Megan Tilman

Photo of a woman with pale skin and dark-blond chin length hair cut into bangs. She is wearing glasses, a black shirt, and a steel bead necklace; she is smiling slightly.Name: Megan Leah Tilman.
Died: October 3, 2017.
Age at death: 43.
Cause of death: Asphyxiation.
Location: Annapolis, Maryland, USA.
Disability: Intellectual disability.

Megan lived with her boyfriend and girlfriend, who took advantage of her intellectual disability to spend her money and that of her mother, who was also disabled. Shortly after Megan’s mother went into assisted living, Megan disappeared and was found dead and dismembered in a river. During trial, it came out that after an argument, her boyfriend had strangled her while her girlfriend smothered her.

Case Status:
Christina Harnish (Girlfriend), convicted of second-degree murder, sentenced to 40 years.
William Rice (Boyfriend), convicted of second-degree murder, sentenced to 40 years.

Man and woman who killed, dismembered roommate sentenced to 40 years in prison
Man and woman who killed, dismembered Annapolis woman in 2017 sentenced to 40 years in prison
Who killed Megan Tilman?