Heidi R.

Photo of a middle-aged woman with wispy, short brown hair, pale skin, and glasses.Name: Heidi R.
Died: April 28, 2019.
Age at death: 49.
Cause of death: Strangled.
Location: Turnhout, Belgium.
Disability: Mild intellectual disability.

Heidi lived with her sister and her sister’s girlfriend. One night, Heidi’s sister took her for a walk along the river, where she allegedly strangled her and dumped her body in the water.

Heidi was an outgoing chatterbox. She worked in a sheltered workshop, and was looking forward to moving back to Arendonk and having a home of her own. At work, she was known as cheerful and helpful, liked by both management and co-workers.

Case Status:
Inge R. (sister), arrested on suspicion of murder.
Daisy VM (sister’s girlfriend), arrested on suspicion of murder.

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