
Photo of an Indian woman with tan skin and dark hair drawn back from her face. She is wearing a necklace and earrings; the collar of a striped shirt can be seen at the edge of the picture.Name: Lalitha.
Died: January 13, 2024.
Age at death: 60.
Cause of death: Strangled.
Location: Alappuzha, Kerala, India.
Disability: Diabetes, double leg amputee.

After Lalitha told her son off for drinking too much, he allegedly strangled her to death. Police say he was “fed up with taking care of his bedridden mother”.

Case Status:
Bineesh (Son), charged with murder.

Alcoholic man strangles bedridden mother to death in Alappuzha
Alappuzha man strangles bed-ridden mother to death for questioning drinking habit