63-year-old man and 83-year-old woman

No PhotoName Unknown, male.
Died: November 9, 2017.
Age at death: 63.
Disability: Intellectual disability, cerebral palsy.

Name Unknown, female.
Died: November 10, 2017.
Age at death: 83.
Disability: Dementia, wheelchair user.

Cause of death: Smoke inhalation and burns.
Location: Kangasala, Finland.

This 83-year-old woman and her 63-year-old son died when their house was set on fire by a relative.

The son was known by neighbors as a kind, helpful man who could often be seen taking walks around the neighborhood.

Case status:
Lilya Carmen Lilith Lehtonen (Granddaughter of the 83-year-old woman, niece of the 63-year-old man), convicted of murder and destruction of property, sentenced to life.

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Woman charged in double arson murder
Poliisi julkaisi kuvan autosta – epäilee liittyvän Kangasalla kuolemaan johtaneeseen tulipaloon
MURHA.INFO • katso viestiketjua – Kangasalan tulipaloa tutkitaan kahtena murhana
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Kangasalan rajussa palossa menehtyivät äiti ja poika – naapurin Sinikka: ”He olivat mukavia ihmisiä”
Uutta tietoa Kangasalan kaksoismurhasta: Uhrien nuori sukulaisnainen vangittu epäiltynä
Äiti ja poika kuolivat, naapurusto järkyttyi Kangasalan epäillystä murhapoltosta: ”Hän oli erittäin topakka nainen”
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30-vuotiaalle naiselle syyte kahdesta murhasta – äiti ja poika kuolivat rajussa tulipalossa Kangasalla

Jimmy Anglin

Photo of young man with short hair and tan skin, wearing a yellow and red striped polo shirt.Name: Jimmy Lee Anglin.
Died: Missing November 3, 2017; body found about 2 years later.
Age at death: 27.
Cause of death: Shooting.
Location: Oglethorpe County, Georgia, USA.
Disability: Unspecified; on “disability fixed income”.

Jimmy received disability payments, and his cousin often took them from him; but when Jimmy started refusing to give him the money, he disappeared. Two years after Jimmy went missing, his bones were found. His cousin had taken him out to the woods, shot him, and dismembered the body.

Case Status:
Robert David Jordan (Cousin), convicted of malice murder, sentenced to life without parole.

Oglethorpe County man sentenced to life without parole in shotgun slaying of his cousin
Disappearance of Oglethorpe man remains a mystery
Murder charge filed in 2-year-old missing man case
Brothers charged in death of man reported missing 2 years ago

Elba Monroig

Photo of an older woman with fair skin and gray hair cut in a businesslike style, lying back in a hospital bed with her head propped on her hands.Name: Elba Enid Monroig.
Died: October 27, 2017.
Age at death: 61.
Cause of death: Head trauma.
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Disability: Visually impaired, wheelchair user.

Elba’s housemate and caregiver bludgeoned her to death with a hammer and hid her body in the basement. She had given him a place to stay after he got out of jail.

Case status:
Eric Mackey (Housemate, caregiver), convicted of first-degree murder, sentenced to life in prison.

Trial begins for man accused of beating woman in wheelchair to death
Philly man convicted for beating woman in wheelchair to death, hiding her body
Elba Enid Monroig

Sana Iqbal

Photo of Sana Iqbal, a young woman with light skin and wavy dark-brown hair. She is wearing a big pair of sunglasses, a colorful blue and yellow scarf, and a jacket. The photo is taken outdoors.Name: Sana Iqbal.
Died: October 24, 2017.
Age at death: 30.
Cause of death: Head injury.
Location: Narsingi, Hyderabad, India.
Disability: Depression.

Sana and her husband were involved in a car accident, in which she died. Her death was initially categorized as accidental, but her family demanded that the authorities investigate further. They said that Sana had told them about her abusive husband, that she feared for her life, and that if she died, it would be murder. Repeated complaints of domestic abuse had been filed without much action.

Finally the authorities arrested Sana’s husband. Authorities suspect him of hitting her on the head with something heavy before ramming the car into a concrete divider.

Sana was a biker who made a cross-country journey to raise awareness about depression and suicide.

Case status:
Abdul Nadeem (Husband), charged with culpable homicide not amounting to murder.

Who was Sana Iqbal, the girl biker who died recently?
Famous Biker Sana Iqbal, Who Fought Depression With Speed, Tragically Dies In A Car Crash
Woman who campaigned against depression, suicide dies in accident
Husband, in-laws, planned her death, alleges Sana Iqbal’s mother
Biker Sana Iqbal death: Husband Nadeem says he’s innocent, denies allegations of murder
biker: What killed Hyderabad’s most loved bikerni?
Sana Iqbal’s accident ‘pre-planned murder by her husband’, says mother of cross-country biker
Hyderabad rider Sana Iqbal’s husband arrested in accident case, gets bail

Dayvid Pakko

hoto of Dayvid Pakko, a young boy with fair skin, blond hair, and dark brown eyes. He is smiling for the camera.Name: Dayvid Pakko.
Died: October 17, 2017.
Age at death: 6.
Cause of death: Drowning.
Location: Lynnwood, Washington, USA.
Disability: Autism.

Dayvid was drowned in the bathtub by his uncle.

He was “smart as a whip”, a first-grader who loved cars, trains, planes, and Legos.

