Megan McCullar

A heart-shaped gravestone reading, "Megan Lavon. December 16, 1999 to September 22, 2001. McCullar."Name: Megan Lavon McCullar.
Died: September 18, 2001.
Age at death: 2.
Cause of death: Head injury.
Location: Rocky Comfort, Missouri, USA.
Disability: Developmental disability.

Megan had been removed from her parents’ custody and was living with a foster family she died of massive head trauma, allegedly caused when her high chair was deliberately slammed into a wall. Megan died of shaken baby syndrome, and her foster mother was charged with child abuse, but charges were dropped.

Her foster mother initially claimed that she had not killed Megan; but years later, diagnosed with late-stage cancer, she reportedly confessed to her husband that she had done exactly what they said she had done.

Case status:
Jessica Newhard (Foster mother), charged with second-degree murder. Charges dropped because the case was no longer viable 15 years later and the pathologist who had done the autopsy had died in the meantime.

Confession leads to murder charges in 15-year-old child death
Charge in 2001 child death dismissed
Missouri trial ordered for woman accused in foster child’s death
Long-dormant shaken baby case moves forward
Missouri Trial Ordered for Accused in Foster Child’s Death
Confession leads to murder charges in 15-year-old child death case
Woman Arrested In 2001 Death Of A 2-Year-Old Girl
Woman charged in 2001 death of Missouri child, 2

Chelsea Craig

Photo of a teenage girl with tan skin and brown curly hair, wearing a white sweater with pastel stripes. She has her hand ot her chest; her expression is neutral and she is looking off to the side.Name: Chelsea Craig.
Died: March 19, 2001.
Age at death: 14.
Cause of death: Prescription drug overdose.
Location: Pointe-Claire, Quebec, Canada.
Disability: Rett syndrome.

Chelsea was poisoned by her mother with a mix of prescription drugs. At trial, The judge ruled that she was not at fault for Chelsea’s death because of her own history of abuse and because of the “stress caused by Chelsea’s disability”.

Chelsea had a pet bulldog named Penny. She was a freshman in high school.

Case status:
Rachel Capra Craig (Mother). Found not guilty because of a mental disorder; hospitalized; died July 2002.

Autism Memorial: Chelsea Craig
Mother found not responsible in death of disabled daughter
Murderpedia: Rachel Capra Craig
Inclusion Daily Express: Mother Charged With Poisoning Teenage Daughter

Shane Graham

No PhotoName: Shane “Moo” Graham.
Died: July 2000.
Age at death: About 10.
Cause of death: Missing, presumed dead.
Location: Florida, USA.
Disability: Down syndrome, autism, sickle-cell anemia.

Shane was one of eleven children adopted by the same family. When Shane’s siblings were discovered, badly neglected and abused, they told police that Shane had died and their adoptive mother had taken him away. Shane’s body has not been found, but he is presumed dead.

Shane was called “Moo” because it was a sound he often made.

Case status:
Judith Leekin (Adoptive mother) was charged for child abuse for Shane’s siblings, but since Shane’s body was never found, she has not been charged for his death. Her fraud and abuse charges netted her twenty years in prison.

Eight in Adoption Abuse Case Agree to $17.5 Million Settlement With Foster Agencies
Autism Memorial: Shane Graham
Shane Graham and 10 Siblings
Children adopted by Judith Leekin

Cory Moar

No PhotoName: Cory Clifford Moar.
Died: December 11, 1998.
Age at death: 29.
Cause of death: Pulmonary thromboembolism.
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
Disability: Intellectual disability, mild hearing loss.

Cory was beaten repeatedly for years before his death, while living with his brother and sister-in-law. He eventually died from the accumulated injuries and a blood clot in his lungs.

Case status:
Eli Pruden (Half-brother), status unknown.
Linda Pruden (Sister-in-law), status unknown.
Mentions of a trial; charges unknown.

Tracy Latimer is dead because her father is a murderer
In the matter of the fatality inquiry act and in the matter of Cory Moar

Katie Baker

No PhotoName: Katie Lynn Baker.
Died: May 28, 1996.
Age at death: 10.
Cause of death: Starvation.
Location: British Columbia, Canada.
Disability: Rett syndrome.

Katie’s mother deliberately starved her to death because she believed that Katie did not want to live.

