Patricia Kearney

Photo of Patricia Kearney, a woman with tanned skin and short dark-blonde hair. She is wearing glasses and a tank top. She is looking off to the left of the photo.Name: Patricia Kearney.
Died: July 6, 2016.
Age at death: 56.
Cause of death: Blunt-force injury, head trauma.
Location: Tonga.
Disability: An “incurable nerve disorder”.

Patricia died from multiple blunt-force injuries to her head and body, including a blow to the head that caused bleeding in the brain. Her husband said she fell down the stairs, but witnesses reported seeing Patricia’s husband beating her to death.

Case status:
Dean Fletcher (Husband), arrested for murder; escaped from Tonga police, arrested by US police. US refused extradition and released him in Hawaii without charges.

A death in paradise
Man who won’t be extradited to Tonga for wife’s murder says he’s innocent
Tonga disappointed with US denial of extradition for murder accused