Case status:
Andrew Henckel (Uncle); pleaded guilty to second-degree murder, sentenced to 18 years 4 months.

Autism Memorial: Dayvid Pakko
Man sentenced for drowning his 6-year-old nephew in bathtub
Police: Man admits to drowning 6-year-old Washington boy, leaving body in dumpster
Relative of 6-year-old Lynnwood boy arrested for murder
Police: 19-year-old family member confesses to drowning 6-year-old Lynnwood boy
Body Of Missing 6-Year-Old With Autism Found In Dumpster, Teen Relative Arrested
6-Year-Old Missing Washington Boy’s Body Found In Dumpster, Relative Confesses To Murder
Body of missing autistic boy found stuffed in dumpster; teen relative in custody
19-year-old arrested after 6-year-old Lynnwood boy found in dumpster
Cops: Teen uncle confessed to drowning autistic boy in bathtub
New documents reveal no motive in horrendous murder of 6-year-old Lynnwood boy
Kerrville man accused of killing nephew: ‘I did not do this’
Cops: Uncle confessed to drowning autistic boy in bathtub
Teen accused of drowning 6-year-old Lynnwood boy held on $1 million bail
Police: Family member admits to drowning boy, 6, with autism
Bail set at $1 million for 19-year-old man accused of murdering 6-year-old nephew
Man pleads guilty to murder in drowning of 6-year-old nephew

Masako Kumada

No PhotoName: Masako Kumada.
Died: October 16, 2017.
Age at death: 61.
Cause of death: Throat cut.
Location: Otawara City, Japan.
Disability: Unspecified chronic illness.

Ms. Kumada’s husband allegedly slit her throat with a knife because he was “worried about their future as a married couple”.

Case status:
Masao Kumada (Husband), arrested on suspicion of murder.

Tochigi man stabs bedridden wife to death

Yuk-Kwai Liu

No PhotoName: Yuk-Kwai Liu.
Died: October 8, 2017.
Age at death: 77.
Cause of death: Knife wounds.
Location: Kwai Chung, Hong Kong.
Disability: Chronic illness (heart and kidney disease; arthritis), wheelchair user.

Ms. Liu’s son decided it was “too tough” to take care of her, so he allegedly stabbed her to death.

Case status:
Mr. Lee (Son), charged with murder.

Woman, 77, found dead at home after son jumps from window
Suicide bid of son fails as mom found hacked dead
Man, 34, arrested in killing of ill mother

Leon Hignite

Photo of a man with brown hair and fair skin, wearing a brown shirt, squinting slightly into the sun. He has  the beginnings of a receding hairline, and he is smiling in a friendly manner.Name: Leon Dewayne Hignite.
Died: October 4, 2017.
Age at death: 76.
Cause of death: Blunt head trauma; neglect.
Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA.
Disability: Blind, hearing impaired.

Leon’s wife is accused of fatally assaulting him, then leaving him to die for several days before setting the house on fire.

Leon liked karate, drag racing, hunting, and fishing. He was a retired tool-and-die maker.

Case Status:
Carol Hignite (Wife), charged with murder, knowingly neglecting an elderly person, and third-degree arson. First trial ended with a deadlocked jury; second trial underway.

74-year-old Lexington woman charged with murdering her husband will not get bond reduction
Obituary for Leon Dewayne Hignite
Carol Ann Hignite trial: What’s happened so far

Megan Tilman

Photo of a woman with pale skin and dark-blond chin length hair cut into bangs. She is wearing glasses, a black shirt, and a steel bead necklace; she is smiling slightly.Name: Megan Leah Tilman.
Died: October 3, 2017.
Age at death: 43.
Cause of death: Asphyxiation.
Location: Annapolis, Maryland, USA.
Disability: Intellectual disability.

Megan lived with her boyfriend and girlfriend, who took advantage of her intellectual disability to spend her money and that of her mother, who was also disabled. Shortly after Megan’s mother went into assisted living, Megan disappeared and was found dead and dismembered in a river. During trial, it came out that after an argument, her boyfriend had strangled her while her girlfriend smothered her.

Case Status:
Christina Harnish (Girlfriend), convicted of second-degree murder, sentenced to 40 years.
William Rice (Boyfriend), convicted of second-degree murder, sentenced to 40 years.

Man and woman who killed, dismembered roommate sentenced to 40 years in prison
Man and woman who killed, dismembered Annapolis woman in 2017 sentenced to 40 years in prison
Who killed Megan Tilman?

Vanessa Danielson

Photo of Vanessa Danielson, a woman with fair skin and blonde hair, wearing a white knit cap. The photo is somewhat blurry and backlit.Name: Vanessa Danielson.
Died: September 28, 2017.
Age at death: 36.
Cause of death: Burns.
Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
Disability: Multiple sclerosis.

Vanessa’s boyfriend poured gasoline all over her and set her on fire. She managed to escape the house and run into the yard, where a neighbor rushed to her side, put out the fire, and held her hand while they waited for the ambulance. Vanessa died later that day at the hospital.

Case status:
Wyndale Fayson (Boyfriend), pleaded guilty to second-degree intentional murder and first-degree arson, sentenced to 34-52 years in prison.

Minnesota offender search
Charges: Man doused ex in gas as she slept, then set her on fire
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Victim’s boyfriend charged in Northeast Minneapolis burning death