Case status:
Cheryl Baker (Mother). Never charged.

Autism Memorial: Katie Lynn Baker
Crown Will Not Lay Charges in Death of Katie Lynn Baker
People with Disabilities Outraged by Murders
History of euthanasia in CanadaTracy Latimer is dead because her father is a murderer

Timothy Ellis Jr.

No PhotoName: Timothy Ellis Jr.
Died: June 8, 1994.
Age at death: 2.
Cause of death: Skull fracture.
Location: Jacksonville, Mississippi, USA.
Disability: Autism.

Timothy was in the care of his father when he suffered abuse-related injuries, including a skull fracture that resulted in his death.

Case status:
Timothy Ellis, Sr. (Father); charges dropped because a judge ruled his confession had been coerced.

Autism Memorial: Timothy Ellis Jr.
State asks Navy to hear murder case

Michael Messenger

No PhotoName: Michael Messenger.
Died: February 8, 1994.
Age at death: Newborn.
Cause of death: Withdrawal of life support.
Location: Lansing, Michigan, USA.
Disability: Prematurity with a risk of disability.

When Michael was born at 25 weeks gestation, he had a roughly 50% chance of survival. However, when their doctor told Michael’s parents that if he survived, he would probably be disabled, Michael’s father asked the doctor to leave and shut off the newborn’s ventilator, killing him.

Case status:
Gregory Messenger (Father); tried for manslaughter and admitted to disconnecting Michael’s life support; acquitted.

The Messenger Case: Summary and Analysis

Josiah Carroll

Josiah Carroll's gravestone; it reads, Isaiah 55:12, 1981 to 1993.Name: Josiah Carroll.
Died: June 14, 1993.
Age at death: 12.
Cause of death: Smothered.
Location: Cedarville, Ohio, USA.
Disability: Cerebral palsy.

Josiah was allegedly smothered by his older brother. The death was witnessed by Josiah’s brother Isaiah, but his testimony was not considered because he is non-verbal and communicates by pointing.

Case status:
Kathleen Carroll (Mother), not charged.
Timothy Carroll (Father), not charged.
James Carroll (Brother), charged with delinquency by reason of involuntary manslaughter, acquitted.

Hannah, Noah, Molly and Joshua Carroll
Boy Saw Slaying, He Tells

Mollie Carroll

Gravestone reading, "Bringer of Joy, Noah Carroll, 1989-1992; Princess, Mollie Carroll, 1989-1992."Name: Mollie Carroll.
Died: December 9, 1992.
Age at death: 3.
Cause of death: Inconclusive; hypoxia.
Location: Cedarville, Ohio, USA.
Disability: Cri-du-chat syndrome.

Mollie’s cause of death has been ruled inconclusive, but it is likely that she was smothered. Her death went unreported for at least twelve hours.

Mollie’s death is suspicious because the couple who adopted him has had five of their children die, and four of those deaths, including Noah’s, were investigated as possible homicides with both parents and 16-year-old older brother implicated.

Case status:
Kathleen Carroll (Mother), not charged.
Timothy Carroll (Father), not charged.
James Carroll (Brother), charged with delinquency by reason of involuntary manslaughter, acquitted.

Hannah, Noah, Molly and Joshua Carroll
Boy Saw Slaying, He Tells

Noah Carroll

Gravestone reading, "Bringer of Joy, Noah Carroll, 1989-1992; Princess, Mollie Carroll, 1989-1992."Name: Noah Carroll.
Died: November 15, 1992.
Age at death: 3.
Cause of death: Inconclusive; hypoxia.
Location: Cedarville, Ohio, USA.
Disability: Prenatal cocaine exposure; epilepsy.

Noah’s cause of death has been ruled inconclusive, but it is likely that he was smothered.

Noah’s death is suspicious because the couple who adopted him has had five of their children die, and four of those deaths, including Noah’s, were investigated as possible homicides with both parents and 16-year-old older brother implicated.

Case status:
Kathleen Carroll (Mother), not charged.
Timothy Carroll (Father), not charged.
James Carroll (Brother), charged with delinquency by reason of involuntary manslaughter, acquitted.

Hannah, Noah, Molly and Joshua Carroll
Boy Saw Slaying, He Tells