Maura Flores

No PhotoName: Maura Nava Flores.
Died: December 18, 2021.
Age at death: 79.
Cause of death: Hypothermia.
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Disability: Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia.

Maura’s body was found by the side of the road where she had died from exposure. When police questioned her niece, she reportedly admitted to dropping Maura at the side of the road because she was having incontinence issues and the Salvation Army shelter looked full.

Case Status:
Rosamaria Moreno (Niece), charged with murder.

Police: Woman caretaker faces murder charge, didn’t notice aunt was missing for 4 days
Nevada Woman Charged With Murder After Allegedly Dumping 79-Year-OId Aunt on the Road at Night and Not Noticing She Was Missing Until 4 Days Later
Las Vegas Woman Charged With Murder After Elderly Aunt Found Dead On Side Of Road
Las Vegas caretaker accused of dumping elderly aunt’s body on the side of the road