Joseph Adams

No PhotoName: Joseph Maoping Adams.
Died: December 3, 2011.
Age at death: 5.
Cause of death: Vinegar poisoning.
Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA.
Disability: Hirschsprung’s disease; colectomy.

Joseph had eaten some sprinkles, chocolate, and butter, which he was not allowed to have. In an attempt to force Joseph to vomit, his adoptive parents made him drink so much vinegar that he died from vinegar poisoning.

Joseph was born in Hangzhou, China and was an international adoptee.

Case status:
Deah Daniele Adams (Adoptive mother), pleaded guilty to abuse, sentenced to 6 months probation.
Rick Adams (Adoptive father), not charged.

Sudden death due to forced ingestion of distilled white vinegar
Joseph Maoping Adams
Details emerge in hearing about 2011 death linked to vinegar
Chinese adoptee Joseph Maoping Adams case-Child Death