Lucinda Palma

Photo of an older woman in a flannel jacket; she is smiling. She has light skin and short, curly hair dyed red.Name: Lucinda Palma.
Died: November 20, 2018.
Age at death: 70.
Cause of death: Stabbed.
Location: Anaheim, California, USA.
Disability: Disabled elder.

Lucinda’s housemate stabbed her twelve times, killing her. He later told the police that he wanted to put Lucinda “out of her misery”.

Case Status:
Michael Hallgren (Housemate), convicted of second-degree murder.

Man convicted of killing woman, 70, with butcher knife at Anaheim boarding home

Desiree Tan

No PhotoName: Desiree Jiaping Tan.
Died: November 19, 2018.
Age at death: 36.
Cause of death: Asphyxia.
Location: Singapore.
Disability: Anxiety disorder (Agoraphobia, health anxiety, panic attacks).

Desiree’s father beat her with a metal pole, then strangled her. The court decided that he had done so due to caregiver stress, and allowed a defense of diminished responsibility.

Desiree was a university graduate. Due to her mental illness, she was unable to leave home by herself and could not find a job.

Case status:
Tian Chye Tan (Father), convicted of culpable homicide not amounting to murder; sentenced to two years and nine months in jail, released on time served.

Father gets jail for killing mentally ill daughter in ‘tragic case’
Man charged with murder of daughter in Bedok flat
33 months jail for S’pore man, 66, who killed mentally ill daughter due to depression, caregiver stress
Man jailed 2 years and 9 months for killing ‘overbearing’ daughter who almost drove him, wife to suicide

Ann Pomphret

Photo of Ann Pomphret, a large woman with curly hair, dressed for the outdoors, grinning at the camera.Name: Ann Marie Pomphret.
Died: November 2, 2018.
Age at death: 49.
Cause of death: Blunt trauma.
Location: Warrington, Cheshire, England, UK.
Disability: Autism, cancer.

Ann loved horses and owned several. One of her favorite TV shows was CSI.

One day when she was out in the horse barn, her husband bludgeoned her to death with a crowbar. He said that he had done it because she had been verbally abusive to him and their daughter.

Case status:
David Pomphret (Husband), convicted of murder, sentenced to 20 years to life.

Autism Memorial: Ann Pomphret
Chilling video shows man who beat wife to death lying about her murder
Husband shops with wife at Asda minutes before brutally murdering her
Husband found guilty of murdering wife with a crowbar
Husband tearfully reveals he battered his wife to death when she mocked him as ‘limp and useless’ over his erectile dysfunction
David Pomphret tells murder trial how he burned his clothes after killing wife
Murder-accused husband ‘deserved a medal’
Barclays bank exec beat wife to death with crowbar after she called him ‘useless’
Barclays exec battered wife to death with crowbar after ‘years of abuse’

Michelle Bucalo

Photo of a woman with fair skin, a round face, long brown hair, and a wide smile. She is wearing light, neatly done make-up.Name: Michelle Lyn Bucalo.
Died: October 31, 2018.
Age at death: 32.
Cause of death: Shooting.
Location: Severn, Maryland, USA.
Disability: Mental illness.

Michelle’s father shot her dead as she slept. In a statement made after he was sentenced, the state attorney said that “he and his friends and family blamed the victim for her own death as if killing her was the only solution. It was not.”

Michelle had been a paralegal before being fired because of her mental illness. She also designed jewelry.

Case Status:
Donald John Bucalo (Father), open plea to second-degree murder; sentenced to 20 years in prison, with 10 years suspended and 2 1/2 years credit for time served; parole eligibility in 5 years.

Michelle Lyn Bucalo, age 32
Terrified by his daughter’s mental illness, Severn man killed her while she slept. Now he’ll serve eight years in jail.

Gabrielle Michaelis

Sepia-tone photo of a woman with an old-fashioned hairstyle, cut shoulder-length and curled up at the ends, wearing professional attire.Name: Gabrielle Michaelis-Cifoni.
Died: October 31, 2018.
Age at death: 58.
Cause of death: Stomach cancer.
Location: Sarasota, Florida, USA.
Disability: Stomach cancer.

When she became disabled, Gabrielle’s daughter allegedly kept Gabrielle sedated with high doses of sedatives and painkillers, which were found in dangerous levels in a blood sample drawn from her body after death.

Gabrielle was an altruistic woman, mother of two children and grandmother to seven. She was a well-loved professor of mathematics, repeatedly named Professor of the Year. She was a devout Catholic with a good sense of humor.

Case status:
Josephine Scheid (Daughter), charged with murder; pleaded guilty to stealing a valuable family Bible and sentenced to a year’s probation. Murder charges dropped; sufficient evidence could not be gathered because the body was immediately cremated without autopsy.

