maryland, USA.
Disability: Autism.

Christopher’s mother poisoned him and herself with carbon monoxide.

Case status:
Tracy Hawks (Mother), deceased.

Autism Memorial: Christopher Melton
Columbia, Maryland: Deaths of Tracy Hawks and Christopher Melton, mother and son, ruled murder-suicide
Deaths of mother and son remain a mystery
Columbia deaths of mom and son ruled murder-suicide

Rylan Rochester

Photo of Rylan Rochester, an infant.Name: Rylan Rochester.
Died: June 1, 2010.
Age at death: 6 months.
Cause of death: Smothered.
Location: Denver, Colorado, USA.
Disability: None, but Rylan’s mother believed he was autistic.

Rylan’s mother, convinced he was autistic, smothered him to death.

Case status:
Stephanie Rochester (Mother); ruled not guilty by reason of insanity.

Autism Memorial: Rylan Rochester

Leosha Barnett

Photo of Leosha Barnett, a young woman with brown skin and black hair pulled back from her face; she is smiling for the camera.Name: Leosha Barnett.
Died: May 21, 2010.
Age at death: 17.
Cause of death: Starvation.
Location: Forth Worth, Texas, USA.
Disability: Epilepsy, intellectual disability.

Leosha was starved to death by her mother and sister.

Case status:
Tasca Kuniko Johnson (Mother), injury to a disabled person, 15 years.
Kyreshi Lynn Tara Stevenson (sister), injury to a disabled person, 5 years.

Fort Worth girl’s starvation death prompts arrests of her sister, mother
Charges in ‘starvation’ of Texas teen

Payton Ettinger

Photo of Payton Ettinger, a toddler boy lying on a mat and sucking on a pacifier; he has pale skin and blond hair, and is wearing denim overalls and a striped shirt.Name: Payton Ettinger.
Died: May 17, 2010.
Age at death: 4.
Cause of death: Starvation.
Location: Greensburg, Indiana, USA.
Disability: Brain injury.

Payton was starved to death by his mother, who neglected him so badly that he weighed less at four years old than he did at one year old.

Case status:
Courtney Tressler (Mother), pleaded guilty to neglect of a dependent; sentenced to 10 years in jail.

Ind. mom charged with starving 4-year-old to death
Indiana mom charged with son’s death
Tressler Accused Of Starving Son, 4, To Death
10-year sentence in case involving neglect of dependent

Glen Freaney

Photo of a boy with fair skin and short brown hair, his glasses slipping down his nose. He is smiling, holding a watercolor painting and a small silver trophy.Name: Glen Freaney.
Died: May 13, 2010.
Age at death: 11.
Cause of death: Strangled.
Location: Penarth Vale, Glamorgan, Wales, UK.
Disability: Autism.

Glen was strangled by his mother.

Case status:
Yvonne Freaney (Mother); pled guilty to manslaughter and walked free from court with a supervision order.

Autism Memorial: Glen Freaney
Mother killed autistic son with coat belt, court hears
‘He was laughing when I strangled him. Then I knew he was happy’: Mother ‘killed’ severely autistic son after facing lifetime of care
“Glen Freaney”, Find a Grave
“Despairing mother who strangled autistic son walks free from court”, Daily Mail

Benjamin McLatchie

No PhotoName: Benjamin McLatchie.
Died: April 27, 2010.
Age at death: 22.
Cause of death: Gunshot.
Location: Gray, Maine, USA.
Disability: Autism.

Benjamin’s father shot him to death before committing suicide.

Benjamin was “a sweet and gentle boy. He loved Curious George, Winnie the Pooh, Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood, listening to music, reading books, and swinging on his swing.”

Case status:
Daniel McLatchie (Father), deceased.

Autism Memorial: Benjamin McLatchie
Pondering a murder/suicide in Gray, Maine
Gray shooting done by ‘caring’ father
Daniel and Benjamin McLatchie

Aja Johnson

Phot of a small girl with fair skin, brown eyes, and curly brown hair. She is leaning her head against her hand and smiling for the camera.Name: Aja Danielle Johnson.
Died: March 29, 2010.
Age at death: 7.
Cause of death: Homicide.
Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA.
Disability: ADHD, sleep disorder.

Aja’s abusive stepfather, after losing custody, killed her mother and kidnapped her. Two months later, he killed her and then himself.

Aja’s father called her “Punky.” She wanted to be a cheerleader.

Case status:
Lester Hobbs (Stepfather), deceased.

Amber Alert: 7-Year-Old Aja Johnson Believed to Be With Accused Murderer
Horrific abuse marked last three years of Aja Johnson’s life
New Info in Aja Johnson Case
Aja Danielle Johnson (2003-2010) – Find A Grave
Command center closing in search for 7-year-old

Wesley Lawson

Photo of a gravestone reading "Wesley Wayne Lawson".Name: Wesley Wayne Lawson.
Died: March 7, 2010.
Age at death: 39.
Cause of death: Starvation.
Location: Lake Wales, Florida, USA.
Disability: Cerebral palsy.

Wesley’s mother neglected him; he died of starvation weighing 55 pounds. When he died, his bedsores were so severe that his bones could be seen.

Wesley liked playing the harmonica and wheelchair dancing. He competed in the Special Olympics.

Case status:
Vernetta Lawson (Mother), pleaded no contest to aggravated manslaughter of a disabled adult, sentenced to five years probation.

Woman Spared Jail Time in Starvation Death of Her Disabled Son
Wesley Wayne Lawson Obituary

Dominique J.

Blurry photo of a woman with Down syndrome. She is wearing a pink shirt, and her eyes are scrunched up in laughter, her tongue poking slightly from her mouth. She has pale skin and short brown hair with blonde streaks.Name: Dominique J.
Died: February 10, 2010.
Age at death: 47.
Cause of death: Wrists and throat cut.
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Disability: Down syndrome.

Dominique’s mother was afraid that her daughter would need institutional care; so she cut her daughter’s throat and wrists, killing her.

Dominique’s mother reported that her daughter had been assaulted and molested in an institution when she was younger. Dominique was supposed to go live with a sibling when her mother was no longer able to care for her.

Case Status:
Ronnie J. (Mother), convicted of murder, but not given a custodial sentence.

Ronnie J. toch veroordeeld
Dode vrouw in woning Korte Marnixkade
‘Moeder moet leven’ met de moord op dochter
Vrouw (84) doodde haar gehandicapte dochter: ‘Mijn Dootje is nu veilig’
Dominique Blank –

Ajit Singh

Photo of Ajit Singh, a boy with tan skin and black hair, in a red hoodie.Name: Ajit Singh-Mahal.
Died: February 9, 2010.
Age at death: 12.
Cause of death: Multiple organ failure.
Location: London, England, UK.
Disability: Autism.

Ajit’s mother, facing a social services investigation for neglect, forced him to drink bleach. He died of multiple organ failure.

Case status:
Satpal Kaur-Singh (Mother); pled guilty to manslaughter; sentenced to 7 years.

Mother kills autistic son by forcing him to drink bleach
Mother killed her autistic son, 12, by forcing him to drink bleach as she ‘feared that social services would take him away’
Woman jailed for killing autistic son, 12, with bleach
Autism Memorial: Ajit Singh