Beth Spaulding

Black and white photo of a woman with dark hair and pale skin. Her make-up is neatly done; there are tiny stars painted along her cheek and a piercing in her lower lip. She is smiling.Name: Beth Marie Spaulding.
Died: April 2, 2012.
Age at death: 31.
Cause of death: Methadone poisoning.
Location: Fremont, Ohio, USA.
Disability: Chronic illness, ovarian tumor.

Beth’s husband poisoned her with methadone.

Beth was talented at photography and make-up, and used these skills to help others develop their confidence. She was a Humane Society volunteer who fostered a dog named Sweetie Pie, a poodle/schnauzer mix rescued from a puppy mill. When Sweetie Pie needed a $1500 cancer surgery from having been forced to have litter after litter for years, Beth raised the money and saved the dog’s life. After Beth was murdered, her mother adopted Sweetie Pie.

Case status:
Jason Risenburg (Husband), pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter, sentenced to 11 years.

Husband enters plea to reduced charge
Beth Spaulding Murder: How Did She Die? Who Killed Beth Spaulding?
Mother of woman killed in her sleep by husband ‘outraged’ at plea deal
Photos of Beth Marie “Beffy” Spaulding
Mother demands justice after daughter’s husband pleads not guilty to murder