Victoria Cherry

Photo of Vicky Cherry, a middle-aged woman with pale skin and straight brown chin-length hair.Name: Victoria Cherry.
Died: January 15, 2017 (Body Found); missing October 2015.
Age at death: 44.
Cause of death: Likely strangulation.
Location: Bolton, Manchester, England, UK.
Disability: Epilepsy, depression, drug abuse.

Vicky’s boyfriend claimed she had moved away and stole her benefits for some time. Her body was found fifteen months later, stuffed into a cupboard. It was impossible to tell exactly how she had died, but damage to her neck implied Vicky had probably been strangled.

Case status:
Andrew Reade (Boyfriend), pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice and preventing a lawful burial, sentenced to 4 years, 4 months.

Man jailed for hiding girlfriend’s body in cupboard for more than a year
Victoria Cherry: Man arrested on suspicion of murder after police find body
Tributes to mum found dead at flat
Tributes paid to Preston woman Victoria Cherry
Police searching for missing woman Victoria Cherry for over a year find body in Bolton house
Man hid body of dead girlfriend in airing cupboard for 15 months
Man, 43, hid his dead girlfriend’s body in his airing cupboard for 15 months
Vicky Cherry death: Boyfriend jailed over airing cupboard body

Scott McCallum

Photo of Scott McCallum, a white man with black hair and a receding hairline; he has a salt-and-pepper beard and mustache.Name: Scott McCallum.
Died: January 6, 2017.
Age at death: 55.
Cause of death: Fatal neglect.
Location: Howard City, Michigan, USA.
Disability: Multiple sclerosis.

Scott’s caregiver left him alone and didn’t care for him. He died of neglect, with severe bedsores. She left his body in place for two days before finally calling a funeral home.

Case Status:
Rebecca Ann Deters (Son’s girlfriend), pleaded no contest to second-degree abuse, sentenced to 12 months in jail; serving 24 months in prison due to probation violation.

Woman sent to prison for abuse of bedridden man
Woman pleads to abusing bedridden man who died in her care
Woman accused of neglecting bedridden man, not reporting his death

96-year-old woman

No PhotoName Unknown.
Died: Unknown; charges brought in 2017.
Age at death: 96.
Cause of death: Sepsis.
Location: Anderson County, South Carolina, USA.
Disability: Unspecified; frail elder, wheelchair user.

This 96-year-old woman’s great-grandson and a woman had moved in to care for her; but instead of doing so, they used meth and neglected her. She died from sepsis, from an infected bedsore.

Case status:
Jesse Long (Great-grandson), pleaded guilty to abuse of a vulnerable adult resulting in serious bodily injury, sentenced to 15 years in prison and 5 years probation, as well as 15 years for drug charges.
Veronica Bryant (Housemate), pleaded guilty to abuse of a vulnerable adult resulting in death, sentenced to 3 years in prison and 5 years probation.

Great-grandson, woman plead guilty in 96-year-old’s death
Great-grandson, woman let 96-year-old die from maggot-covered sores

Natasha Wild

Photo: A young woman in a bright yellow T-shirt, her brown hair in a ponytail. She has pale skin; her head is tilted. In the foreground is a small brown and white terrier dog.Name: Natasha Wild
Died: November 28, 2016.
Age at death: 23.
Cause of death: Stabbed.
Location: Syke, Rochdale, Manchester, England, UK.
Disability: Cerebral palsy.

Natasha’s boyfriend was possessive and abusive. He hit her and accused her of faking her cerebral palsy. Convinced that she was sleeping with someone else, he stabbed her in the neck, killing her.

She was a third-year student at Liverpool Hope University, working her way through university as a cafeteria worker at the local high school.

Case status:
Lloyd Brackenbury (Boyfriend), convicted of manslaughter on grounds of diminished responsibility and detained in a psychiatric hospital.

Mum’s agony over student stabbed to death by paranoid boyfriend
Student stabbed to death by paranoid boyfriend who thought she was having affair

Albert Weaver Sr.

No PhotoName: Albert W. Weaver Sr.
Died: November 22, 2016.
Age at death: 84.
Cause of death: Sepsis, malnutrition.
Location: Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA.
Disability: Alzheimer’s disease.

Albert was neglected by his family while they emptied his bank accounts and cashed his pension checks. He was taken to the hospital with a combination of malnutrition, septic shock, untended bedsores, and multiple infections, and survived for twelve days before dying from the effects of neglect.

Case status:
Albert W. Weaver Jr. (Son), pleaded guilty to neglect of a care-dependent person, sentenced to 15-48 months.
Virginia Weaver (Daughter-in-law), pleaded guilty to neglect of a care-dependent person and theft, sentenced to 2-5 years.
Amanda Weaver (Granddaughter), pleaded guilty to neglect of a care-dependent person and theft.
Anthony James Dorney (Granddaughter’s boyfriend), pleaded guilty to neglect of a care-dependent person and theft, sentenced to 2-5 years.

Family Members Plead Guilty in Elderly Man’s Neglect Death
DA: Family left Bucks County man to starve while they spent his money on cars, firearms
4 Charged In Deadly Bucks Co. Neglect Case Appear In Court
Four Held for Trial in Deadly Neglect of Elderly Man

Carol Simon and Brayden Otto

Picture of Carol Simon. She is a heavyset woman with brown curly hair and fair skin; she is wearing a pink fuzzy scarf. Brayden is a young boy with red hair and fair skin, wearing a collared orange shirt.Name: Carol Simon.
Age at death: 48.
Disability: Unspecified skin condition.