Woman gets probation after charges she killed her Cape mom are dropped
Murder charges dropped against Florida woman accused of killing her mother in 2018 in Dennis Township
Investigation Reveals Daughter Murdered Her Own Disabled Mother For $9000 Using Painkillers And Sedatives For Financial Gain
A year later, investigators charge daughter with using drug cocktail to kill her mother
A Sarasota Woman Arrested For Killing Her Disabled Mother By Using Combination Of Painkillers And Sedatives
Florida woman accused of using sedatives to kill disabled mother
Gabrielle Michaelis-Cifoni Obituary

Kelly Barber

Portrait photo of Kelly Barber, a woman with thick brown hair and fair skin, wearing a thin silver necklace and suit jacket; she is smiling.Name: Kelly Denise Barber.
Died: October 26, 2018.
Age at death: 57.
Cause of death: Head injury.
Location: Newark, Ohio, USA.
Disability: Unspecified; bedridden.

Kelly died of severe head injuries after her boyfriend headbutted her.

Kelly was a music-lover who played and composed music for the guitar. She was an outgoing woman who could always be counted on to help anyone who asked her, whether they needed food, a place to stay, or someone to go sing karaoke with them. She also liked to spend time with her grandchildren.

When she met the man who killed her, she was a widow who had lost her first husband eleven years previously.

Case status:
Brady R. Workman, pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter, felonious assault, and aggravated trafficking in drugs, sentenced to 18 years.

Newark man formally indicted in girlfriend’s death
Newark man charged in 2018 murder of bedridden, live-in girlfriend
Newark man charged in murder of bedridden girlfriend in October incident
Obituary for Kelly Denise Barber at Criss Wagner Hoskinson Funeral and Cremation Service

Irma Reese

Photo of an older woman with very short gray hair, dark skin, and white shirt, photographed outdoors.Name: Irma Jean Reese.
Died: October 18, 2018.
Age at death: 84.
Cause of death: Carbon monoxide poisoning.
Location: Bailey, Mississippi, USA.
Disability: Unspecified; wheelchair user.

Irma died of carbon monoxide poisoning in a house fire allegedly set by her son, who knew that she used a wheelchair and couldn’t get out of the house on her own.

Case status:
Michael Reese (Son), charged with capital murder and arson.

Son charged with capital murder, arson in fatal fire
Mississippi man charged with setting fire, killing mother
Bailey man charged with arson, murder in mother’s death

Christiane Belzile

No Photo
Name: Christiane Belzile.
Died: October 14, 2018.
Age at death: 69.
Cause of death: Insulin poisoning.
Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Disability: Dementia, stroke, diabetes.

Christiane’s husband gave her a fatal overdose of insulin.

At trial, he called himself “Latimer Two”, in reference to the death of Tracy Latimer, a disabled teenage girl who was killed by her father.

Case Status:
Francois Belzile (Husband), pleaded guilty to manslaughter; sentenced to 2 years house arrest.

Edmonton man, 75, who killed severely disabled wife on ‘compassionate’ grounds sentenced to house arrest
‘Latimer Two’: Former Montreal man admits to manslaughter for killing disabled wife
Man, 73, charged with murder in 2018 death of wife
Woman found dead in Edmonton apartment suffered from dementia for a decade
Suspicious death of elderly woman at downtown Edmonton apartment
Senior woman dead, husband injured under suspicious circumstances
Police waiting for toxicology results in 69-year-old woman’s death
Autopsy conducted on woman, 69, found dead in Edmonton apartment suite

You Su Kim

No PhotoName: You Su Kim.
Died: October 9, 2018.
Age at death: 74.
Cause of death: Decapitation.
Location: Chemor, Perak, Malaysia.
Disability: Paralysis.

Mr. You scolded his son for getting high on meth in their house. His son allegedly responded by killing him and dismembering his body.

He was father to four children.

Case status:
You Poh Khoon (Son), charged with murder.

Son who allegedly chopped up dad charged with murder
Man arrested after disabled father found beheaded, dismembered
Son kills disabled father, chops body into 6 pieces in Malaysia
Man allegedly kills disabled father and dumps decapitated body into septic tank
Cops arrest man after disabled dad found dismembered in Chemor
Son arrested on suspicion of killing and chopping up dad’s body

Shuji Sanada

No PhotoName: Shuji Sanada.
Died: October 7, 2018.
Age at death: 49.
Cause of death: Asphyxia.
Location: Naruto, Tokushima Prefecture, Japan.
Disability: Unspecified physical disability; bedbound.

Mr. Sanada’s mother allegedly strangled him as he slept.

Case status:
Kayoko Sanada (Mother), arrested on suspicion of murder.

73-year-old woman arrested for killing disabled 49-year-old son