Liese Sparks

No PhotoName: Liese Colleen Sparks.
Died: February 23, 2018.
Age at death: 57.
Cause of death: Stabbed.
Location: Tallahassee, Florida, USA.
Disability: Chronic illness; mobility impaired, unable to walk.

Liese’s son had a history of threatening and mistreating her, but she depended on him to care for her because of her limited mobility.

While she was in the hospital, Liese’s son allegedly entered her room and stabbed her to death.

Case status:
Alexander Sparks (Son), charged with premeditated murder, found incompetent to stand trial, committed.

Son who stabbed mother at hospital found incompetent for trial
He apparently did it right after a nurse had checked on her
Son charged with stabbing mom to death in her hospital room told cops she ‘was a bad influence’
Son Charged with Stabbing Mother to Death in Tallahassee Hospital
Support My Moving Fund organized by Liese Sparks
Man who killed mom in hospital battled mental illness