Name: Brayden Robert-Emil Otto.
Age at death: 7.
Disability: Unspecified disability.

Died: November 20, 2016.
Cause of death: Strangled, throat cut.
Location: Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA.

Carol and her grandson Brayden were killed by her son, who strangled them and then slit their throats to make sure they were dead. Later, the killer claimed that he had done it as a “mercy killing”, because Carol was ill and wasn’t getting better and because Brayden was disabled.

Carol was an outgoing nurse who liked learning. Brayden was an elementary school student remembered for his big smile.

Case status:
Heath Allen Otto (Carol’s son, Brayden’s uncle), charged with first-degree murder, found not guilty by reason of insanity; committed to a mental institution.

Man who killed mother, nephew in 2016 not guilty by reason of insanity
Man told police he wanted to put mother, nephew out of their misery
7-year-old homicide victim was South Dakota suspect’s nephew
Name released of 7-year-old killed in double homicide
Accused killer makes amazing claim
Child in double killing also related to suspect
Child’s name released in double homicide
Brayden Otto, 7
Guestbook for Brayden Robert-Emil Otto
Brayden Otto’s Obituary
Carol L. Simon, 48
Monsters Among Us: Heath Otto charged with killing his mother, Carol Simon and a his 7-year-old nephew, Brayden Robert-Emil Otto
Trial on pause to evaluate competency of man charged with murder of mother, nephew

John Owings

Photo of John Owings against a background of leaves. He is a fair-skinned older man with graying hair and mustache. He has sunglasses propped up on his head.Name: John “Johnny Asia” W. Owings.
Died: November 19, 2016.
Age at death: 65.
Cause of death: Murder.
Location: Phoenicia, New York, USA.
Disability: Chronic illness, including Lyme disease.

Johnny’s wife poisoned him with prescription medication in a glass of wine.

He was a talented guitar player.

Case status:
Solane H. Verraine (Wife), pled guilty to manslaughter, sentenced to time served and released.

After more than a year in jail for assisting in her husband’s suicide, Solane Verraine reflects
Friends of Phoenicia couple shocked by murder charge
Phoenicia woman charged with murder after death in Route 214 apartment
Facebook: Johnny Asia
Johnny Asia Guitarist from the Future

Robert Wellburn

No PhotoName: Robert Wellburn.
Died: November 8, 2016.
Age at death: 72.
Cause of death: Pneumonia.
Location: North Shields, England, UK.
Disability: Dementia.

Robert lived in his home, and his son was supposed to visit and help him. But his son stopped visiting often enough, and eventually simply left him locked into his own unheated home without enough medication or food. When he was found, Robert was starving. He died of pneumonia a few weeks later.

Case status:
Robert Wellburn Jr. (Son), pleaded guilty to gross negligence manslaughter, sentenced to four years in prison.

Son jailed for manslaughter of his dementia-suffering dad by abandoning him
Dementia sufferer died ‘like prisoner in his own home’ after heartless son locked him in without a key

Andrea Spina

No PhotoName: Andrea Spina.
Died: November 7, 2016.
Age at death: 22.
Cause of death: Murder.
Location: Vespolate, Novara, Italy.
Disability: Autism, epilepsy.

Andrea’s father took him out of the institution where he lived; then, when Andrea was asleep, his father strangled him.

Case status:
Pietro Spina (Father), charged with murder, acquitted by reason of insanity.

Prosciolto Pietro Spina, l’uomo che uccise il figlio autistico e poi tentò il suicidio
Man kills disabled son, attempts suicide
The family drama in Vespolate: father kills disabled child and attempted suicide
Novara: uccide figlio disabile e tenta suicidio: padre ricoverato in ospedale
Novara, 52enne soffoca il figlio 20enne disabile e tenta il suicidio
“Non può restare solo” e disperato prende una sconcertante decisione
Vespolate, uccide il figlio disabile e tenta il suicidio
Uccide il figlio disabile e tenta il suicidio. Temeva che sarebbe rimasto da solo
Vespolate, padre uccide il figlio disabile e poi tenta il suicidio
Dramma a Vespolate: “Non riusciamo a darci spiegazioni del gesto di Pietro”
Il dramma di Vespolate: “Pietro voleva farla finita, ma nessuno immaginava uccidesse il figlio”

Henry Wilson

Black and white newspaper photo of Henry Wilson, a middle-aged man with dark hair, light skin, and glasses.Name: Henry Wilson.
Died: September 3, 2016.
Age at death: 70.
Cause of death: Suffocation.
Location: Ayr, Scotland, UK.
Disability: Chronic heart disease.

When Henry expressed a desire to die, his wife left out a dose of her medication for him and left the house. When she returned he was not dead, so she took a pillow and smothered him.

Case status:
Susanne Wilson (Wife), pleaded guilty to culpable homicide; no sentence, walked free from court.

74-year-old woman charged with murdering her husband, 71, at their home in Ayr
Wife killed sick husband with cushion after sex allegations
Wife walks free after killing husband
Ex-councillor who killed husband to death avoids jail
Wife who killed suicidal husband walks free