Maurice, Leo, and Ivonna Vanhaverbeke and Gerard Vercamer

No PhotoName: Maurice Vanhaverbeke.
Died: 1978.
Age at death: 79.

Name: Leo Vanhaverbeke.
Died: May 17, 1986.
Age at death: 81.

Name: Gerard Vercamer.
Died: 2004.
Age at death: 80.

Name: Ivonna Vanhaverbeke.
Died: January 27, 2011.
Age at death: 90.

Cause of death: Air embolism.
Location: Menen, Belgium.
Disability: Unspecified; frail elders.

Maurice, Leo, Gerard, and Ivonna were family members of a serial killer who worked as a nurse and killed patients who were elderly or had terminal illnesses, usually by smothering them or injecting air bubbles into their bloodstreams. He is thought to have committed at least ten murders, including those of four family members. He called them “mercy killings”, but there is no evidence any of his victims wanted to die.

Case status:
Ivo Poppe (Family member). Ivonna was his mother; Leo and Gerard were great-uncles; Maurice was his father-in-law. Convicted of 5 counts of murder, sentenced to 9-27 years.

17 // Deacon of Death // Ivo Poppe // ANGEL OF DEATH • Talk Murder To Me – via Podcast Addict
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